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Today's My Birthday and.....

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*take kitchen ustensiles and make noises with them* COME ON GUYS !!! You're sleeping here !! >o<

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here i am, rock you like a hurricane!! xD EDIT: LOL again post on the same time xP

Edited by Aros

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Fortunately we don't have number to follow here xDxP

So no one is ready for the gifts hu ? >.<

Edited by Sei

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So~~ *take a spoon and her frying pan and give some little hit* 'Tention please !! xP TB it's your turn *bow* make that great ! 0/*


EDIT : Maybe it's dangerous gifts nyahaha :3

Edited by Sei

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...I'm happy that I don't have work tomorrow....or I'll be dead xD..


TB~~ ? Still in the party ??? ^^ *waiting for the gift* >.<

Edited by Sei

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Oh wait... (looks at ticket) omg, I forgot that were in randomnia


Im sorry, here have a free coupon v for sandwiches at my shop

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Your gift is ....A free ticket to randomnia :D


thanks dude, i have a news for you 0/*  YOU'RE FIRED! (imitate hades) xD xD

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......................................... *can't say nothing - cause : death by laughting too much after having read this reply* Fatality ! xD

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Look, I gave you a coupon for free sandwiches, since we live in randomnia


you think this cam shanga my mi- free food? ok, you forgiven :3 let's wait sei's random present now 0/*

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HAAAAPPY BIRRRRTHDAAAAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! (I'd make this more spiffy if I wasn't on my cell :/)


i can't believe it! i reach my max quota of "likes" for the first time, before i could like your post xD

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*pout* Th-that's not a random present~~ ! >.< pufpufpuf~ ! For once xD, I reaaaaaaaaaally think a lot about it ! ^^ hihi.

Well.. ahem ! *cought* Here's my present for ya~ xP...


*come just in front of you and give you your gift* It's a book well...a Novel even :3 and..by novel I mean...... you see~~ ? :3 It's up to ya now to take it ^-^.

It's called... Dream's Name for an Autumn Rain~~ :3

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i can't believe it! i reach my max quota of "likes" for the first time, before i could like your post xD

I was almost expecting that to happen xD

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*pout* Th-that's not a random present~~ ! >.< pufpufpuf~ ! For once xD, I reaaaaaaaaaally think a lot about it ! ^^ hihi.

Well.. ahem ! *cought* Here's my present for ya~ xP...


*come just in front of you and give you your gift* It's a book well...a Novel even :3 and..by novel I mean...... you see~~ ? :3 It's up to ya now to take it ^-^.

It's called... Dream's Name for an Autumn Rain~~ :3


i like the name :D  and a can use TB ticket for ramdomnia like a bookmark :P

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