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HD ReMixes Available Through Playstation Now?

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Some of you may be questioning this already, but hear me out.


You all know that being a committed fan, or at least a fan who wants to be committed, of Kingdom Hearts (before the release of 1.5 and 2.5 HD ReMix) needed to jump through a lot of hurdles to follow the franchise.


The original started off on the Playstation 2, then it jumped to the Gameboy with COM, then back to the Playstation 2 with KH2, and then it jumped to both the DS, PSP, and 3DS for Days, then BBS, then Re:Coded, and finally DDD, respectively.

That would mean you have needed to play seven games on five different consoles, and depending on your financial situation, that might be a bit of a hassle. I mean, really, if you were the richest people alive back then, you'd still need to pay quite a pretty penny to get all this stuff, especially brand new.


Obviously, we don't have that problem anymore. We have the 1.5 and 2.5 HD ReMixes. Granted, it's not perfect, considering that Days and Re:Coded aren't playable and DDD is being heavily debated on if it'll get a remaster or not, but for now, it stays on 3DS. So now you only need three games on two different consoles. A much better deal, right? Right.


That is until KH3 was announced to be on Playstation 4 and Xbox One.


Now, I'm not complaining, because I think at this point, KH3 can benefit a lot from being on current-gen consoles and whatnot. However, I think we as fans still deserve a little commendation. Why do I say that? Because Playstation Now exists.


Playstation Now, if you don't know, is a currently-being-tested streaming services that allows Playstation users to stream games (if I remember correctly, I could be wrong) that were originally released for Playstation 3, Playstation 2, and the original Playstation.


In that scenario: I think it would make sense if, maybe around the time that KH3 does come around (in about twenty years or so), that the two HD ReMixes will be available to purchase through PS Now. That why you could play those as well as KH3 all on one console, that being the PS4. 


I know there are a lot of problems with this idea: First off, PS Now is sort of iffy with some people right now. To be fair, it's still being worked on so we should at least try to put our best foot forward with it. Also, there's the issue of cheating out Xbox fans, considering KH3 will also be available for Xbox One and yet there are no Xbox 360 releases for the HD ReMixes. Plus, DDD is still up in the air in terms of re-releasing that game as well. The only argument I could honestly pose to those problems would be: well, sorry, but tough luck. :/ I mean, unless Microsoft cares enough about their gamers not getting the full KH experience or if somehow, DDD is allowed to be re-released on current-gen consoles other than the Wii U without sparking even more debate, there's nothing you can really do about it.


But that's not the point. My point is that we have a way, for the most part and definitely more of a way than we've ever had before, to play the entire KH franchise without shifting through another console cycle. So why not go for it? What harm could it really do?


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I agree completely but...


What about Kingdom Hearts χ[chi]...? >.>




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Nah, I'm kidding.


If anything, I can just see Chi being released through an American server. Other than that, it's pretty much in the same camp as DDD.

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Nope, not happening, Square/Disney isn't allowed to release them digitally, because of some kind of licensing issue. I think from them not having the rights to release Utada's songs digitally or something.

Edited by Isamu_Kuno

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Nope, not happening, Square/Disney isn't allowed to release them digitally, because of some kind of licensing issue. i think from them not having the rights to release Utada's songs digitally or something.


You don't need to release them digitally to have them on PS Now. PS Now is streaming. FFXIII isn't available digitally but it's on PS Now.

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True, but unless they get her back on board I don't see it happening, I'd like it but I just don't think it will.


Well they have to make it playable on new platforms somehow. PS4 and Xbox One games require digital releases.

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Well they have to make it playable on new platforms somehow. PS4 and Xbox One games require digital releases.

Well if it Utada doesn't do the song, then KH III won't be an issue to go digital either streaming or download. The earlier games, however, I don't think they're required to put those on PS4. Hopefully she will get on board and re-negotiate her contract to allow them to make the songs available digitally.

Edited by Isamu_Kuno

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Well if it Utada doesn't do the song, then KH III won't be an issue to go digital. The earlier games, however, I don't think they're required to put those on PS4. Hopefully she will get on board and re-negotiate her contract to allow them to make the songs available digitally.


They aren't required but I don't think you want to these amazing games unplayable on modern hardware in five years time.

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They aren't required but I don't think you want to these amazing games unplayable on modern hardware in five years time.

True, but if they're prevented by a contract, then they can't no matter how much they want to. Legalities and all that.

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I recall around 2013 that I was following 1.5 HD ReMIX -- before it was announced to be coming to North America. So, naturally, I deviated ways to acquire the game in my homeland and figured I could use my pre-existing knowledge of the game to assist me. My first attempt at doing so was to make a Japanese PSN account (which I did) and then buy it digitally when it was released about 6 months before NA. That, however, I did not do. Why? Simple -- it was not released digitally. 


Having experienced that, I would have to say not to have high hopes for PSNow support for KH 1.5 & 2.5 as it doesn't follow their typical grand scheme of handling the game. 


Recommendation: Pawn shops are cheap -- I mean dirt cheap. One around where I live sells PS3s and Xboxs on sale for $20-$40 and around $60-$100 off sale. I suggest picking one up from there to satisfy your need to play the game. 

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