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An Okami RP

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"My name?Hijino..."says Hijino.

"Aren't you Ammy's friend?"asks Hijino.Hijino grabs his keyblade.

"Yes I am."he says.

"Oh you are?okay..."says Hijino.His keyblade dissapears.

"I need to rescue Ammy.You see,he dissapeared in the darkness."

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Hijino looks around.He had a pain in his heart.

"Someone...help me...Susano...Issun...someone..Nagi...."he said.The statue came alive.(I'm going to be Nagi because Hijino was knocked out).Nagi chased Terra.He grabs his sword and throws it at Terra's heart.

"Do not take the light out of my good friend"Nagi says.

He runs towards Terra and looks at the X-Blade.

"The X-BLADE!?That's Yami's gift!!!!You shall die!!!I MUST DESTROY THE X-BLADE!!!!"he yells.

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(you killed Nagi,how could you DX)

Hijino woke up.

"What happened..."he says.He looks at the Nagi statue.It was back.

"Meh....."he said.His sword was back too.

"Ammy...help me with more light...to surpass Terra and his darkness and his X-Blade."he said.

"He's just too much!"he yells.Hijino grows a tail like the spirit version of Shiranu (like how Shiranu has those many tails but Hijino grows only one).Hijino had a celestail brush!!!!!!!!(a celestail brush is something that can stop time and Hijino can drow wind,fire trails,lightning,slow motion and other things.)

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"Wow...my village..."says Hijino.He summons a vine to go above the Arc of Yamato.

"Oh my god!!!!!!!"yells Hijino.IT was full of darkness!!!!!!!!!

The Arc of Yamato had a new enemy....was it a hydra or something?

No...it seemed to be....all the enemies and Yami mixing together!??????

It had the head of Orochi,the body of blight,the graving of Yami,the legs of the spider queen,the tails of nine tails,the wings of Neckchu,and the drums of the imps.

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(So that was all a dream? So Waka isn't there now right?)

Issun was bouncing on Hijino's nose. "Hey you! Wake up!" Then he saw the Celestial Brush. "Is that...?" He lookes at Hinijo. "You can use the powers Ammy used! Hmm..." he bounced off of him and onto the ground. "Maybe you can use it to help Ammy!" He sees the beast, and hides behind Hijino. "What is THAT?"

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Hijino does a bomb and it blinds Terra for a second.

"Issun!!!Run with me!!!!"he yells.With Issun on his nose,Hijino dives into the monster.

It fires The Emperors stomach acid (blight) and fire (orochi and crimson helm) runs into the Arc of Yamato.

"I can't believe they,fused together"he yelled.

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"ISSUN!!!!THAT!!!!!LOOK!!IT'S THE BEAST'S HEART!!!!I'm to big i can't fit into that tiny hole.Sorry but please do it."Hijino says.

He throws Issun into the beast's hole and gets knocked out by Blight.

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terra appers in fornt of hijino and offer him a fake x-blade and said take this im sorry for having destorying your hometown and ill like to join the team so can i be part of the team again i pomise i wont rebel said terra asking nicely and thinking about how to rebel.

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"I don't think so..."says Hijino.He uses the celestail brush and cuts the X-Blade.


He uses the celestail brush to summon winds that tickles the monster

and sneezes Hijino but not Terra.

"SO LONG!!!"he yells.

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so it didnt work said terra as he told the monster to kill hijino and so terra could take his heart and use his powers. time to kill you hijino said terra as he called his x-blade into his hand ready to silce hijino heart. time destory u said terra as he rush to him with the x-blade.

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fine all of u win this fight but remeber this a war will change this war said terra as he left and fire a ginat dark ball at zero and said the darkness will rule all of u will die said terra as he left and the monster let go of hijino and returned it to normal.

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