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Tips on learning languages?

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I had no idea where to post this so..


As the title said, I need tips on how to learn a new language... I'm practicing Spanish at home on my own right now, and well .. I want to learn faster (I need to get fluent as fast as possible).


Right now I practice by using a cd, some kind of "Learn spanish for begginners" thing.

I already watch spanish tv, even thought I don't understand everything ..

My dad speaks spanish at home sometimes, but only sometimes .. such as during the dinner time etc.

And music, of course! I listen to music in spanish too ^^


So Yeah ... How did you guys do to learn a language?



Edit: Btw, I'm not a total beginner, I've been studying for a while now O_o

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Well I am trying to learn Japanese. So, I watch japanese commercials. I also look up japanese video games and anime to try to learn it. I also go to japanese websites where they teach you japanese. I can read and speak some japanese. I also starting to learn the money in japanese. And I've only been learning japanese for 3 months now.

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ive heard that rosetta stone is good, an aquantaince of mine is using it, and her little brother and sister (about 5 and three year olds) were actually able to learn some spanish, which i find amusing, i would recommend it considering that

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Well firstly you'll need initiative and a general interest in that language and associated culture like for you an interest in Spain or Latin America. Trust me you could be learning languages for years and get nothing. Where I live I had to learn Irish since I was 7 and after all these years, franky inadequate teaching (from qualified teachers) and lack of interest means after 12 years the extent of the knowledge of my language and culture is lousy phrases for tests, potatoes, hurling and stout. However at the same time time since I was 12 I learned French and bits and about their culture and after 7 years of mild intrigue I have and intermediate understanding of the French language. I also have more or less an intermediate understanding of Spanish but I didnt get the formal training I received for Irish & French. Dont worry bout Spanish to much its not to hard to pick up.

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I'd say japanese is harder than spanish even if see jap more often o-o learning the symbols isn't easy o-o

There was a time , I was into spanish and I had this translation program to know the words . I want on utube spanish vids and trying to understand at least the meaning they were trying to give if not the whole sentence D: I was always pretty good with languages so that was good o-o Then I kinda got bored and gave up o-o The best way to actually get used to a language is to go to the country itself :3 Helps a ton in most cases !

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@CardCaptorDeadpool ... If you knew me , you'd know how much I love the language, the culture and the country itself. I'm patriotic .. (spain in this case)

My teachers set me to study the same thing over and over again for 3 years.

reason? .. changing teachers, they wanted to see "what we knew so far"


@Maffy .. You don't see so much spanish related things around in your everyday life, do you?

At least I don't..

japanese .. Anime and manga fans .. they learn very quickly.


I've been there! but those darn people speak in 200 km/h !

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Try looking up some kind of anime on YouTube or anything in Spanish that has the Spanish words, and then the English above. I learned Korean like that. (and the dumb Tae-Kwon-Do handbook, but that's boring)

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The best thing to do is use it on a daily basis. owo I practice with my family, and listen to A LOT of Spanish music. And try to incorporate into fun things too, instead of just making it pure boredomness owo

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Well yeah , I know japanese is more common than spanish arnd us but that alone won't help you learn it well ! Apart from the grammar which is , as every grammar is , confusing , the 3 kinds of writing doesn't make it easy either D: Spanish uses latin characters so that's a huge plus compared to japanese o-o Just objectively , I think japanese would be harder than spanish even with anime/manga arnd o-o

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uhmm, about that spanish vs japanese matter.... they're both quite simple languages, while spanish has some tricky grammar, japanese kanji (individual, complex characters which often have multiple meanings and pronounciations so you have to get which it is by regarding the sentence's content) can be quite a pain in the butt sometimes... you don't have to know ALL the kanji, japanese people don't even know, so sometimes, like in magazines and co, they write the kanji in hiragana (simple, regular japanese ABC) above the kanji so everyone can understand..



back to topic, the best thing to learn the language would naturally be to go to a course. but since not everyone has the money for it or doesn't want to pay, only selfteaching methods are left which, if you don't even have any basics, are extremely difficult..


you HAVE to have someone who knows the language and who you can talk to and ask grammar respective things and so on, it doesn't work otherwise. i think it's best to start with an online course which also has audio features, tests and other stuff. if you write down everything and keep practising it you may acquire some basics you can form sentences with.. and then comes the important part: talking and writing, that's where that spanish-speaking person is urgently needed..


well, hope that helped you

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Well,I orginially speaked spanish.I have no idea how I learned english and became this good at speaking it,I didn't take lessons or anything.Mom says that it just happened on vacation when we went to Disney.Right now I'm learning Japanese thanks to anime,and I'm on my way to french.I also agree with Ven,spanish is very tricky with grammar.I still fail a little in spanish class more than in english class.My suggestion is to practice and speak spanish with your dad oftenly,that way you could get used to it.Maybe you could ask him to teach you a thing or two too.

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I am going to take a course in my school. step 3.

And my dad already speaks the language, fluently so I do have someone to talk to,


Great conditions then, good luck

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