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KH13The Comic: Updates+Joining Thread

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*Moderators, move this thread if it isn't in the right section, Thanks ;D*


Hey Guys, Hero here! Just wanted to say I'm making a KH13 comic here and featured on DeviantArt! If you want to be in the story, just post a picture of how you wanna look (can't be any KH,FF,Disney character; has to be original at least) and info such as:


Birthday: (MM/DD/YYYY)

Weapon: (Original or Game related)



Quotes/Catch Phrase:



Background Story: (Past, family, how he/she obtained powers, etc.)

Family: (Please include if they are alive or deceased.)


I'm also needing help with the title and Keyblade designs. ;D


So far I have:

Me :/


The first page (Cover) will be released on September 7th, commemorating the North American release of Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep! Stay tuned for more information!


It's going to be Hand Drawn and (probably) sprited, KH:Com Style.


Update 7/28/10: I'll be finish the drawings this week (Will be posted this week cause I'm not home ><'

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Moved this here because it is your own creativity/artwork and will be posting your artwork (and I think it is a great idea 8'D).

I'll post one later when I think of what I wanna look like. xD Do we necessarily need a picture of what we want to look like or is description enough? :]

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Name: Tricia-chan

Birthday: 04/21/1994

Weapon: True Light's Flight (keyblade)

Magic: Ice-based and Cure-based

Description: Short, almost boyish black hair. Brown (or purple) eyes. Fairly pale skin. 5'4".

Quotes/Catch Phrase: "Pff!"-at something ridiculous or perverted :'D

"I dunno..."-in a dumfound moment

"What would kung-fu-action Jesus do?"

... That's all I can think of. :'D

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Name: RoxSox (or Roxy)

Birthday: April, 12th, 1997

Weapon: Cookies.

Magic: Chocolate power.

Description: Brown, Curly, Shaggy hair. With big blue eyes and a cheerful disposition on his face, except when he's mad... then he's got an angreh face. He can be found blushing whenever a girl walks by... and loves to flirt... he occasionally is wildly random, but when he gets into the nitty gritty of conversation, he becomes poetic

Quotes/Catch Phrase: "Don't hate me! Despise me."

"That puts a damper on your shit dunnit?"

"Is that a Jenyflo in your pants or are you just happy to see me?"


And my personal favorite:




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Name: Hinako

Birthday: 06/15/1996

Weapon: My nonexistent awesomeness (or my power to eat babies, whatever you want)

Magic: Randomness magic?????

Description: Short ( 5'0 ), dark brown, almost black curly hair, dark brown eyes, tannish skin. Very loud and hyper and AWESOME/shot, but doesn't make sense at times and is very lazy :'D

Quotes/Catchphrases: "PFFT. I DON'T LIE." "They see me trolling, they hating." "I'll eat your children ;<" "DDD8" "Kaiso esta embarazada"


"They see me trolling, they hating."(Lol, that line was totally mine first pinecone owo)


Pfft, I stole it 8)

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(This looks fun owo)

Name: Zero

Birthday: 06-26-96 /shot

Weapon: A magical banana

Magic: The power to turn people into edible stuff (and pinecones 8D)

Description: Black hair, sometimes curly, sometimes short. Dark eyes and very tan skin. He is very weird, and awkward at times, yet fun to be with. Always trying to cheer others up.

Quotes/Catch Phrase: "Two llamas in a tiny car!" "Nyeh..." "You aint got no pancake mix!"

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Birthday: (12/09/1993) 16 years old

Weapon:Invisible Keyblade (the thing is, the blade looks like a giant banana)

Magic:the power to summon awesome food (like dill pickles, cheese pizza, mountain dew, stuff like that) and turn my tongue into a sword, and scare people with the word "Ni!" (haha, the knights who say NI!)

Description:messy slightly curly dark blond hair, bout 5'11" (if that matters), blue eyes, says things randomly and intimidates opponents with his invisible keyblade (makes people think its longer than it is), sometimes tries to talk with a british accent (dont know how you'd encorperate that) and looks drunk doing so, when angry he turns his tongue into a sword (like said magic power lols) and tries to stab people with it, and when over excited randomly summons totally awesome food with out purpose, and finally he is always found wearing some sort of shirt with a phrase on it (like, i have millions of excuses, which one would you like to hear)

Quotes/Catch Phrase: (randomly>) "WAFFLES!", "You really wanna know what I'm thinking? Read my shirt." (As if talking with his tongue out when his tongue is a sword>) "FEAR MY TONGUE SWORD!" "NI!"

