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The Transcendent Key

Everyone, I Have An Announcement...

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Before I begin, a message for the haters.  If all you are going to do is post negative comments, then don't bother posting at all.


Hello there everyone, and good evening.  By now you've all realized that Kirie doesn't come online as much as she used to anymore, and I'm sure a lot of you are wondering why.  Well, I'm here to shed light on that subject.  I discussed this with Kirie and we decided I'd be the one to announce this.  Okay then, here goes...


You see, the reason that Kirie doesn't come online as much as she used to anymore is because she's been heavily focused on school. She's been trying her hardest to pass her classes with excellent grades because she wants to be able to go to college, and those are admirable goals, to be sure.  I know her better than anyone, and let me just say that she's been through a hell of a life, and in this moment of her life, she's finally seeing a ray of hope shine down on her as she continues to study and push forward to reach her goals.  And well, since she doesn't come online that much anymore, she and I had a long conversation...and she broke up with me...


I know you are all probably feeling shocked right now, believe me, no words can explain the shock I had when it happened.  But let me put this to rest to prevent anyone from making up rumors.  We didn't have a fight, there was no third wheel, there was no event that influenced her decision.  The simple fact of the matter is that she is focusing all her time to her studies, and she wants to be able to give it her all, and she can't have distractions, which also explains why she doesn't come much here.  I've been having a rough time coming to terms with this, I'm not going to lie.  I didn't know what to feel at first.  I knew that I wasn't going to tell my family, and I won't, since none of them understand me and they'll just quickly judge like all parents/relatives do. -_-  The people I did tell this were to my best friends Jonathan, Dennys and Selina, and now I'm letting you all know about the situation.


Kirie and I still talk to each other like always, but now she doesn't come online like she used to, and I can understand why.  Just the fact that she and I can still talk to each other gives me enough reason to push onward.  She still loves me, and I obviously still love her, but for now, our relationship has been put on a hiatus.  Kirie and I discussed this matter thoroughly, and I repeatedly asked her if she was sure about her decision, and she said it was her final decision.  All I could do was respect her decision and accept it, although it hasn't been easy at all.


We'll still support each other and have each other's backs, the only difference is that she won't be my girlfriend for now.  As I said, it's been very hard accepting this, but at least I've been able to make sure no one notices what's going on with me.  But rest assured, I shall keep talking to my beloved Kirie.  I'll keep on giving her all my support and I'll always be there for her in good times and bad times, no matter what.  We'll always have each other, and we'll always count on each other.  You know how couples stop talking to each other after they break up?  Well, that's not the case here.  Kirie and I are the exception.  If I stopped talking to her, I think I'd feel much worse. God, this is hard enough for me to type as it is...


Anyways, since all of you here at KH13 have always been so supportive of my relationship with my beloved Kirie, I figured that you should all know about this.  Just to be clear, Kirie's not the bad guy in the picture, and neither am I.  We simply discussed things as mature adults and ended up with the result you see here.  All I can say is that I won't give up on her.  She's the only woman who's changed my life for the better, and she's helped me through so much and she's always supported me in my darkest moments. She's always been there to put a smile on my face.  Our beautiful relationship will be reforged someday, and I'll fight for that love, because it'll never die!  I'll put all my heart and soul into always being there for her, and well, only God knows what awaits us in the future.


So yeah...that's how it is...

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As long as you two are still close, you should be happy. Maybe you two will hook back together one day, or maybe you'll find other people. Anything goes. I'm just happy you broke it off on understanding terms. But I'm a little concerned about you not telling your parents about the breakup... unless they never knew about the relationship to begin with, it seems like it's something they'll find out eventually. Do you want to keep lying to them about it? Judgmental parents suck, believe me, but as long as you act mature about it you shouldn't be able to let them bring you down. They don't know her like you do.

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Wow... that is SO unexpected! I think just about everyone here thought you two would last for good...


Parting is truly such sweet sorrow...


Well mate, hit me up for a chat ANYTIME :) And I hope everything works out in the end. If things aren't alright, it's not the end.



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Well, now I'm sad.


Keep going Shige, everything will turn out fine. You already seem to have a positive outlook on things!


please let my obnoxious cheer help

Thanks Emerald, I appreciate your support.  And well, if there's one thing that I've always been, it's positive.  No matter how dark and grim things have seemed to me in life, I've always been able to push through with God's help and with the support of my friends and family, and well, all I can do now is hope for the best.  As I said earlier, I won't give up on her, because she's the woman who changed my life forever.  

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Of all what you have to say, I teared up a bit. But I'm sure you two will get back together, someday.

I can understand her though. School is a freaking pain, even college (despite I'm in community college, not a university yet).

There was a time, I was too focused on school than boys. But yet I've been going though hell with both boys and girls. 

But I digress, I'm sorry about what's going on with you and her. 

