Weedanort 8,786 Posted December 1, 2014 So last Friday I decided to replay Emerald (Although it's on an emulator, NO CHEATS), and I'm going to give a short log about what I did so far, and what I'm about to do next Friday (End of the afternoon) -Begins game, names main character "Weed" - Chooses Mudkip, names it Yusei (KH13's user Yusei Fudo) - Beats rival at Route 103 with Yusei (LV8) (Night) - Heads off to Petalburg City, and catches a Lv4 Ralts. Names it Soul (KH13's user Soul Eater Evans) - After the Wally segment, catches a LV4 Shroomish. Names it Dev (KH13's user devereauxr) - Story progresses until we beat Roxanne (Yusei Lv15, Soul Lv14, Dev Lv15) Saturday (Morning) - Catches a Nincada at Lv6. Names it Sky (KH13's user SkyKeybladeHero) - Heads off to Dewford Town, trains team at Granite Cave. Yusei and Soul evolve into Marshtomp and Kirlia respectively. - Beats Brawly with no effort. (Yusei LV20, Soul Lv21, Dev Lv20, Sky Lv12) - Goes back to Petalburg City and catches Zigzagoon at Lv4. Names it Gedsunheit. (Afternoon) - Progresses to Mauville City, and trains in all Routes possible (Including the battle against Wally) - Beats Wattson with all team members. Dev evolves into Breloom (Yusei Lv 25, Soul Lv24, Dev Lv25, Sky Lv19) - Progresses to Fallarbor Town. Sky evolves into Ninjask, and obtains Shedinja. Catches a Skarmory at Lv 16, and names it Scott (KH13's user Scottish Skarmory) - Proceeds to Lavaridge Town, after dealing with all story elements before that, and beats Flannery. (Yusei LV30, Soul Lv 29, Scott Lv 27, Dev Lv 30). - Sadly leaves Sky in the box, and Soul evolves into Gardevoir. - Goes back to Petalburg City, and beats Norman. Yusei evolves into Swampert. (Yusei Lv 36, Soul Lv 34, Dev Lv 35, Scott Lv 32) (Night) - Heads off to Fortree City, defeating every trainer on the way. Catches Linoone at Lv 26, and names it Gedsunheit. - After arriving into Fortree City, proceeds to clear all Routes before Lilycove City, with the exception of Mt.Pyre. - Beats Wynona with ease (Yusei Lv 41, Soul Lv 40, Dev Lv 40, Scott Lv 39) - Proceeds with the story (Magma and Aqua Hideout), and gets to Mossdeep City. - Beats Lisa and Tate with relative ease (Yusei Lv 45, Soul Lv 43, Dev Lv 44, Scott Lv 46) Sunday (Morning) - Continues the plot, until Sootopolis City. Beats Juan, and proceeds to capture Rayquaza. Names it Marth (KH13's user Marth) (Yusei LV 49, Soul Lv 48, Dev Lv 50, Scott Lv 49, Marth Lv 70) (Night) - Clears Victory Road with some difficulty (I DIDN'T WANT THAT FLASH), and trains team for the Elite 4 (Yusei LV 52, Soul Lv 51, Dev Lv 52, Scott Lv 50, Marth Lv 70) This week I'll do the rest (Includes Elite 4, Regis, Groundon, Kyogre, Latios, Latias, Deoxys, Mew, Lugia, Ho-Oh, Steven, and Battle Frontier) 2 Ruby Rose and Marth reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TurtleDay 9 Posted December 1, 2014 That was quick! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Weedanort 8,786 Posted December 1, 2014 That was quick! I owe it to VisualBoyAdvance's option to speed up the game whenever I want to Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Weedanort 8,786 Posted December 6, 2014 Saturday (Afternoon) Weed's Team has conquered the Elite 4 and the Champion! - Yusei (Swampert) Lv 57 - Soul (Gardevoir) Lv 56 - Dev (Breloom) Lv 56 - Scott (Skarmory) Lv 56 - Marth (Rayquaza) Lv 70 - Gedsunheit (Linoone) Lv 26 http://youtu.be/_PDFGOVp2X4&autoplay=1 1 Marth reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites