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is kh2fm's gummi ship missions worse than 1fm?

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for what i remember some of them were quite a challenge to take all the treasure and obtain S rank and for the dude in the last mission that can kill you in 1 hit can be tough like or even more than the 1 game. :/

at least this is my though now, when i have the game and i focus on the gummi things i can tell you for sure xD

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The Gummi Missions in  kingdom hearts II are much more Longer and Challenging in Kingdom Hearts 2 from my personal experiences (sorry if it's a little long I'm an eccentric fellow :P) in kh2 there are much more missions and enemies for you to fight on screen which can be either extremely challenging and/or annoying depending on who you are. for me back then before kh1.5 to came out i absolutely hated Gummi missions every time i was on the verge of finishing a world the fact that i was would have to play a Gummi Ship mission to get to the next world always laid heavily in the back of my mind in both kh1 and 2 :O but now that I'm older and have gone back and played kh1 I've grown quite fond of Gummi ship missions in kh2 there are much more attachments and modifications you can make to your Gummi ship i'll leave it at that you'll see when kh2.5 comes out don't spoil it for yourself also sorry for the long explanation i just get very passionate when it concerns Kingdom Hearts  >.<

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It's literally "shoot the crap out of everything", the only ones that might be troublesome are the "use a pre-made ship" EX missions and Dreadnought 3 (Hunter-X)

Yeah, the EX missions have restrictions on what materials you can use, but even then, most of them are fairly easy to S-rank. None of that "you cannot get hit at all" or "you must collect X amount of Y" crap from KH1.

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