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If you're a huge Supernatural fan like me, this theory has probably crossed your mind once or twice, hopefully. And this video is a MUST watch for all fans just because of its' very existence...Will this happen in S10?! I would honestly be SURPRISED if Dean actually outsmarted Lucifer in this situation...Remember, we're still in 2014....And I know some things are different. Like how in this alternate reality, Dean says he hasn't talked to Sam in 5 years. But Dean tried to change the future so of course it will differ slightly, but remember "No matter what road you take, whatever details you alter, we will always end up...here".


Until 2015 comes I'll stick to this theory. Pay attention to how Dean is acting in this alternate reality! It makes sense that the Mark of Cain could have been the cause of his actions. "Wow man something is broken in you"...And how Cas is losing his grace. It just seems like it's getting closer and closer to this theory!


Edited by Winchester

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Don't need to watch the video. I've had a feeling they where setting up a second Apocalypse since season 8, I mean it's so obvious This is not surprising. Not trying to be an asshat, but I think most fans came to this conclusion a long time ago, And they've been dropping hints all season, like you said. Cass is loosing his grace (becoming Human). That guy who was hunting Dean? His Jeep is the same one from "The End". And now they feel guilty about  leaving Adam in the box so they're going to let him out and Lucifer will get out too. Though these things where probably said in the video.

Edited by Isamu_Kuno

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That guy who was hunting Dean? His Jeep is the same one from "The End".

Actually the vid was just a bunch of the best short clips from "The End". It starts out with Dean talking to himself and then ends with the "We will always end up here." scene with some really amazing music. I pasted the video to emphasize the hints it shows. But yeah I know it's not surprising, I just wanna talk about it lol.


And OMFG I didn't ever notice that. WOW. NICE catch. That's insane. And actually, here's my "luci-cage" theory. You know how they're going to try to figure out how to get rid of the Mark of Cain from Dean's arm? And how it actually came from Lucifer himself when it was given to Cain? I'm pretty damn sure that ONLY LUCIFER can remove the mark. Sam is going to SAY YES to him in return to remove the mark from Dean's arm. I can't even begin to think about any other possibilities on how they would remove something created from Lucifer, on TOP of giving a "legit" reason for Sam to be stupid enough to say Yes again...shit.


But that's assuming we're right. Let's see xD

Edited by Winchester

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I'm waiting for Lucifer to get out of the cage for a long time now. I so wanted him to go about glaring at Leviathans and exploding them.

Lucifer told Dean "See you in 5 years, Dean..." in The End episode, referring to 2014. But there's only SEVEN episodes for the REST of the year...We're running out of time! :'[


Maybe we'll get lucky and they'll save it for the 2015 S10 finale and they'll use the excuse that Dean slightly altered the future so it just simply delayed the inevitable. Hopefully. >.<

Edited by Winchester

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