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Hero of Winds

IGN's Pokemon OR/AS Review - Too Much Water

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  On 11/20/2014 at 4:10 PM, Hero of Winds said:

I might have worded it wrong. It just seems ridiculous for the most part.

Oh yes most definitely. A lot of reviews are ridiculous though.


  On 11/20/2014 at 4:12 PM, Jilly Shears said:

Review scores themselves are just arbitrary numbers, too. You have to read the whole review to get a good look at what the reviewer liked or disliked about a game instead of just assuming the wording of the highlights is literal.

Of course, I believe the main complaint of the "too much water" thing was that there was too many water types and stuff. Problem was people skimmed over the entire review and just saw '- too much water' and then thought, "derp derp it's Hoenn it's full of water!". It's really silly.

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  On 11/20/2014 at 6:35 PM, KHSoraKeyBlade said:

Oh yes most definitely. A lot of reviews are ridiculous though.


Of course, I believe the main complaint of the "too much water" thing was that there was too many water types and stuff. Problem was people skimmed over the entire review and just saw '- too much water' and then thought, "derp derp it's Hoenn it's full of water!". It's really silly.

Which is why I usually ignore them. But Too Much Water was taken so badly it became a hilarious meme. Basically, this review blew up the internet and in that case makes it more of a joke than anything else.

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