Age:In Birthday

Personality:In Description

Background Story:Used to be a subject to genetic testing which caused him to go insane, slowly recovered, but still held onto some side effects, such as extreme randomness and an offset pinky finger.(I can send you a picture if you want) The genetic testing also allowed him to have the ability to summon an invisible keyblade as well as an arsenal of strange abilities. And the thing is, he has no family, he was originally a gerbil, the genetic testing was extreme.

Family:No family. Originally was a totally awesome gerbil.

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Name: Cricket

Birthday: 03/23/1991

Weapon: A shuriken in the shape of a Crescent moon (light based attacks and healing magic)

Magic: Healing and Destruction, Light and Dark based magic.

Description: Long auburn-brown wavy hair, light brown eyes, sort of tan/pale. Average (thin) body type. 5'4". Clothes is up to you~ :P Just something elegant/princess like but has an edge to it like I look elegant but can fight too. Purples to use: mostly dark purple and a light lavender on the clothes. My character is sweet and caring for others, but knows when to stand up for them or bring destruction to those who interfere with ties of friendship and are negative but also is a healer who loves everything and would do anything for anyone...only if it is for the right cause. Character can be two-sided, either with Light or Darkness.

Quotes/Catch Phrase: "We can do this!", "The Light binds us together, no matter what!", "I see...then Darkness shall be your last comfort.", "We're all in this together, remember?", "I hold on to everything...even the pain, it's what makes me love everything even more."

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weapon:great music and wolffang is a black sword that bend's like this / then goe's down and curve's a little(but he mostly uses the music..becous then he wont have to get tried or lift a finger)

Magic:the power to trun peoply into cd and i phon's etc( make them hear there fav song's in ther heard to make forge about the fight and start danceing)and with wolffang mostly dark attack's and shock wave's sometime's of crazy music but mostly of lighting and ice

description:5'4 tall shadeyblue hair shirt in the front but spikesd in the back a little .midnight blue ey's and good tan skin and alway's has head phon's around his neck is alway's listing to music even when he is sleeping,and like's to pick on peoply for fun ,alway's tryes to find the right music for the time being/and filrt's and is best freind's with Gizele

Quotes/cah phrase:"my waffle's!!" "..mine no your's get your own.." "....no answer..thanx you come agian" "...sit down shut up and buck up!!" "being a girl look's like it suck's big time..im glad im a boy!"


Age:??? in the date thign

Personality:he is happy as long as he has his music and wont attack somone with his wolffang unless he has to or think it will be fun to fight them he love's to play trick's on peoply and alway's has something to say befor a fight start's but its mostly to thorw the enemy off..he is alway's a smaktalker..and alway's keep's his cool like winter time


Background Story: he grow up a happy person he loved the outdoor's and he loved music he was alway's with his mom being one of the youngst's of his sibling's he was the most connected with his mother and took it the wores when she died after that his father started acting wores till it got to teh point of where he put his blad to his father's neck then he just couldnt take it anymore soo he stoped talking to them all he stayd away from his family and spent more tiem with peoply that under stood him like his friend's


Family: he's mother died of old age and sickness his father is still aliv but he does not talk to him much or does he speak his name becous he does not care about him he has brother's and sister's but he doesnt talk to them ether in his mind they are not family most of the time

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Name: SoraKing

Birthday: (02/02/1995)

Weapon: Machete >:3

Magic: Raepaga

Description: 5'10, slightly tanned, sexay brown curly hair, wears 3D glasses, a t-shirt that says, "Where's the Beef?", chin hairs, likes to throw women in his basement, very loud mouthed, and eats tacos.

Quotes/Catch Phrase: "F*** SALT!". "Eh". "OLOLOOLOLOLOOOLOLOLLLOOOO". "No, no, no, HELL NO, no, WHAT THE-..no, NO." "I'm going to kill you dead." "Mi case su resting place." "Hasta la DIE AND BURN IN HELL".

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Name: Sorage


Birthday: (September/06/1994)


Weapon: A huge Broadsword. About a 7ft. broadsword in length, 2ft. wide.


Magic: Creates and manipulates the earth and earth-like matter.


