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Which year do you think Kingdom Hearts III will release?

Which year do you think Kingdom Hearts III will release?  

170 members have voted

  1. 1. Which year do you think Kingdom Hearts III will release?

    • 2015
    • 2016
    • 2017
    • 2018
    • 2019
    • To infinity and beyond!!!

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I predicted XV would release next year and I was right...

I have small hope that it'll come out the year after, but (scumbag) Normura said he didn't wanna leave 3DDD behind so it'll probably be 2017 .-.



Eh, maybe 2025 at the most


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I understand the people excited to have it in 2016, but Nomura is till on the stage of writing the scenario and they are facing some problems with the graphic and that would make 2016 barely an option. I wanted to choose 2018 but chose 2017 instead in hope that it finishes faster.

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As much as I wish I could say 2016, I just know that is not going to happen.  2017 is plenty of time for Osaka to deliver the game in a well polished form.

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Optimistically, 2016. Realistically, 2017. They'll want to push FFXV out in 2015 (because the marketing writes itself =P), but it'll likely get delayed until 2016, which will in turn alter KH3's release date, which will ultimately be 2017.

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I'd say 2017, optimistically speaking. Sora96 is right, 2015 and 2016 are WAY too unreasonably soon for a game of KH3's promise to be rushed, it could easily end up becoming the Sonic 2006 of the series if Square pushed an early release date on Nomura and the Osaka team. (yes, that includes late 2016 too. A year is a year, it doesn't matter how late into the year it is, it will still be too early)


(Not even going to bother quoting, because way too many people are saying the same things)


We all know that next year marks the 13th anniversary of the series. Whether Square and Nomura make a big deal out of it or not, it is borderline impossible that we will see KH3 released next year. That's not to say that I don't see anything Kingdom Hearts related being released in 2015, it's just not going to be KH3. If anything, we'll see whatever they are (possibly) planning with DDD and what plans (if any) they have of making X more relevant to English speaking fans who haven't/"can't" play the current version of KHX. Or maybe something entirely different or new for Kingdom Hearts will be announced/revealed/released (doesn't necessarily have to be a game). The main point is that the 13th Anniversary of Kingdom Hearts will NOT mark the release of Kingdom Hearts III.


2016 isn't as unreasonable as 2015, but it's still too early to anticipate KH3, especially since this is new unfamiliar technology they are dealing with. There is the small chance that this new tech is easier to work with than last generation's, but that doesn't mean that the game will be made any quicker. A game has to be made, but it also has to be refined, that much I know.


Even 2017 might be pushing it, but it is the minimum amount of time that the team would require to make the game properly and well. Also, for those who still insist on an anniversary release, this would land on the 15th year of the franchise, so plenty of significance to be had with that. For all I know though, and this depends heavily on how much they want to put in the game and how great they want it to be, they might not even be finished by 2017, it could easily take another year or two depending on what they want to do with it.


At the very least though, we can say with confidence that by 2019, Kingdom Hearts III will have already been released. Being Nomura's largest project right now, it's most likely the one he will be focusing most of his time and effort into. No doubt he will be dividing his attention to his other projects as well, but right now Kingdom Hearts III is his baby (in a matter of speaking, Final Fantasy XV has already "left the nest"), so he will be giving most of his all to that first, or at least most of the time he spends working. Kingdom Hearts III will be completed as soon as they can, but if being a fan of the Sonic series has taught me anything, it's quality of product over quantity of waiting time that wins the race, so don't go wishing for it to be ready too soon.  <3

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never said i wanted a poor quality game, just saying Nomura loves surprises and the number 13Edit: And belt buckles

The main reason 13 is such a big number in the series is that it's an unlucky number.


I'd say 2016. 3 years for a AAA game like this is not far fetched.  

Edited by Andrew Rowland

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Also, I have to admit, I was tempted to vote "To Infinity and Beyond!!" just because it was there.  xD

that doesn't make them crazy, just hopeful 

You'd be surprised how blurry of a line there is between hopeful and foolish when you find a lot of people don't even consider the time and effort that goes into making games like this. :P


Trust me, 2017 is both a perfectly hopeful AND rational choice.

Edited by Hero of Light XIV

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Late 2018. That should be just the right amount of time to give us a polished game of the year. Unless KH3 has a lot of elements of FFXV that is universally despised, in which case KH3 might be pushed back to correct it. Though it would have to be really REALLY bad for that to happen.

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I believe Kingdom Hearts III will come out in 2017.  I have to say that I can honestly wait until that time.  There are many other great games coming out during this time span, so I have no problem waiting for Kingdom Hearts III.  I want to play a quality game that is a fitting end to the Xehanort Saga, not a half baked undone game! (Even if it came out earlier, I'd still love it to bits.)  But yeah, I personally think that the game will come out in 2017, and it makes sense, because at that time, the game will have been four years in development, and Kingdom Hearts II was developed in a four year time span too, so my hopes are that KH III also takes four years and not more. :3

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I believe the game will come out in 2016. I definitely feel that once 2.5 is fully out of the way then the Osaka team have no excuse to not keep working at KH3 full steam. The expectations (and impatience as well as attitude) from certain fans means Nomura and co easily have the toughest Kingdom Hearts title to produce yet.


Kingdom Hearts III realistically needs to be on the market within the next 3 years otherwise.... well it'll be a bad scenario for SE to be in.

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Also, I have to admit, I was tempted to vote "To Infinity and Beyond!!" just because it was there.  xD

You'd be surprised how blurry of a line there is between hopeful and foolish when you find a lot of people don't even consider the time and effort that goes into making games like this. :P


Trust me, 2017 is both a perfectly hopeful AND rational choice.

yeah I think 2017 is when it will be

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im going for late 2016. 


I realize that KH3 is a game that's going to require quite a bit of effort and work put into it. Blood and Sweat that is. And i'm being a bit optimistic here since it's probably as big of a project for Nomura as FF XV was for him. Hopefully it won't last as long as a project though.


I used to be a part of the 2015 team, but at the time i didn't realize that the game was about 5-10 percent done at the time. Now i realize that things aren't going as fast as i had hoped. Mostly because of FF XV. 


But i can confidently say that KH 3 will come out 1 or 2 years after FF XV is. Looking at the time, it's clear that FF XV will probably come out next year. So i'm praying for a 2016 release for KH3. 2016-7 is my time frame.

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