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keyblade war part 2 and 3

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"V-Ven wasn't Seth. Ven looked like me. He had to have been my brother." Icky words Terra made up. Like, 'kiss'. Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeew. "What the heck?"

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Somnus's heart floated to the Creator. The Creator absorbed Somnus's heart and instead of a Heartless or Nobody, a new human named Avin took Somnus's place. Avin was asleep on the Islands.

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dear sophie and terra,


you must go to hollow bastion for a purpose i will explain when you get here. you both r desined to open the door to light


your sister sophie



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"Hollow Bastion...but...but that's..." Sophie shook her head. "I don't have a sister, either. I was the only one. I don't remember having a sister, like I didn't remember having a brother. Is this another trick? Laura or someone?"

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Avin woke up. He stood up and started limping.. He had been hurt very bad but he didn't know when, how, or why. He limped around the Island, searching for help.

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this part 3 of the keyblade war. new people use this to create your person







this gonna be a summary of part 2:terra played by me ven me too and sophie which played by ixlovexventus were at hollow bastion. they sin died and somnus and also lexondied after a great battle terra ven and sophie went to the islands and relax until they meet larua aka lauren. to find out who is lauren read part 1. sin and sonmus came to the islands after a great battle sanchez who is alive ven and terra and sophie went to twilight town only to see roxas holding xion. after a long talk laura reavels tht she was lauren in dissky as DiZ and ven being not sophies brother after another great battle somnus died but was reval as a new person.sanchez dieing again but this time for good. terra and sophie kiss. and with terra and sophie on the islands they got a letter from sophies real sister named aqua who told them to go to hollow bastion

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(-.-' I cant believe that my character dissapeared and also screw it, I can make up any character I want so I dont want any objections to my character plz)

Name: Lauri

Age: 14

Gender: Female

Weapon: Fresh Breeze (I can make any weapon I want to -_-)

Story: To be revealed

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As Avin isn't new, he will be put on a character spoiler sheet

name: Avin

age: 14

gender: Male

weapon: any keyblade he can get

story: re-read part 2 at the end.


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Personality:Kind, Helpful, generous

Appearance: Nilus has a similarity 2 ventus, hes a young but powerful keyblade master, he always look 4 fun and adventure, and wud 1 day try 2 b one of da best keyblade wielders in da world

Weapon: Fresh Breeze (reverse grip)

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"hello, u dont look like ur from dis world, r u?", "but, anyways, im nilus, is dere something rong, it looks like dere is something ur looking 4?" nilus said 2 sophie, and terra

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