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Aaron Ploof

Why does Sora need Roxas to wake back up?

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I've always taken it for granted that Sora needed Roxas to merge with him to wake back up, but now that I really think about it, it doesn't make sense to me.


Sora was getting along fine without Roxas in KH1, even though he was incomplete.  If Sora was able to exist separately from Roxas then, what makes it necessary for Sora to merge with him now?

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As seen in 358/2 Days, Roxas as well as Xion have picked up memories from Sora so they both needed to go with him to return them so Sora could have his memory complete and wake up from the process Naminé put him into :)

Thanks.  It's been a while since I"ve played that game.

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I thought it was because Sora was fine for a while, but then Namine started firetrucking with his memories and some of them got scattered into Roxas and Xion. Sora was put to sleep to begin with because they didn't want him to potentially wake up in a world where people might not even remember him ("Uh... who's this Sora dude?"). Hence the whole fiasco with getting Roxas and Xion to merge back with Sora. They had his remaining memories, and without them, Namine couldn't do her job.

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I always took it to be that sora was fine until Com. In Com when Soras memories were being taken apart, some of them slipped away. Since they couldn't get back to Sora, because they had been replaced with new memories by Namine, they went to Roxas- who is essentially Sora just another person.


  I always believed that when you turn into a heartless, and a nobody is created, your memories begin to float to the closest piece of you they can find- which is your nobody. I always thought of it as, your memories are attached to your heart, which is attached to your soul. If your heart is corrupted by darkness and ripped from your body, leaving your body and soul behind, your memories go with the new heartless. But they cant live in the heartless, so they begin to slowly float back to your soul and its container. Since sora became whole again before his memories could float back, he got to keep them, leaving Roxas with nothing. When Soras memories couldn't go back to him, it started the process of memory transfer to Roxas. And Xion, who was created, given life by some of those memories, became another vessel for those memories to float to. And when more and more memories floated into her, well, we all saw what happened.

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sora doesn't need roxas to come back. the plot does

square enix is the master of retconning

True, but I don't think that's really a retcon. It's more like expansion of the story. Obviously, Sora has to wake up somehow and a lot of the 'how' he would be able to is kind of fuzzy even in CoM and even the stuff we do know makes it kind of weird. Namine's just like, 'Oh, I f**ked up your memory, but I'll just put them back together and everything will be okay.' With the addition of Roxas (and later, Xion) it adds a whole new layer to the story. Plus, I mean, KHII was only a year away in Japan, so it's pretty obvious that Nomura had already planned all this out prior to KHII coming out.


But yeah, before the events that put him to sleep in the first place, it seems like Sora was actually getting along pretty well. He didn't really look like he was missing much, and it's not like Roxas absolutely had to return to him. For all intents and purposes, Roxas is essentially a complete being because he does have a heart, he just happened to have been born the same way all Nobodies do.


Although, it seems like the two would never be allowed to be near each other due to the whole 'being the same person' thing, so that'd be a strange complication as it is.

Edited by Kaweebo

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