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Laurent Wach

I guess I'm new here, so Hi !

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My name is Laurent. Yes, I signed up with my facebook because I'm too lazy too create an account.   xD


I originally come from France, but I have recently moved to Vancouver. I've discovered Kingdom Hearts 12 years ago when the first one came out and it has been a revelation. The first one is defenitely my favourite video game ever but I love all of them.


I must say that this game helped find out what I wanted to do in my professional life. So I feel eternally grateful for KH for helping me becoming a character animator. ^^


I've been incredibly touched by the fan testimonies in the promotional video of KH 2.5 remix, that's why I have been looking for forums to find out more about what is going on in the KH fan community and who they are.


I'm looking forward to meeting you and feel free to tell me something about yourself if you have time, and give me a glance at what I should expect finding here.  :smile:


See ya!





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Gathered friends, today is a momentous day. I am pleased to announce that a new comrade has been chosen to where the coat. Let us all welcome Laurent Watch.


<Guess which world I'm most hoping for in KH III<Go on, guess<I bet you'll never figure it out.


As for what you can expect here, a lot of support, a LOT of randomness, a lot of theories a lot of discussion. This is one of the few places on the internet where a discussion doesn't devolve into petty name calling, and I'm glad of that.

Edited by Isamu_Kuno

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Thanks for your replies! :)  


Isamu -> I'm a very bad guesser but randomly I would say Treasure Planet, maybe? 


For me I would like to see Tangled or Wreck-it Ralph, I would find it interesting to have a world from a very recent feature, although I fear that if they had to pick one they would go with Frozen because of all the hype around this one. But that would be a bit disappointing, Wreck-it Ralph with the concept of exploring video games worlds could actually be a good call. 


As for the old traditional animated features, I would love to see The Great Mouse Detective. I mean they do have the London of Peter Pan which is almost the same timeline so why not simply mix their stories. It could be fun, don't you think?


Who else would like to share his hopes for a KH world?

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