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Hero of Winds

IGN's Pokemon OR/AS Review - Too Much Water

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Except the fact that the amount of boring water routes in RSE was a problem that was agreed upon, but Game Freak decided to leave it as is. So that is a legitimate negative....Sorry, I'm just really tired of everyone bitching about IGN like it's still 2009. >_>

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Except the fact that the amount of boring water routes in RSE was a problem that was agreed upon, but Game Freak decided to leave it as is. So that is a legitimate negative....Sorry, I'm just really tired of everyone bitching about IGN like it's still 2009. >_>

No one's bitching here.

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Except the fact that the amount of boring water routes in RSE was a problem that was agreed upon, but Game Freak decided to leave it as is. So that is a legitimate negative....Sorry, I'm just really tired of everyone bitching about IGN like it's still 2009. >_>

IGN is dumb for this...


anyways yall should watch this

Edited by Waller-pearson

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Okay if you read/watch the actual review it isn't complaining on actual water, but just the amount of Water Types is too much.

I kind of understand where this is coming from, there is land on Hoenn, they should probably type abundance balance it a bit more to help make it less of a gap between Water and other types. They said that they really wound up using a single pokemon a bit too much to counter them, such as Pikachu that is such a high level. IMO, its not a big deal to me, but its understandable. I think the game deserves an 8.0 - 8.5 though.

Edited by Shana09

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... Well.It is, like. Hoenn.The Hoenn region has a lot of water. This IS a remake and the original Hoenn had a lot of water.So I don't see why Game Freak would change that.

But the problem is that the water routes were extremely repetitive and boring when you consider in the last third of the game you were basically only fighting Water type trainers, and even then the only pokemon you would ever encounter were Wailmer and Tentacool up until Victory Road.Yes you could say that "it was in the originals so why shouldn't they change it", but the issue is that it was a legitimate problem in the first place. Sure you can use Repels and whatnot, but when you literally have to avoid a core mechanic of the games that's just bad game design. It's the same issue with having 8 HMs, like come on guys. There's a reason why remakes allow you to make artistic decisions for the better.

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But the problem is that the water routes were extremely repetitive and boring when you consider in the last third of the game you were basically only fighting Water type trainers, and even then the only pokemon you would ever encounter were Wailmer and Tentacool up until Victory Road.Yes you could say that "it was in the originals so why shouldn't they change it", but the issue is that it was a legitimate problem in the first place. Sure you can use Repels and whatnot, but when you literally have to avoid a core mechanic of the games that's just bad game design. It's the same issue with having 8 HMs, like come on guys. There's a reason why remakes allow you to make artistic decisions for the better.

There were far better things to work on rather than work on a non-issue.

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Lack of variety and having to purposefully avoid a core mechanic for a major section of the game is a non-issue?

Considering the entirety of the internet is making a joke out of IGN's review: Too much water is a complete non-issue.

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So it's agreed that this was a flaw in the original, but IGN is stupid for still thinking it's a problem in the remake? Generally when you remake something you try to address problems, otherwise what's the point? Use a little ingenuity, but a spin on it, or at least streamline it

it's hardly IGN's fault for having an negative opinion of something that was already established to be a problem in the original game

saying it 'makes sense' doesn't really excuse it either, things making sense is a poor replacement for a good game. Kinda silly how Pokemon making sense is brought up to defend its flaws, but at the same time people will point out how Pokemon makes no sense if the criticism is about something being unrealistic

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Oh, how dare they give Pokemon OR/AS a 7.8 just because of the fact that there's "too much water" in what is supposedly a remake of a game that ALREADY had a lot of water (sarcasm). This review is so bad >_> (sarcasm). Seriously, the Hoenn region is pretty much an island SURROUNDED by water. So of course it's going to have water in it.. I don't get what all the fuss is about just because they game the games a 7.8

Edited by Tails

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My issue is that taking water away takes away some of the characteristics... if there was a region that had half of it as a forest and half a desert, we'd probably see too many bug, grass, and ground types. I certainly don't expect to see a Ponyta in the water, or a Swimmer to have captured a Torterra.

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You know how the saying goes "you can't spell ignorant without ign?" Guess what? Repel exist. Want to decrease the massive water type Pokemon encounters? Repel exist. Problem solved.Seriously guys? You forgot about repels? Smh.


EDIT: Want more? Back in RSE you had to go back in forth to use repels. In XY and ORAS, you can keep using repels without having to go to your bag. No change from RSE to ORAS, as if! 


Can't wait for IGN to say "Too many Zubats!" IGN is a joke and always will be imo.

Edited by OmegaForte

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