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Opinion on Kingdom Hearts III Being on Xbox One (late thoughts)

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How's it been everyone? Been awhile since I was on the forums (senior year in high school keeps you busy xD #Classof2015) but anyway, I wanted to share my thoughts on KH 3 being on Xbox One for some time but never got around to it (like I said, high school). When KH 3 was announced back in E3 2013 for PS4 I was ecstatic for a franchise to finally have its 3rd main installment in over 8 years. Then the next day, it was confirmed to be released for the Xbox One alongside the PS4, then I became irritated. The only reason I felt angry at Square's decision was because of the old policies Xbox One had before Microsoft rid of them (Always Online, etc.) but once they were gone, I calmed down and began to look at it in a different way. There are some fans that boldly state, "Kingdom Hearts doesn't deserve to be on Xbox! It's only suppose to be Playstation only!". While I understand those statements, you have to look at it from another perspective. Yes, the main reason for KH3 on the X1 is because of the MONEY. Simple as that. Although, I personally myself view it as something for the gamers who had played Kingdom Hearts back when it was on PS2 but have migrated over the course of the recent 2 generations of consoles to Xbox. It's only fair. Gamers who have xbox consoles doesn't necessarily mean that they haven't played Kingdom Hearts and aren't eagerly waiting for the next game like we are. It's fair for those anxious gamers to receive their long time wish too. At the end of the day, they are still fans like us and i'm happy that they will be able to enjoy a long overdue game like the gamers on Playstation's side. They were just like us back in 2002 & 2005, playing a series that we all fell in love with, of course not all Xbox owners but a good fraction of them were. (Heck, not all playstation gamers played kingdom hearts either) So honestly, I don't care that KH3 is multiplatform, at least everyone will get to enjoy it and that is all that matters. 


Happy Early Thanksgiving Everyone :D

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It doesn't bother me. I don't see why it would. I'm gonna get it on PS4 and people who have an xbone can play it. So that's good for them.

Edited by Squirting Demyx

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I liked the idea have KHlll for xbox one, I'm a PC kind of person, and I don't play much in the console, but I buyed an XboxOne to play KH and I and my family have a lot of fun in the kinect, here the xbox makes everyone happy and I also can play KHlll.

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Yeah i felt like that for awhile, but i see it as a way to increase the fanbase since every other installment of kh required a different system which was annoying and having it on two consoles so we have a choice now instead of only getting one system  

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I was a little ok that's odd to just add that all of a sudden but it doesn't affect me or for that matter it shouldn't affect anyone really if you are gonna get it for PS4 then get it for PS4 and if you wanna get it for the Xbox One get it for the Xbox One.  This is probably for those who moved from PlayStation to Xbox when the 360 came out and I know a few people who played Kingdom Hearts games but moved on to Xbox so it's good for those kinds of people.

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Though there weren't as many converts from PS3 to XBO as there were XB360 to PS4, if they can do it with no hard feelings anywhere (except for the butthurt fanbase) why not? More variety and choice is never a bad thing.


I will be playing it on PS4, because I like the controller better, but I hope by the time it comes out I'll have both consoles.

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Gonna play devil's advocate here, going multi-platform is not just a way to make money, but also an easy path to lowering the quality of the game in many ways. Diverting members of the team to porting when they could be working on the game itself, for example, or downgrading one version in order to make the other seem just as good, and the game will play less to each system's strengths


Though let's be honest, the much more confusing thing is who will even buy the game on Xbox when that demographic has so little crossover with the KH fanbase, and there has never been a single game on their system. Like Final Fantasy XIII already sold a fraction of what it sold on the PS on the 360, and XIII was a standalone title, what hope does KH have?


But eh, more people playing KH games is fine by me

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It's funny,i don't even acknowledge there is an xbox1 version unless someone brings it up.


It's only when i go on random forums/kh sites that i acknowledge there's an xbox version which i usually end up forgetting about again,in the end it doesn't effect me in anyway.I don't know anyone who plays kh games nor do i know anyone that even has an xbox one.


What difference does it make to me that little billy who lives 15 miles away or half way across the globe who i don't even know exist in the first get's to play kh3 on xbox1.

Edited by GroovingOnUp

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The only reason for my dislike of Kingdom Hearts III also being released for XBox One is the fact that it's the only Kingdom Hearts game that'll be available on a Microsoft platform.  For those who have an XBox 360 and can't afford to buy a PS3, all those gamers will be missing out on the ReMixes.  If Square decides to port the ReMixes over to the XBox 360, then that would be good, because at least the Microsoft players will get the chance to experience the ReMixes, and when Kingdom Hearts III comes out, they can play it on their XBox Ones!  But, seeing as how Nomura wanted to bring all the other games in one single console, I doubt that he'll port them over to XBox 360, but hey, who knows?  That's about my only gripe about Kingdom Hearts making its way to a Microsoft platform for the first time, but in all honesty, the more gamers are introduced to Kingdom Hearts, the better, so heck, let's hope it also sells on XBox One!  


Just pointing it out though, that the most sold version will be the PS4 version. :3

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Also class of 2015, but I don't see why it bothers people so much why it's on XBONE. It's like someone who has had apples for 12 years gets mad at someone who has had their 1st apple

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What irked me about the whole Xbox one thing is that they were going to support all those ridiculous policies.  After that it was like I don't really care.

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Anyone who is annoyed at Kingdom Hearts III being on Xbox One just needs to grow up. Multi-platform is the best way to make money.

Exactly! Also anyone who still has that grudge needs to get over it. Also, anyone who is petitioning for KH3 to be on the Wii U needs to forget about it. There is absolutely no way that SQEX will shift to Wii U after working on this title for 4 years. The Wii U's capabilities would not handle KH3 anyway.

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