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They ruined Kingdom Hearts II and Birth By Sleep!

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I'm glad I stick with the Jap version.

Japanese version has the same problems too. The NA version is word-for-word the exact same and infact the english lanuage track is ON THE DISC so it's not superior or special.


But on that note I have noticed a part in Port Royal 2nd Visit when the Grim Reaper knocks Sora and co onto the Intercepter and when it's panning over the cannons it hung for a good 4 seconds before continuing, not game breaking but noticeable nonetheless but it's not exactly leading me to scream that they've ruined KH2. I don't know aobut BBS since I'm still playing through KH2FM right now.


Though I can say so far I haven't encountered any glitches in the game and while the drive for thing may be longer I just remember it's calling forth data on a disc that has two whole games and an almost three hour movie on it so it's not exactly buging me and you get used to it.

Edited by Daxam XXI

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First, i saw no censorship. in bbsfm, she still said hell. i clearly heard it and its still in the text. as far as kh2fm, cant say yet, im still playing through 1.5 again so im playing them in chronological order. hell, heres a screenshot toprove it.


Edited by mistydolphin

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i'm only on Castle of Dreams in BBS, but it seems fine to me so far. Controls aren't any worse than the PSP version. I kinda like it brighter: makes it look more like the original movie. 

I can't say for KH II , as I haven't played it, but I think it's dumb they replaced the battle quotes. 

And honestly, "And all the power of Hell" isn't like you said "B****h Ima f**K you up", so why censer it? It was in the movie, for craps sake. 

But I wouldn't say the games are "ruined", no. Just changed and tweaked a little, and not always for the better. 

(Spellweaver for Aqua lags by two seconds, though..)

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Lol a patch? From Square? Lol that's funny because they never patch their games (which they should do like Nintendo does with their games). 

Well then I guess it all falls on the possibility of a touched up PS4 version. :P

Osaka team is lazy. They did mess some shit up (especially in the English version). In the ENG version loading times are slower, random freezes, bad translations, seem to be more crashes too. They were SOOO lazy that they put Ven voices on Roxas in-battle. There is no way that was intentional . 


Osaka also made 1.5 and that has loads of problems. 

Such as...?  >.>

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They censored the blood of the pirates and guns, too.

Yup. Problem?

What feels? Roxas and Ven are two diff. persons!

I got my copy just now.....They never censored "hell" in Enchanted Dominion. 

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Those reasons to say that 2.5 remix is ruined,are kinda stupid. I was thinking about something horribly wrong, not some ,minor differences about voice changes or loading times. It makes you seem like a hater, when even IGN hasnt said anything bad about it. 


The reviews are even higher that I expected, Im pretty sure that both games are still great and even better with the graphic/ost improvements.

Edited by DarkniteX

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Most of these complaints are invalidated by the whole 'I haven't even gotten my copy yet' thing. 


Even if they weren't, they're still nitpicky as shit things to complain about, regardless. The only thing I'm in agreement with is the Drive Form load times, because they're terrible in this version, but I think the game's great otherwise. You may as well go back and play KHIIFM on the PS2 if you're gonna be that picky about it.

Edited by Kaweebo

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"Kingdom Hearts isn't only for kids!" Disney will never realize this.[/size]

The fans are above 12 years old already?! Bitch please when the first game came out, I already was 14 years old like Sora.[/size]


I don't get the change of Roxas battle quotes now. Since KH2 came before, they should have used roxas battle quotes for Ventus in BBS not the other way around.[/size]

They do realize this. ESRB, overbearing parents, and schools don't.


The Ventus battle quotes aren't too far off from Roxas' voice.

Edited by Andrew Rowland

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If you think hell is a bad word, maybe you should be in first grade.

It depends on how you use it. Telling someone to go to hell is not exactly nice.

Seriously? And here I thought I was going to see something that actually mattered. I got upset when they messed up Ven's first Station of Awakening, but that was an aesthetic mistake. This stuff you're complaining about, it doesn't nearly impact the game as much as that. My advice: get over it and remember the other moments as they were, but don't let something so minor ruin a much improved upon experience for you. I'm even willing to look past the Station of Awakening mistake just for the sake of a polished up and better looking AND sounding game.

They didn't do that. I can confirm it.Edit: Wow, they actually did. An easy mistake for one person to make. Edited by Andrew Rowland

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Here's the thing about the loading times and ag and stuff

that's because it's on a 1x blu ray, it cant load as quickly as a DVD


also people experiencing lag with the controls, have a look at your TV setup. Try to have your console as directly connected to your TV as possible

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I can't believe it!


They changed some of the character's voices! Expecially Roxas! His battle qutoes were all removed and replaced with Ventus's ones! Maleficent's dialogue is censored and so as other things!


Not really a big deal. It's not like the whole script was rewritten.


Seriously? Kingdom Hearts ISN'T for kids! The majority of fans and players are above 12 already!


It's a Disney game still, even though Square makes it. Nothing we can do.


Controls got worse, too.


How so? Aside from the delay with the Drive forms, everything feels the same as before.


Some of the soundtrack doesn't feel the same.


Because it was all rewritten. I believe everything in BBS is the same as the PSP version, since they were all already live instruments unlike KH2 on the PS2.


The graphics got too colorful.


Where have you been? It's always been colorful (at least to me).


What's the point of playing a "better" version if its crappy? I can play FM in my PS2 just fine. 


You seem to be letting nitpicks get in the way of enjoying the game. Everything you've said have been very minor in nature (except maybe the controls, but for all I know that could just be you having trouble.


Just felt like replying to all of your points. My replies are in bold, obviously. Not trying to antagonize, but you've posted this very rudely, so expect people to defend the games.

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wait there is a delay when you select commands?

Not that I've seen. These games run smooth as can be, aside from drive form load times. Anyone complaining about the Finish commands and command styles in BBS obviously never played the PSP version. My only complaint with BBS is that the camera seems too focused on the characters. It's a minor issue and doesn't bother the experience, but I feel a bit burdened by the fact that the camera is too zoomed in for me to notice my surroundings. This wasn't a problem on the PSP due to the fact that it's a handheld title and with a small sized screen, I need a better view of the character to know what I'm doing. But on the PS3 I have plenty of space on the big screen to work with.

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It depends on how you use it. Telling someone to go to hell is not exactly nice.They didn't do that. I can confirm it.Edit: Wow, they actually did. An easy mistake for one person to make.

It's not nice but it's not a swear. It's a place. 

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