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How I got into the Kh series

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How I got into the KH series


It was either May 2006 or May 2007 (cant remember) and I went to my cousins house. He had a PS2 and when I got bored from playing with outside with my other cousin, I asked him if I can play it and he said yes. I played a few games but the one I remember playing the most was Kingdom Hearts 2. I remember going on my cousins save file (he already beaten the game) and exploring the worlds and beating heartlesses. I decided the next day to make my own save file and try to beat the game myself. I was only on Day 2 on roxas when I had to go home (I was staying over there for vacation) Few months later.for.christmas I got a PS2 with Kingdom Hearts 2 and a.couple of.other games and I beated the game 2 months later.


And ive been a big kh fan ever since! :)

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I genuinely can't remember how I got into the first one; it was either my friend who gave me the copy of KH, or my parents after I had played it with him. He definitely gave me a copy of the second one, though, and it remains my favorite (although BBS certainly gives it a run for its money!).


Been into it since the first game, although not on release; I first got my PS2 around 2004, so some time after that, but before KH2. And then Chain of Memories somewhere in between that.

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I played Kingdom Hearts 1 at my friend's place. We wanted to go somewhere together and her parents were driving us, so I came to her place. Her brother was playing KH when I came in. I got curious because it kinda reminded me of final fantasy and asked the name of the game. We had to wait a little bit so I got to play a bit and I loved it. When I came home I asked my mother to get it for my sisters and me. The funny thing is, just like we got FF X-2 before FFX, we also get Kingdom hearts 2 first. I managed to infect one of my sisters with kingdom hearts too and both of us have been KH fans ever since.

I tried to get my friend into final fantasy, but she didn't like that the gameplay wasn't as free moving as in Kingdom Hearts.

The thing is, though KH 1 was the one that got me in the series, I couldn't play it, because it was unavailable at that moment, so I played KH 2 first and when we got the first one I went back to starting from the very start. I remember my sister playing KH 2 and then being like, 'but I don't want to change to Sora, I want to keep play as Roxas!'. 

So both games were kinda the first games I played of the series, but KH 1 got me into this wonderful mess journey. :)

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