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Hi Everyone, as you all know Christmas is creeping up on us and I was just looking for some advice as to what games I should get. The thing is, my brother has offered to buy me a christmas present within the $50-$60 range which I think is pretty resonable and I've decided that I would like to get Pokemon Alpha Sapphire which is being released next month.


However, we made an agreement that if I completed Pokemon Black and defeated the Elite Four he woulde get it for me. But lately he's been talking about Pokemon Black 2 and what not and to be perfectly honest, I don't really want the sequel game because I didn't pay $250 to play an Intendo DS game, no I paid all that money to play 3Ds games. I'm not really sure if we're still sticking to the agreement or not
so I'll have to ask him about that.


If that doesn't work my mother has also offered to buy me something as well. Although, there is another game I am thinking of getting and that is the Sims 4. Now, I know what you're all thinking I'm getting ripped off here and what not. But I've played it and I think its pretty good and since I just lost all of the Sims 3 files thanks to my brother, I am thinking its time to take another step forward.


So what do you all think I should do? What other games can you recommend to me and if you like, you can tell me what you would like for Christmas in the comments!


Also, have some pony.




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Play the Uncharted games.

Uncharted, I think I've heard of those. I'll be sure to check them out. I rememer Good Game have been reviewing them and giving them their stamp of approval.

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Uncharted, I think I've heard of those. I'll be sure to check them out. I rememer Good Game have been reviewing them and giving them their stamp of approval.


They're simply amazing. I've reviewed them, feel free to check out my reviews on my profile. Good Game? Hello fellow Aussie!

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For the 3ds I would recommend Fire Emblem or maybe even Smash. However, if you want, you could get Link Between Worlds. From what I've heard and seen it is a fantastic Zelda game and it is a refreshing title considering the developers have been a bit "clueless" with the franchise. But rambling aside, the 3ds has a plethora of excellent games that I'm looking forward to buy soon.And if your agreement is still on, then go for it and make that final rush to beat the game. I don't think it's too hard considering that the later games have been much easier and forgiving. On a final note, yay two more Aussies.

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Maybe.Final Fantasy X/X-2 Remaster? I myself want Destiny for.christmas (because my money is going to super smash bros 3ds.and Pokemon OR/AS)

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