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Danex Darkfire +

why does Xehanort want Ven? (possible spoilers)

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Okay, so this may sound like a dumb question, but why is it that Xehanort is trying to find Ven? And what's the deal with the chamber of repose? Is it because he wants Ven and Aqua for the thirteen darknesses? If so, why not just get someone else? I mean, he practically picked up Braig off the streets and said "hey, wanna be a xehanort?" It doesn't seem like Xehanort really has that high of standards

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I'd like to assume that it's because Ventus is a powerful Keyblade wielder in his own right, so he'd be a nice addition on Team Dark (we aaall danced in FIRE!), but we all know the real reason is that Xehanort is a creepy old man who really likes Ventus. And Terra. And I'll bet Vanitas, too.

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I don't remember what interview it was in but Nomura said that Xemnas' desire to find Ventus was fueled by Terra's memories. Of course post KH3D would implicate it as search for another darkness but I would like to note that Xemnas started his search when he already had thirteen members. Even with post KH3D retcons Xemnas still was influenced by Terra.

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It's prolly a mixture of Terra looking for his old friend and Xehanort wanting another darkness..Since Xemnas is a mix of both Terra and MX.


Xehanort is covering his bases.


Terra wants to find his little bro.


Mish-mash 'em together, you get Xemnas.


I don't remember what interview it was in but Nomura said that Xemnas' desire to find Ventus was fueled by Terra's memories. Of course post KH3D would implicate it as search for another darkness but I would like to note that Xemnas started his search when he already had thirteen members. Even with post KH3D retcons Xemnas still was influenced by Terra.


Basically all of these. Xemnas, who was actively searching for the Chamber of Awakening and Ven, is made up of Xehanort's mind and Terra's body. However, parts of Terra remained in Xemnas, and influenced some of his actions, but not as much as Xehanort's influence. So since part of Terra wanted to find Ven, Xemans felt a need to find Ven too. However, since Xemnas was still more Xehanort than Terra, there is no telling what he would have done if he had found him. If anything, he would probably end up trying to awaken him and use him as another one of his pawns, like he tried to do with Roxas, Xion, and Sora. So while part of his search was out of a glimmering sense of friendship, it ultimately would have been corrupted to further his goals to gather 13 Seekers of Darkness, if it wasn't corrupted already.


It's just more proof of the sad fact that no matter who they are, Xehanort always has the upper hand and influence over Terra. Terra-Xehanort was probably the closest they ever got to being even, but Xehanort still had the upper hand with Terra struggling to overpower him. Xehanort's cheap tactic of using the Keyblade to release Terra from within him (or weaken, darken, forget? I'm kind of lost on what he did exactly) caused Terra's influence to be even weaker, however it also seemed to bar both of them from being dominant consciousnesses, as well as made the new Terra-Xehanort loose all of his memories. With the new body a fresh slate, it shared a sort of separate consciousness from Xehanort and Terra, though parts of their personalities sort of made up Terra-Xehanort. Eventually though Xehanort was able to sway more influence over the vessel and led him to the actions that split Terra-Xehanort into Ansem and Xemnas.


With that, each had their own consciousness as well, but they were still influenced by both Xehanort and Terra in different ways. Xehanort's influences are easier to spot, with both characters' excessive hand-gestures, grand speeches, and dark ambitions, as well as their intricate collective plan to form the 13 Seekers of Darkness to change the World. However, like with Terra-Xehanort, small parts of Terra could be glimpsed at through less obvious means. In Ansem, it can be seen in his constant goal to bring Riku to the dark side. Terra saw a purer part of himself in Riku and saw him worthy of becoming his successor, forming a bond between the two. This bond remained, however Xehanort's influence perverted the bond, leading Ansem to target Riku as a potential candidate for the 13 Seekers of Darkness. Also, it may stem from the fact that Xehanort as a Master (and Terra as a would-be-Master) still held some desire of having an apprentice, thus why Riku's dark mode resembles Vanitas so much. Also, as one fan pointed out, Terra-Xehanort and Ansem's Guardian might have stemmed from Terra or at least be a physical manifestation of Terra's darkness, which at this point is still fan-theory, but it's not entirely out of the realm of possibility (keep in mind though that this is solely based on a scene in DDD). As with Xemnas, aside from what I already brought up, he was able to use Xehanort's old Keyblade Armor and adopted Xehanort's old Black Coat as the Organization's uniform, while Terra's influence seemed to solely dependent on his friendship bond with Ventus and Aqua.


In each case, Xehanort's influence always seems to be more dominant, while's Terra's influences tend to be more in the background. Small little glimmers of Terra shine here or there, but ultimately Xehanort is the more imposing shadow amidst each character's personality. Hopefully in KH3 there will be some way to bring him back from the depths of Xehanort's darkness.

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Also I would imagine that Xehanort would understand that Ven's heart is pretty defenseless after his battle with Vanitas. So, it is conceivable that he would be looking for an easy to take over vessel that is a keyblade wielder. Also Terra is part of Xemnas.Edit: On the other hand, if Ven still has a heart of pure light, I don't think there would be darkness there for Xehanort to use to take over a heart. I am assuming he needs a heart to be tainted by darkness for the process to succeed. But I could be wrong.

Edited by Tigerruss

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