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can i join



Sorry, but I like the number of people that we have right now.


I might change my mind in the future, though, so I'll keep you in mind.

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Kaneki Ken is now officially kicked from the RP.


I'm sorry, but I can only wait so long at this point considering I've already had to kick one other person before.


Our remaining users are myself, Shulk, Tatsumi, and Stardustblade.

Edited by Firaga Sensei

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Name: Julia Pullo

Age: 18

Gender: Female


Posted Image

hair is darker


Bio: Julia went into the army like any other young recruit, spurred on to do so because she wanted to make her family proud. She was a talented recruit, making her way through boot camp easily, and became a member of the army. She went on campaign, and fought valiantly and proudly, feeling that she was doing good. Julia became used to battle, and when she returned to the Capital, she was shocked by the destitution of the people. As she wandered the streets in uniform, she felt the hating glares of the people. One threw a rock at her. It hurt. Julia was about to turn and scold and punish whoever had done so, when it clicked why they had did it. They were living in constant misery because of the Empire. As she continued life in the Capital, trying to get a grip on how the Empire had fallen from the point she thought it was at. When she saw an Imperial Guard beating a civilian senseless, she stopped him, and asked him why. He didn't give a very good answer. Julia stabbed him through the heart. Then she left for the Revolutionary Army. She did well in that setting too, and was eventually asked to join Night Raid. She accepted the invitation.

Weapon: The military cutlass in the appearance picture

Imperial Arm: Holy Blade: Dragon Slayer: A gigantic sword. About three feet wide at the hilt and six feet long, it's humongous weight and strength and obliterate any shield or armor used to block it. It's known to crush more often than cut opponents. Swinging it takes a lot of strength, and wielding it is slow.



Edited by Mine

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Name: Julia Pullo

Age: 18

Gender: Female


Posted Image

hair is darker


Bio: Julia went into the army like any other young recruit, spurred on to do so because she wanted to make her family proud. She was a talented recruit, making her way through boot camp easily, and became a member of the army. She went on campaign, and fought valiantly and proudly, feeling that she was doing good. Julia became used to battle, and when she returned to the Capital, she was shocked by the destitution of the people. As she wandered the streets in uniform, she felt the hating glares of the people. One threw a rock at her. It hurt. Julia was about to turn and scold and punish whoever had done so, when it clicked why they had did it. They were living in constant misery because of the Empire. As she continued life in the Capital, trying to get a grip on how the Empire had fallen from the point she thought it was at. When she saw an Imperial Guard beating a civilian senseless, she stopped him, and asked him why. He didn't give a very good answer. Julia stabbed him through the heart. Then she left for the Revolutionary Army. She did well in that setting too, and was eventually asked to join Night Raid. She accepted the invitation.

Weapon: The military cutlass in the appearance picture

Imperial Arm: Holy Blade: Dragon Slayer: A gigantic sword. About three feet wide at the hilt and six feet long, it's humongous weight and strength and obliterate any shield or armor used to block it. It's known to crush more often than cut opponents. Swinging it takes a lot of strength, and wielding it is slow.





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He's not, that's just Lucifer's crappy way of thinking xD


You were normal, so he labeled you as generic. Prove him wrong throughout the RP.

Oh, okay.


I now have two goals in the RP.

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I'm moving the story along without Mine. Consider this a warning, as you're dangerously close to me having to kick you from the RP.


Also, I decided to change my character's hair color from blue to purple because... I dunno.

Edited by Firaga Sensei

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Woah woah woah it's been like two days! I can understand if you want a fast pace, and I'm not always available to make posts, but please, if you want/need me to post, bug me about it. Leave a comment on my profile, PM me, post here, just something please!

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I'm moving the story along without Mine. Consider this a warning, as you're dangerously close to me having to kick you from the RP.


Also, I decided to change my character's hair color from blue to purple because... I dunno.


Because Blue Asuna is taken.


Purple Asuna, on the other hand.....

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That's fine, Soul.


Woah woah woah it's been like two days! I can understand if you want a fast pace, and I'm not always available to make posts, but please, if you want/need me to post, bug me about it. Leave a comment on my profile, PM me, post here, just something please!


I shouldn't have to bug you constantly when we've had many people drop out because they couldn't commit. You should know by now that my patience is thin.


Post often or you'll be kicked. It's part of the rules.

Edited by Firaga Sensei

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