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keyblade war part 2 and 3

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we need two more characters heartless 101 you can come back and you too roxas1314. we already hav terra sophie and ven just need two more people

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Name: Varlexon

Age: 17

Personality: Quiet, and helpful

Appearance: Varlexon

may look dark, but he is a keyblade master, dat most people respect, he has black wavy hair, blue eyes, a white headband on and always looks 4 a way 2 end da conflicts, be4 da war will begin again

Weapon: Fresh Breeze

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If you really want all of the details, you can just click on 'Forum Games' and read Part 1. So you're not totally clueless, our cast so far was: Sophie (me, ixlovexventus, Lexi the Amazing), Terra (terraxaqua34), Ven (Sophie's supposed brother that is being played by terraxaqua), "deceased" characters, Lauren (Heartless101, who I LOVE THE LAKERS MORE THAN!!!!), Mikantus (I call him Mike-y, played by Roxas1314), Sanchez (Corrupted keyblade, who I call Sandy, who's apparently in love with Sophie--I have no comment).

Story-story: Sophie runs into Lauren and Terra, who are already friends, in Twilight Town. Lauren's trying to get her memory back, and Terra get his heart. She links up with them, and they meet Mikantus (Mike-y) who almost fights Terra, because of a bad history, which everyone else later learns is from a run-in in their homeworld where Mike-y gets a super powerful Keyblade to destroy the world. Sandy has wings and can read minds, and Soph has magic visions. She drags them to the Destiny Islands, where she passes out best friend good luck charms. Soon, somehow, Sophie's Duct-Taped to a tree for 3 pages by Sandy for being too noisy. D: Then everyone's fighting over petty little things, and finally Soph breaks them up. They head to the Keyblade Graveyard, stop Mike-y who ends up being evil and tries to summon Kingdom Hearts and sacrafice Terra and Sophie. (The damsel in distress Sophie thing wasn't my idea, and please DON'T continue it) They get away and Terra gets his heart back. Then Saix, Axel, and Roxas show up. Sanchez takes out Roxas, and Saix (oh, here we go again) kidnapps Sophie, throwing her in some jail cell in the World That Never Was. (while Sandy professes his love for her. PLEASE do not continue that!) Sandy, Terra, and Lauren come looking for her, and Sophie apparently has a long-lost brother named Ven who comes and rescues her. Soph then kicks Vexen's butt, and they run like crap back to the Keyblade Graveyard, and they're all back together. Then Lauren summons the X-Blade and ends up being evil. So (as this will forever be held over me) she uses Duct Tape Massacre to stop Sophie, and kills Sandy. Terra goes bye-bye to stop her and her last words to Terra are something like, "oh, I love you!" and her last words to Soph are, "shut up once in a while". Life is cruel, *sigh*. Somehow, six months later, present, Terra, Sophie, and Ven are all okay. So on the Destiny Islands it ends with Ven telling Sophie something has to do with her. Being a leaderly she knows that the whole world revolves around her and tells him she knows, and it ends with him breaking the news, "The Organization's after you." And, biggest icky bombshell, Sandy kisses Sophie. (I am disgusted, too)


You're all caught up. Better hope you don't end up Duct Taped to trees.

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Name: Somnus

Age: 19

Personality: Strong willed, Protective, and Obedient

Appearance: (I'll get a pic)

Gender: Male

Weapon: Winner's Proof

Story: Unnknown for now.

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terra sophie and ven are walking in hollw bastion until they meet two people.AND IF YOUR NOT THERE YOUR CHARACTER GETS PLAY BY ME

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"Dunno, who do you think we are, Lexon?" "H-how exactly do you know my name." Ven smirked. "Soph can see the future. dah-dah-dah!" "Um...you are joking, right?" "It gets really annoying. That's why I love doin' it, Lex."



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Somnus sees the trio but doesn't say anything. He doesn't know them, therefore he doesn't care about them. They don't need to know who I am at all. They look like Keyblade weilders so talking to them could start some trouble, or worse. Bring out my dark side.

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(can you plz not control my character when I'm not here without permission. thx) Somnus glared at the group. "I'm not even going to waste my time." He walked away. He'd rather be alone than deal with self-righteous punks like the people here.

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