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Shard the Gentleman

Weird Supernatural/DoctorWho/Smallville Dream

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I had a dream that Smallville, Doctor Who, and Supernatural had a joint event. It was weird. Like, The Doctor had recorded important deaths throughout history, and Clark was on there. Dean and them were watching, and found out that a Demon had possessed him, causing him to kill Lana and Lex. And I guess it was important because Luther corp fell and Lana never became the Kryptonite thing.

Some other Alien took over Luther Corp, and the secretary wouldn't believe Dean when he told her, so she tried to kill her... in the end, Dean confronted the Alien, who is revealed to be an Intelligent Alien from Aliens. Dean dies, Castiel kills the Alien, tries to bring back Dean, but sacrifices his remaining grace to do so. So, Dean comes back, but Castiel dies instead. 

Dean tries to make a deal with Possessed Clark, his soul in exchange for Castiel's return. Clark didn't take the deal, and instead just killed Dean. Meanwhile, Sam and the Doctor are in the TARDIS watching everything. Sam has a heart attack and dies. The Doctor just kind of shrugs, dumps the body out of the TARDIS, and goes back to London.

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