Description: Hmm, how can I describe Veinxs Poisenberry of my novel? Along with my real face and figure? Dirt-blonde hair, skinny, farmer-tanned skin. A mini dreamcatcher worn as a necklace, a bronze wristband (some ancient medieval style of sorts), plus on the other arm a Legend of Zelda logo-d wristband. A smooth-cool grin sometimes but I don't smile often. Brown eyes, a growing beard and mustache as most teenage boys would have. A scar down from the back of my ear to the length of my neck. A scar on the back of my right hand, and if your including like...past surgical proceedures, then a huge scar along the back of my...back. (I hope this is not too descriptive, perhaps I should've just thrown in my facebook pic to show the real face of me...then again, I suppose I should just do so in the "post a picture of yourself" thread...crap...i'm babbling on again...sorry)


Quotes/Catch Phrase: "Naught of my interests."




And so it tis:



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Name: -v-, Venny

Birthday: 8.20.98

Weapon: HER MIIIINNNNDDD... and the deadliest weapon you can find.

Magic: Epixstare (Makes people weirded out), Random Wisdom(Random words that actually mean something), hahahaNO (Like a smack of disapproval) BEST BUDDIE POWER, KAIBA PAWNCH, Ability to turn into a cupcake of rainbow flavors.

Description: Dark Brown hair, Dark brown eyes. Hair that goes down 3 inches past her shoulder and is usualy messy and somewhat curly. 2 clumps of straight hair frame her face and is sometimes covered over her eyes. Thick-ish eyebrows. 5' 3''. Slightly tanned. The clothes are up to you, whatever you see fit. Is RoxSox slave, Sorakings, Hinakos and Zeros buddeh. Calm, sarcastic, and sometimes a little crazy.

Quotes/Catch Phrase:

Random quotes from TV/Movies/Music/Internet parodies.

"Coo' story bro." "Good for you." "Yeah, Yeah..." "NUUUUUUUUUU." "Let me explain this to you in simple words..." "IM BACK BABY (When walking in room)." "Yes master..." "*Insert YGOTAS quotes here*" "You know what? SCREW DAT!" "Imma ass..." Nyehinng to the beat of through the fire and flames, "They see me trolling, they hating."(Lol, that line was totally mine first pinecone owo)

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Weapon:Japanese fan that blows powerful wind ball.


Description:Black spickey hair (will pm you the picture and comment it on here)

Quotes:OH MY GOD!!!!

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Moved this here because it is your own creativity/artwork and will be posting your artwork (and I think it is a great idea 8'D).

I'll post one later when I think of what I wanna look like. xD Do we necessarily need a picture of what we want to look like or is description enough? :]


Picture yeah or a description like "Pony tail, short" something like that.

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I'm new at the forum but I'd love to take part x3 So let's see :3

Name: Maffy

B-day: 06-07-1991 (day-month-year just in case xD)

Weapon: A scythe ! Kinda like this

Posted Image


Magic: Electricity mainly but fire as well


Posted Image

Just without the bag xD And make changes as you see fit :D I just want to give an idea x3

Black haired with brown-reddish eyes. A seemingly cheery girl and a busybody but when it comes to business she gets totally serious . She has mood swings pretty often and can be irritating at times . And she has more secrets than she seems :3 And she LOVES ice cream :D That's all I can think abt now xD

Quotes: "In your face (byatch)!!" , "Boo , you suck!" *pouts* , "Time to roll~" *evil grin* , "For crying out loud !"


Thanks :3

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Name: Gizele

Birthday: 22/02/1997

Weapon: Katana

Magic: Fire :)

Description: long black hair, usually wears it in a ponytail that lets over left shoulder, dark brown eyes. Is sometimes a bit too quiet, likes to be near other people and using the computer. Is Jessica's sister and best friends with Lunatic. Is usually with them.

Quotes/Catch Phrase: "Shut up sis." (and I say that a lot)


Jessica is sis, she's going to join as soon as she gets on.

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Name: CardCaptorDeadpool

Birthday: 01-Dec-1990

Weapon:Dual Katana, knives, subbies and a handgun

Description: 5`10ish, red eyes, wirey build, black spiked hair (with that nancyboy hairgel I like) red pants, black t.

Magic: Selective oblivious-ness, the ability to point out the obvious, teleporting, super jumps and psycho-kinesis with the swords.

Catchphrase/Quotes: "Your face doesn't make any sense" "Even a dyslexic squirrel with tourettes could figure that out" "Time to take out the trash" "I do NOT spin around erratically like a deranged piece of paper"

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Weapon-:Steel Whip(Chains)


Bio:Has purple with 3 large spikes that resembles Scizors head, hair. wears Dark Gray shirt, Blue Jeans, and sometimes a headband. Very random, but can be Serious at the oppurtunity. He can make many Text faces (Ex-:3). He looking for a GF.




Damn Opera.

