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I have a question

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Is it okay if I make a thread in the Roleplaying section to help tutor people on how the post in the section are meant to be? You know, so people who may not understand how to post descriptively can see how its done and practice without having to worry about getting left behind. Because I think one reason for one liners is people don't want to be left behind in the action because they type slow or something. Its just an idea and I just wnat to know if its possible.

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Well I think everyone is already capable of typing descriptively, it's just some are too lazy or just don't want or haven't read the roleplaying guidelines.


And alot of times there are members who try and others who don't so it brings the whole rp down D:

I don't think is that they don't know how to roleplay but more like, they're too lazy, or just don't want to.

The roleplaying section is improving though, except for some members who continue to one line and such.

Maybe a tutoring thread wouldn't be a bad idea, but I'm not sure if other roleplayers would like it. Some may think it's insulting and saying that they don't know how to roleplay.

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I think that would help for some ppl, but I think that it won't work for ppl who are just plain old lazy or feel like spamming the RP section for the heck of it


And alot of times there are members who try and others who don't so it brings the whole rp down D:

I don't think is that they don't know how to roleplay but more like, they're too lazy, or just don't want to.


Another thing is no one is reading the guidelines. I see rps that say "3 lines minimum" and I'm like 'But the guidelines say at least 5 SENTENCES." Not lines. SENTENCES. Yes, there's a difference.

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That is also split between lazy and intelligence

Some of the RP hosts are lazy themselves, and dont want to put more then three,

while some do it to make the newbs do better... but is still a little more around there ball park

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I think that would help for some ppl, but I think that it won't work for ppl who are just plain old lazy or feel like spamming the RP section for the heck of it


And alot of times there are members who try and others who don't so it brings the whole rp down D:

I don't think is that they don't know how to roleplay but more like, they're too lazy, or just don't want to.


Another thing is no one is reading the guidelines. I see rps that say "3 lines minimum" and I'm like 'But the guidelines say at least 5 SENTENCES." Not lines. SENTENCES. Yes, there's a difference.


well I read the guidelines and I'm still able to do at least 3 lines if not more and I'm able to have more than 5 sentences...

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I think that would help for some ppl, but I think that it won't work for ppl who are just plain old lazy or feel like spamming the RP section for the heck of it


And alot of times there are members who try and others who don't so it brings the whole rp down D:

I don't think is that they don't know how to roleplay but more like, they're too lazy, or just don't want to.


Another thing is no one is reading the guidelines. I see rps that say "3 lines minimum" and I'm like 'But the guidelines say at least 5 SENTENCES." Not lines. SENTENCES. Yes, there's a difference.


That is also split between lazy and intelligence

Some of the RP hosts are lazy themselves, and dont want to put more then three,

while some do it to make the newbs do better... but is still a little more around there ball park


I will admit I am guilty of not posting more than 5 sentencces but personally, I think some may be doing the one-liner thing on purpose. I dunno, I am just negative at times and paranoid.

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I think that would help for some ppl, but I think that it won't work for ppl who are just plain old lazy or feel like spamming the RP section for the heck of it


And alot of times there are members who try and others who don't so it brings the whole rp down D:

I don't think is that they don't know how to roleplay but more like, they're too lazy, or just don't want to.


Another thing is no one is reading the guidelines. I see rps that say "3 lines minimum" and I'm like 'But the guidelines say at least 5 SENTENCES." Not lines. SENTENCES. Yes, there's a difference.


well I read the guidelines and I'm still able to do at least 3 lines if not more and I'm able to have more than 5 sentences...


I don't understand what you're saying?

Are you saying that you read the guidelines and they say you can post 3 lines? Or am I misunderstanding?

Oh, if you're capable of typing 5 sentences then please do so. If you can, then you should, obviously.

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Let it also be said, the sentences are not, "Mary stepped foot inside. She breathed. Across the way she noticed the television was left on. She walked to turn it off. Mary then heard a noise." -- If someone has 5 sentences in less than three lines then they need to possibly try a bit more? and also:



Should not

be considered



I swear I saw some people doing that. ._.

It says 5 in-depth sentences, which means thinking a bit more about the post before posting it. It's general learning in school to write at least 4-6 sentences in a paragraph, but that's just a basic step. To make the paragraph more outstanding, it should include more thought and more effort than basic bland sentences.

One liners honestly, don't take that much effort. Neither does short-sentenced paragraphs.


._. it also says at least 100 words if possible.


Does the term descriptive just go in the ear and out the other?


The guidelines/rules are a basic minimal standard, that honestly shouldn't be hard to follow.


I don't see any harm in trying to make a tutorial-like thread,but it just depends on if the people actually give the effort to look on it and aren't easily offended when people are trying to help them to learn. o.o /shot

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Just like to add that you shouldn't be following it so seriously... it's not like 4 sentences is not allowed, where 5 sentences is. It all has to do with the quality and creativity of your post, as well as depth... not so much word count. Although that helps a lot.

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