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Helloz all :3

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I've been tracking this site for some time now ever since I accidentally found it while I was searching some info abt 358/2 days and bbs , cause it rly has the latest and best new abt kh <3

I'm from Greece and I'm totally in love with kh <3 And oh yeah , I'm a girl :D

I've known abt kh randomly a bit more than 2 years ago when I came across the manga on a site (and it only had the first 10 chapter or something so I had to track down all 42 which wasn't that easy >.>) and ever since then I'm in love xD I bought kh1&2 as fast I could and I actually bought a PS2 for them since I didn't own one xD Same happened with the ds game and same will happen with bbs and 3D when it's out xD Unfortunately CoM and Re:CoM will never fall into my hands but at least I got the gba emulator on mah laptop and watched a walkthrough for the PS2 version ! (Yes , I'm rly a kh fanatic *-*)

I hadn't thought abt signing up but since I doubt I'll stop liking kh and I check this forum pretty often , I decided to make some friends ^^ Nice to meet you all :3

Edited by Maffy

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Oh why hello thar : D

Welcome to the site <3

I love your avatar btw <3

I'm Hinako_U., but you can call me Hinako or by my first name, Paolette.

Have any questions, you chat me <3 kay? owo

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Come come xD WE NEED YER MONIEZ *-* ... And also we have cookiez !! ;D

And ty :D And I'll sure follow the rules ! Don't wanna be banned from here D:


Edit: Ty hinako x3 And nice name yew have there o-o Never heard of it before o-o And I will x3

And yah , the ava is awesome since I love ice cream xDD And Roxas is mah 2nd fav char :D

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Hello Maffy. My name is Emo/Yami but you can pretty much call me whatever you want (except for emi). Have a great time here and just follow the rules like everyone already said.

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Hi tricia and Amber x3


I know, Maffy pwnz !! *modest mode* x)

And ty , I hope so too x3

And wee Amber , you are new too :D Let's have fun here !

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Why the heck not!


Even though I have already spoken to you damn you are creepy

I am Luzzekatt! Also known as Luzze .. I'm from Sweden in Scandinavia ^^

I'm 16, but will turn 17 later this year~!


Well, I'm not so much of a Kingdom Hearts fan anymore .. but, I still seem to hang around on these forums! Don't ask me why! only Zeus knows the answer *SHOT*

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Haha , don't call yer master creepy Luzze ! Don't forget the pinky promise >: D

But nice to meet you officially too X3 And shame on you for not being a great fan of kh anymore D: SHAME !!

But mehh D: Yer choice D: And you can't leave the forums , yew are bound tothem :0

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What up Mazzy?

-high five-

The names RoxSox... I Ownthisplace am your friendly neighborhood cookiestealer good guy whoplanstoeatyourcookies.

Feel free to chat me if you need help... or a friend, I'm always here... tostealthepreviouslymentionedcookies.

Read the rules, and you'll be my friend always ^-^

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Oh , nice to meet you cookiestealer RoxSox ^-^

You do indeed seem a great guy ! *hides all the cookies* I'll rely on you if I need help or just then =D or bribe you with cookies if it's necessary to cover stuff up :>

And I am reading the guidelines in every section I go just to be sure but they are standard guidelines so I wouldn't do anything against them either way x3 So we shall be forever cookie rivals friends ^-^

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Your name makes me laugh. Hello. I am SoratheKingoftheuniverse3. Nice to meet you :D. I will totally stalk talk to you anytime, just IM me, and feel at home here.

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Heya, I'm Cricket and it seems you are doing well here already! <3

That's a pretty interesting story how you got into KH, but anyway I hope you enjoy it here and meet some cool friends.

If you need any help or have questions then you can ask me or another mod or admin. I hope you have fun and see you around the forums. :]

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Maffy is awesome ! Not laughable D: You know it's awesome !! xD

And ty both of you X3 I am already ahving a great time since everyone is so nice :> I already made my Luzze my slave o/ And I got a cookie rival o/ So everything is going better than just fine ;D

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