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What are your preparations for KH2.5

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i started play bbs too times ago (finished aqua's story) now is some time i don't go ahead with ven's story. standard mode, i leave the challange things for the "real deal"

like i metionated in my topic, playing kh1 both begin and lv1 modes.

and i'm crying over the new musics, waiting for the moment i listen to them while playing 2.5 xP

Edited by Aros

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I'm not really preparing for it, I haven't played either game in so long it'll feel like a new experience again, whereas if I start it up it'll be like oh, same exact game I just finished that's just prettier.  Yay. 

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I'm kinda preparing for it by playing Kingdom Hearts 2 (USA) again and watching a bunch of speedruns of Final Mix.


For Birth By Sleep, I've got Youtube vids for it. I already know the story of Re: Coded off the top of my head, so I'm good there.


Edit: ^ This.

Edited by SupurNeoDude

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I'm not really preparing for it, I haven't played either game in so long it'll feel like a new experience again, whereas if I start it up it'll be like oh, same exact game I just finished that's just prettier.  Yay. 

This.  I've had the urge to start up a new playthrough of the original KH2 for a few months now but I've resisted.

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^firstly, you're on PSHome? It's been too long.


I'll just try to platinum FM and do a general 1.5 playthrough in doing so. Only beginner, standard, blueprints, Unchanging, undefeated, and speedster left. That will be after I play AC:Unity, and I'm making more effort to prepare for that.

Edited by Andrew Rowland

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^firstly, you're on PSHome? It's been too long.I'll just try to platinum FM and do a general 1.5 playthrough in doing so. Only beginner, standard, blueprints, Unchanging, undefeated, and speedster left. That will be after I play AC:Unity, and I'm making more effort to prepare for that.

I went on PSHome after many months of not going on.  I heard they were shutting it down next year so I thought I'd see what's new... I remember when I first saw the first trailers it looked interesting, but it's always been a disappointment and suckish IMO.

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I went on PSHome after many months of not going on.  I heard they were shutting it down next year so I thought I'd see what's new... I remember when I first saw the first trailers it looked interesting, but it's always been a disappointment and suckish IMO.

Ah okay. Last I went on, it was about 4 years ago. My "Apartment" is Andy's Room. But enough of that. Back on topic.

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