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Name: baylaust (original)

Birthday: 06-19-1994

Weapon: 2 daggers + Throwing knives

Magic: Gravity

Appearance: Short brown hair, blue eyes. Wears a black zip-up sweater (unzipped) with a white t-shirt underneath. Blue jeans. Average size.

Age: 16

Personality: He's rather quiet, and a bit of a loner. He has trouble opening up to people, so he spends a lot of time by himself. He's not very good at combat, but he is really smart. He wants a girlfriend, but the only woman that shows any interest is a crazy, bloodeyed deaf woman who is 80 years old, which genuinely scares him. Also, he is a very sarcastic person, so much that most people have a hard time figuring out if he's being serious or not.

Family: Mother, father, and a 19 year old brother.

Catchphrase: I'm surrounded by idiots./Wait, what?/Because that worked so well the first time./Oh dear God...

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Name: Koko

B-day: 7-17-97

Wepon: Bond of flame keyblade

Magic: flames/fire

Discription on how i look: dirty blonde hair with single flame red streak on right side of bangs, ocean blue eyes tan-ish skin, black shirt with hood then short skull skirt with red leggings and black shoes (you decide how they look) black painted nails. keyblade necklace just the oblivion. a skull bracelet. about 5'4

personalaty: kind and gental but if you piss me off you'll burst in flames. im verry strong like tifa.

quote: comit it to memory

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Name: KC

B-day: 7-29-95 (15)

Weapon: Pepper Spray (LOL idk)


Description: Wavy/messy light brown hair with blonde bangs, pale, big dark brown eyes, pretty tall, a purple tank top with a black longsleeved undershirt, ripped jeans, and black converse. Basically tomboy clothes lol

Personality: Sarcastic, awesome sometimes, funny, independent, open minded, passionate, straight forward, can be a bitchbitchbitch, honest (I dont lie), and nice sometimes

Quote: "FO' SERIOUS!"

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Name:Punk or Mely

Birthday: 06/20/1995

Weapon: Magic gloves 8D

Magic: All elements and can summon portals, barriers, and platforms

Description: Straight/black shoulder length hair, blue hoodie, black capris, black hightop converse shoes, about 5 ft, brown eyes, a 2-inch diagonal scar under her right eyebrow, and checkered wristband(Kinda like Roxas' but metal)

Quotes/Catch Phrase: "Seriously?" -when peeved or mad.-


Personality: Stubborn, nice, friendly, shy, outgoing, protective, sometimes dependant, and a little lazy.

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Name:Ty or Tyler

Birthday: 07/24/1993

Weapon: single bladed sword

Magic: All elements (not Dark) and can summon 45 swords of light one he holds in his right hand the other 4 go around him like wingblade!!!

Description:Hair like Leon from FF with blue eyes. A white undershirt with a blue over shirt like Roxas.black gloves, Black baggy pants and shoes like roxas but with blue not red. to help you out a bit you can go to my thread LIONHEART:RUINS to see what im talking about.

Quotes/Catch Phrase: "That's it"


Personality:Nice, friendly, protective!!

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Name: Ry or Ryan

Birthday: 1/28/1998

Weapon: 2 Sharp Swords

Magic: Can summon barriers, portals, and can use any type of magic.

Description: Black hair that is flat, black eyes, asian, he is about 5 feet 2 inches. He wears a brown t-shirt, blue shorts, and a black hat.

Quotes/ Catch Phrases: Crap... (when he feels really stressed out or when he knows that he makes a mistake) My god... (When he starts to get very angry.) Wow... (When he's amazed about something)

Age: 12

Personality: Stubborn sometimes, otherwise, friendly, caring, shy, outgoing, and sometimes lazy.

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Birthday: 01-05-97

Weapon: Dual board swords of dark and light.

Magic: Summon Vocaloids :D vocaloids can all use any type of magic.

Description: 5'0, male, short hair, not to skinny, but just enough. Aqua blue eyes, and brown hair, whering a cape, long sleve blue combat shirt (not army, just combat so its like armor), green combat shirt with a "01" and under it, it says "vocaloid", always has a winter hat on with a bit of hair showing , but with his blode bangs showing.

Quotes/Catch Phrase: ehhhhhh... what?

Age: 13

Personality:Silly most of the times, but when it comes down to fighting, only serious when its cirtical.

Background Story: As a result of wanting an adventure, Demons rained down upon his world, seeing as he wished it, he had gained the power to slay them, using 2 board swords, and the Summons of Vocaloids. After shuting to door where the demons were comming from, he jumped into ur story :D

Family: Family is back on his world.

Sorry its so short >.<


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