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Ruby Rose

Film Star Wars The Force Awakens Teaser Trailer #1

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Looks like the Rebels are still fighting the Empire 30 years later, or the remnants of the Empire have been amassing their resources and biding their time to strike up until now with a new possible Sith at the helm

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Saw this earlier today. Sweet Jedi Arceus. It's got a different feel from what I'm used to, and I like it so far.


Lot of complaining already from what I've heard. Especially about the lightsaber. It looks pretty cool imo. Also this film won't come out for another year, it's just a teaser, a glimpse.

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Trailer seems pretty good

not sure how anybody can make any claims about the movie being good or bad yet though, they didn't show us THAT much


A lot of fans, especially ones that straight-up loathed the prequels are in "Fool me once..." mode. Memories of the Episode I trailer causing this massive hype unlike anything else are coming back. Go on a Star Wars fansite, or the comments section of a large website discussing the trailer, you'll probably find people tearing it to pieces, and lots of arguments. 


Me, well, I don't hate the prequels. I think they could have been better, yeah, and there's definitely some script issues. But I liked Episode I when it came out (I was 9), and my parents did too, (even my dad who hates sci-fi/fantasy movies), and I didn't even know that so many people hated Episode I until I got an internet connection. 


Still, I think it's best to go into the next film not too hyped yet not too skeptical. I'm just gonna throw everything I expect out the window on the day the film comes out. Until then, I'll just enjoy the ride.

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Oh my God, everyone, I saw this trailer about 3 hours ago at my best friend Jonathan's house, and I told him to record my reaction video, and I plan on uploading it tomorrow if possible!  Oh God, this teaser really had me on the edge of my seat, and I loved that sick looking lightsaber!  Good lord, that looked amazing! STORMTROOPERS, X-WING FIGHTERS, THE MILLENIUM FALCON, TIE FIGHTERS, SO MUCH IN SUCH A SHORT TEASER!!!  Damn it, I want to see how Han, Luke and Leia look already!  I'm so psyched to see this film! :D

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A lot of fans, especially ones that straight-up loathed the prequels are in "Fool me once..." mode. Memories of the Episode I trailer causing this massive hype unlike anything else are coming back. Go on a Star Wars fansite, or the comments section of a large website discussing the trailer, you'll probably find people tearing it to pieces, and lots of arguments. 


Me, well, I don't hate the prequels. I think they could have been better, yeah, and there's definitely some script issues. But I liked Episode I when it came out (I was 9), and my parents did too, (even my dad who hates sci-fi/fantasy movies), and I didn't even know that so many people hated Episode I until I got an internet connection. 


Still, I think it's best to go into the next film not too hyped yet not too skeptical. I'm just gonna throw everything I expect out the window on the day the film comes out. Until then, I'll just enjoy the ride.

not to go on a tangent, but yeah, I liked Episode 1 as well, and the other two. Kid me didn't really care about the script, or the politics, or the romance, or the acting. I just liked seeing the Jedi do Jedi things, and seeing cool space ships, and guns that could turn into grappling beams, and battledroids. And those cool energy ball weapons the Gungans had.

As a sci fi adventure, all of Star Wars is pretty good. Some si better than others

but none of it is what I'd call bad

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Loving how this looks more inspired from the original trilogy's traditional FX with CGI being only the exception (or maybe the CGI is so good it looks realistic, I can't tell). Star Wars should be in good hands now, can't wait. 


Meanwhile in George Lucas' version:


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