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you know when you're feeling depressed and you don'y know why?

That was axacly who I was feeling last afternoon.

I was feeling so down that I didn't even wanted to do the thing that I love most: sing.

after I left the computer, at 8:00 PM I was still the same way, but I got better when I decided to test the KH's DVD that I just copied from my neighbor. I got happy for playing it once again and I couldn't wait to see my friends on the MSN and chat with them about it...

when I came back here around midnight... no one was online...

Ok... I got depressed again...

I din't have anything to fo here on the internet... I just got even more depressed and I felt... lonely...

I guess I 've never felt so lonely

I've never needed a hugh so much.

I went to my bed and cried for like... an hour and a half... Hugging my pillow

And with that... All of my problems came to my mind.

I'm a little better now, but... I guess it's because I haven't tkae my remedies lately.

I have kinda of a serious case of hypothyroidism

And depression too... I guess...


Anyways, I just wanted to open up, even if no one posts here

and if you read it... thanks...

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You get used to being alone after awhile. I don't understand why other people have this emotion towards solitude when I never felt that sadness? Strange, a childish emotion I suppose.

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I'm sorry I was not online to talk to you then....or maybe I was, but just didn't answer? This makes me feel awful.... I wish I could give you a hug so that you could feel better, and sometimes our problems blow up in our face like that and we cry. Yes, it is painful to cry but also healthy, I cry from problems and stress too. I know how much pain loneliness brings but I am happy that you have the courage to go through your problems and health related issues. To me, you are a strong person and if you keep making it through, you'll fill that place of loneliness with something better.

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*Sniff* I feel like this all the time. Just let it out. Write. Draw. However you express yourself. I like listening to MSI whenever I get sad. owo It makes me feel awesome. I feel lonely all the time, especially with what I'm going through now, So I can understand. Its a good thing you can cry about it.


I can't come on at midnight because I go to bed at that time owo Well, you're time is one hour later than mine, So for you its midnight where its 11 here... when I actually go to bed =w= But If I am ever online, I usually have it on invisible. Chyeah....

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