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KH2 Were not all 2.5 KH2 music tracks orchestrated or something?

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I know that some of them were already orchestrated, but what about songs like Laughter and Merriment and Hesitation for example?  I can't find anywhere on YT of the 2.5 version unless there is no 2.5 version of those.

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  On 11/14/2014 at 2:43 PM, Sora96 said:

Because they didn't have time to do every single song.



  On 11/14/2014 at 2:56 PM, Hero of Winds said:

Some songs are hard to extract. Everglow hasn't been able to extract them all, himself. Some of these songs are on the music selection disc and Cyberman has uploaded those.


Both of these reasons.


Everglow said that he's taking a break from extracting some other themes like those and Kairi's. But also, they only re-orchestrate so many tracks in the HD ReMIXes, mostly due to time. It would have been awesome to hear rearrangements for every track in every game, but I guess they would have had to give them more time for all of that.


Maybe someday they could go back and give some titles like Days and Coded a full on remake treatment and update the music along with it, but that would have to be when it wouldn't interfere with a major project.


Still, music is different than making a game. Maybe when they aren't busy with a huge project, they could get the orchestra to make a bonus track of extra tracks that couldn't be made for the rest of the games in the ReMIXes. But that might be unlikely. Who knows? :P

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