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In light of day's poll, I had to ask myself the reasoning for why Nomura wants KH3 to be released for the Xbox One.


    I understand it brings in more income for Square, but Xbox players would be completely out of the loop. None of the HD Remixes have been released for the Xbox 360, so why make the deal with Microsoft? Does Nomura have plans to create said Remixes for Xbox next year? If not, releasing KH3 on Xbox is a waste of resources. 


  I want Xbox players to experience Kingdom Hearts more than anyone, but this isn't the proper way to introduce the series to a new console. Even Nintendo had 358/2 and Re:Coded made for handhelds so they wouldn't be completely lost. 

  I hope Nomura plans to make 1.5 and 2.5 for Xbox in the near future before 360 is outdated. 


 What are your thoughts? 

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Apparently, 1.5 and 2.5 are Sony exclusives, which is a shame, because even though I love having the trophies, my achievement thingy is without KH and it feels sad


Also, Xbob only fans will now be eternally lost

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Personally I think most people including myself who are going to pick up Kh3 for the xbox one are people who have moved from Sony to Microsoft at the start of the 7th generation being people thought the 360 was the 'better' console at the time just my two cents on the topic.

Edited by LostOdin

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If you didn't buy a PS3 for KH3 (thinking you would get it) you aren't a real KH fan IMHO. At least buy both then, unless you waited straight for the announcement. I think I should replace the real for a fanboy.  xD  No evil intentions here, move on...

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It's easy to port from XB1 to PS4 and vice versaThe new head of Square Enix has been insisting on making everything multi-console

PS4 has very simple arcatexture, and is essentially a regular PC with a Sony OS chosen over an Windows, Linux, or Apple OS. Any game that goes from the other systems (Nintendo or Microsoft) can easily be configured for PS4 due to it. But if you're buying what basically is a regular computer with a "Play Station 4" written on it, why limit yourself to the PS4? Spend a little extra cash and get basically every game there is because 90% of the console titles now a day's make a release on PC and just get a regular PC. They can multitask, they're easier to upgrade, and most of the time, a game you want will likely be cheaper naively, and then add on sales.

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Personally I think most people including myself who are going to pick up Kh3 for the xbox one are people who have moved from Sony to Microsoft at the start of the 7th generation being people thought the 360 was the 'better' console at the time just my two cents on the topic.

So you went from 360 to Xbox One knowing about the restrictions Xbone once had? Also how will you play the Remixes? You don't have PS3?

Apparently, 1.5 and 2.5 are Sony exclusives, which is a shame, because even though I love having the trophies, my achievement thingy is without KH and it feels sad


Also, Xbob only fans will now be eternally lost

It's a damn shame. Nomura should've stuck to his guns and kept KH as an exclusive or make all games multiplatform. He's being wishy-washy. 

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