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FINAL FANTASY XIII-2 Discussion Thread

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This teaser is just beautiful, it's nice they release PC version; everyone will be able to enjoy this fabulous trilogy

Edited by Caracool

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Square Enix has announced the following DLC will be included with the PC version of Final Fantasy XIII-2.

  • Opponent: Omega 
  • Opponent: Lightning & Amodar 
  • Opponent: Nabaat 
  • Opponent: Ultros & Typhon 
  • Opponent: PuPu 
  • Opponent: Gilgamesh 
  • Serah's Outfit: Summoner's Garb 
  • Serah's Outfit: Beachwear 
  • Serah's Outfit: White Mage 
  • Noel's Outfit: Battle Attire 
  • Noel's Outfit: Spacetime Guardian 
  • Noel's Outfit: Black Mage 
  • Mog's Outfits: A Wondrous Wardrobe 
  • Sazh: Heads or Tails? 
  • Lightning: Requiem of the Goddess 
  • Snow: Perpetual Battlefield
* The further DLC that was released with the original console versions will not be released with the Windows PC version (either with the original Windows PC version release, or later on as separate update content), due to licensing and contractual restrictions.

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I'll probably only get the opponent ones, just for those extra battles. The rest seem like a waste of money to me.

the Sazh Lightning and Snow DLCs on the bottom are worth your time far more than the Coliseum battles

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the Sazh Lightning and Snow DLCs on the bottom are worth your time far more than the Coliseum battles


The Snow one is basically just Colosseum battles though. But I agree Lightning and Sazh episodes are great.

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"Eventually" killing him isn't ideal though, since it lowers your chances of getting the trapezohedros needed to synthesize Noel and Serah's ultimate weapons


Not really concerned with ultimate weapons, just wanna platinum it if I can.

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Did you ever fight Vercingetorix in FF13? Poison him, then switch to Sentinel and tank him. Heal accordingly.


Never really bothered with the second half of the missions in XIII, just wanted to play XIII-2. Haha.

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You need to focus on poisoning it because mostly it will be one of the things that you should rely on for decreasing it's hp.

When you manage to put on it a lot of debuffs switch to Rav Rav Sen and try to stagger it. It is normal if you didn't manage to stagger it because it would attack you with a lot of things that might make you miss to fill the stagger start from zero. 

Edited by Master Keeper

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Oh yea I remember that fight. Just make sure you have some good high leveled monsters with ya. Preferably 1 Com 1 Rav & 1 Med.Stagger him quick with Rav/Rav combo then take his health down with Com/Com. And of course heal yourself if ya need too with Med/Med. He'll get back up after you defeat him once, so just repeat the previous stradegy. Other than that you should be fine

Edited by RoxasXIIIK

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Anyone got some advice for the Beneath a Timeless Sky paradox ending? Aka the one where Serah has to defeat Caius without Noel.

That fight is very easy if you got high level monsters and Serah herself is of a high level. What level are you?

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