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Dio Brando

I know I will get some flack for this but....I kinda miss the simpler times of the KH series way back when

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Why is everyone getting upset about Time Travel in DDD? It was already a concept in KH2 with Timeless River. Same with the datascape in Space Paranoids. I personally saw the series heading in this direction when I played KH2 for the first time. All they did with Re:Coded and DDD was give those plot points more depth. Do I enjoy KH1 more? Sure it's simple and clean (; but with the secret endings and Chain of Memories it was clear this series was just getting started. 


KH2's time travel = within reason and limited to 1 world.


DDD's time travel = out-of-nowhere series-retcon only beneficial to MX while making everyone else look weak.

Edited by Alan Smithee

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It started so simply with just hacking and slashing with a key through Disney worlds, then kinda spiraled out into "Woa, wait what?"-ness around KH II and DAYS. 

It's a little hard to keep it all straight: Even with DDD I kept rechecking the game guides to the first games to reference plot points.

The series isn't BAD, it's just like, as did Final Fantasy, it changed with it's audience, grew from a liner, simple story into something bigger and more complicated. 

And I didn't not expect Sora to end up in Sleeping Worlds during the Mark of Mastery while playing the first game, nor did I expect the year long sleep, Nobody inclusion, Xehanort storyline addition, or anything else that happened. That kinda threw me. 

And when I first played BBS, having had no actual knowledge of the game prior due to not watching any promotions, It felt a little off putting, and the information seemed to be thrown at you from left field. 

Long story short, Simple and clean is not the way KH is tonight, but it's all good in the long run. 

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Kingdom hearts was confusing a little before ddd,but you could make sense of it very easily. Then Nomura had to add to a confusing story that requires you to play every game to understand, time travel. Honestly, the story was not even that confusing but time travel can rewrite everything you had thought about kingdom hearts.

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