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KH2 What difficulty are you starting on?

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I was thinking about critical mode, so I can get the extra boosts and stuff, but I don't know if it'll be too hard for me or too much of a challenge to enjoy it, if I'm struggling to have fun, because it's so hard. I've beaten KH2 on beginner, standard, and proud, and I'd say proud was the most enjoyable difficulty. I know critical is much harder than proud, but I don't know if it's worth moving up. Maybe I should do proud first, then critical? What do you guys think?

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  On 12/2/2014 at 6:54 PM, Dr. Shimo said:

Playing Birth by Sleep on Critical currently. Not as much of a challenge as I thought it was going to be. Then again, I'm no where near the end of the game or the secret bosses!

Crit mode for bbsfm wasnt tht hard. i played bbsfm on the psp all the time and the onll time i had a huge diffculty was Briag with Aqua and Red Eyes 

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Standard don't gonna try to beat it on critical anyway cause of the maester ice cream trophy.

But I'll try to defeat the secret bosses.


So for KH2 standard archieve everything then later I'll start on critical :).

Edited by KH4Real

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KH2 on proud for the trophy and BBS on beginner since it doesn't matter.


Can someone tell me if the minigames are easier on beginner... if so then I have more reasons to wait on getting the platinum. 

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Proud is way too easy in both games and I've already beaten KH2FM on critical so I'm going with critical. I honestly find proud way too easy in KH2FM so I don't find it very fun in comparison to glorious critical difficulty.

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I started with Critical, but I wouldn't recommend it for everybody. I've never played KH2 on Critical, since it wasn't available, but Proud always seemed like a good balance to me; in this case, I'm both a masochist and a trophy collector, so it was time to step up and try Critical.


For BBS, I would say that Proud is a little too easy, but maybe do Terra's on Proud just to get the hang of the controls.

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I do the same thig i do with every game iplay, start at the lowest and work my way up. I beat the original kh2 and bbs on the hardest difficulties way back when, even sephiroth, which was hard as ****. But im not stupid. im going into new territory, with new secret bosses. once i have a better feel for their capabilities, ill try the harder ones.

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I started off on Critical mode and man, is it hard.  I have died more often than I ever have before but it doesn't really feel cheap or bad.  There's a way to avoid every attack in the game and the difficulty just feels right.  You also get compensated by starting off with a lot of abilities. 

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  On 12/2/2014 at 7:32 PM, Shulk said:

Critical because I actually want a challenge out of both games for once. I also always go with the hardest difficulty, anyway. I can't enjoy them if I'm on Standard or Beginner.


Just remember to use No Experience/Zero EXP. It makes everything challenging :D

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  On 12/7/2014 at 9:17 AM, Sanmuri said:

Just remember to use No Experience/Zero EXP. It makes everything challenging :D

I think I'll go without that, honestly. I like a challenge, but I feel like it would just be plain tedious trying to slowly whittle down a boss' health at level 1. xD I'll probably try it at some point, just not my first run.

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  On 12/7/2014 at 4:21 PM, Shulk said:

I think I'll go without that, honestly. I like a challenge, but I feel like it would just be plain tedious trying to slowly whittle down a boss' health at level 1. xD I'll probably try it at some point, just not my first run.


I recommend trying it, beating bosses feels so much better :D

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