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WELL. pretty much everything i want to say has already BEEN said. 


so ill just give something short(ish)!


ARHEM. "Don't be too sad about what happened because that wont get you anywhere. look forward because both you and kirie are still somewhat close! just know that  you both belong to this awesome community. (we don't care if you even deactivate your account) both of you still have a place here. heck, so come ask for advice/help when you need it ok?" 


grammer is a bit off. had a super long day and ttc is bad. sue me.

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Wow. I was honestly not expecting anything like this.


Honestly, there's nothing I can say that hasn't already been said, isn't a cliche, and isn't a quote from an anime... So I'll just say this. I will hope the best for the future of your relationship. I... really don't know what else to say.

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Damn! I wasn't expecting this at all! :O I'm so sorry you two have to go through this. I can imagine it must be hard for you both. But I am glad that you two still love each other. That in itself is a sign that you might get back together one day. God has a plan for everyone of us. I know He loves you both. Just keep the faith, and you two will be alright. :)

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My hopes and prayers go out to you.

Thank you so much Kihara, I appreciate your support. :)


hey bro, i know that feelz. im here for ya if you ever need someone.

Thank you very much.  Yeah, it's always difficult to feel like this, but slowly but surely I'll recover.  Thank you for your support.


WELL. pretty much everything i want to say has already BEEN said. 


so ill just give something short(ish)!


ARHEM. "Don't be too sad about what happened because that wont get you anywhere. look forward because both you and kirie are still somewhat close! just know that  you both belong to this awesome community. (we don't care if you even deactivate your account) both of you still have a place here. heck, so come ask for advice/help when you need it ok?" 


grammer is a bit off. had a super long day and ttc is bad. sue me.

Thank you very much for these words of encouragement, friend.  I know that I can't stay depressed about this forever, so I'll slowly recover from this, and Kirie and I are definitely close, that much hasn't changed!  This site has been a very important part of my life, so I'd never deactivate my account!  I'll always have faith and stay strong, and I know that Kirie and I will continue supporting each other.  Thank you for your kind words, and haha, your grammar is perfectly understandable. :)


Wow. I was honestly not expecting anything like this.


Honestly, there's nothing I can say that hasn't already been said, isn't a cliche, and isn't a quote from an anime... So I'll just say this. I will hope the best for the future of your relationship. I... really don't know what else to say.

Thank you, my good friend, I appreciate your advice.  I know that as long as I don't lose hope, there's a chance Kirie and I can be together again someday.  My faith is the faith that will pierce through the heavens!


I'd like to point. You need anything, I'm here to help you.

Thanks bro, likewise, if you ever need advice, I'm also here to give you a hand. 


I know how it is.  I've been swamped in school too.  I'm wishing you both the best.

Thank you Joan, and yes, schoolwork can be exhausting, but with Kirie's determination, I know all her hard work and sacrifice won't be in vain!


Good luck for the future!

Thank you, my brother. 


Damn! I wasn't expecting this at all! :O I'm so sorry you two have to go through this. I can imagine it must be hard for you both. But I am glad that you two still love each other. That in itself is a sign that you might get back together one day. God has a plan for everyone of us. I know He loves you both. Just keep the faith, and you two will be alright. :)

Of course I still love her, she's my motivation and inspiration after all!  And yes, it's been hard on us both since we both didn't want our relationship to end, but because of the circumstance, it had to be done.  I'm just happy I can still talk to her, otherwise I'd be very depressed!


I think it's very beautiful that you understand her need to focus on studies over the relationship, for now. Other couples would just be done apart in anger and stuff.


All of the best for you two!

I think that I've come to understand her better than anyone, and knowing how much finishing school means to Kirie, I understand why this had to happen.  All I can say is that I wish her the best and that may God always bless her and continue to reward her for her hard work and sacrifice.  I'd never want to stop talking to Kirie, because I think my world would never be the same if I stopped talking to her.  Thank you for your support! :)


Again, thank you all so much for your support!  You know, after reading all these encouraging comments, I feel much better now, and there's hope in my heart that things will work out one day, but for now, I'll just have to accept this situation the way it is.  But as I said before, I won't give up on her, because if God allowed me to meet her, it was for a purpose.  She herself told me that she's the person she is today because of me.  I helped change her life, and the fact that she said that to me really meant everything to me.  The fact that I was able to make a difference in her life really impacted me and made me realize just how much she loves and appreciates me.  She changed my life too...forevermore.  I am the person I am today because of her.  In short, Kirie and I are connected to each other, no matter the distance and circumstance.  We'll always be linked together. :)

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Thank you, my good friend, I appreciate your advice.  I know that as long as I don't lose hope, there's a chance Kirie and I can be together again someday.  My faith is the faith that will pierce through the heavens!

Yes! I shall believe in the Shige that believes in Kirie! *Cough* GIGA... FAITH... MAXIMUM... *Cough*

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