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KH Games from Worst to Best?

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7. Re:Coded: The gameplay did not suit the console in any way, and it was too easy.

6. Kingdom Hearts: It was the first one, so that is forgiveable. Once you get used to the newer ones, the older ones feel weird.

5. 358/2 Days: It was decent, but difficult to finish. (Damn Leechgrave)

4. Birth By Sleep: Didn't play much of it, but it's got the new battle system I'm fond of.

3. Re: Chain of Memories: The remake was better than the original, and I'll admit, I like that card battle system

2. Dream Drop Distance: Best handheld KH game.

1. Kingdom Hearts II: Best one of them all. They reaction commands, drives and limits made the gameplay great.

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6. Days: It was an incredibly slow crawl from start to finish. The bosses were unbalanced, it had the worst ways to use magic, and the whole story just felt unnecessary. But it was cool to have Roxas develop some more.

5. Chain of Memories & Re:Chain of Memories - While it is, by far, my favorite story in the series, I've never been a fan of the card gameplay.

4. Re:Coded: The gameplay is a lot of fun. And, in a way, I kinda find Data Sora likable. But, a lot of the story could have been done in cutscenes from other games.

3. Kingdom Hearts: It's kind of archaic now, but its still fun. It's what got me into liking Action RPGs in the first place. The story is probably the most Disney-ish one in the series.

2. Dream Drop Distance: While it was unbalanced, like Re:coded, the gameplay is a lot of fun. The world designs were given a lot more care this time and FANTASIA WAS AMAZING.

1. Kingdom Hearts II: The gameplay is a lot of fun, and there's just...well...a lot to do in there. I just wish the story was more developed 

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7. Re:Coded: It had the least lasting impressing for me as a KH game, but it was pretty fun for the ride I had with it. 

6. BBS: I honestly felt like it could've been so much more, but I felt so spoiled by S-E  already thanks to the trailers. The game was great as a whole, but still..it just didn't feel right for me too much ,and I think it might of been because it didn't feel fitting on  a handheld, it felt like it should have been on  a console. It did have Aqua though, my bae. <3

5. KHII: An overall excellent evolution of the battle system from KHI, as well as many memorable scenes. The downside is the lack of platforming from KHI, and the worlds didn't feel as well done as they were in KHI. 

4. Days: I understand that it was repetitive, but I still believe it had its own variety shining in there in its own way. I loved that it featured the fake members, even if we didn't get the background or char development like we would have wanted, because I'm just really into those chars. Oh, and Xion is my precious bae. <3

3. KH3D: Excellent world selection, especially Fantasia, hopefully we get more worlds with beauty akin to that. On top of that, a story that, kind of, kept developing a deeper mystery, and then an incredibly captivating finishing sequence that left me wanting more. 

2. KHI: for a long time, this was my number 1, for all of what it did right. Story(mostly), the handling of Disney worlds, Platforming(outside of the horrible camera), and characters, etc,. A thrilling ride form start to finish, with only a few bumps at most.

1. CoM/Re:CoM: Now..for all of the frustration and lack of enjoyment I will give the combat system, it definitely feels nicer to use in the remake. Outside of that, the story was amazingly done, and introduced those members of the fake Organization superbly. They all felt like they had a place, even if a couple of them had minimal input, and you could do so much with them. Thrilling antagonists, mysterious protagonists, all woven together by wlll crafted writing, a true KH masterpiece in my book .

Edited by MysticVriska

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Chi was so bad I didn't even want to include it. xD


I don't really find Chi bad. Well, compared to the other games, it's probably the worst. But it's really fun. I hope we can get it in English.

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7. kingdom heart re coded: Didn't really have anything story wise, but I enjoyed the gameplay 

6. kingdom hearts 358/2 days: Even though the story in this game was slow moving, I still enjoy the game. It explained a lot as a prequel to kingdom hearts 2. It talked more about the organization and a very interesting person that Vexen made called Xion. I really like her contribution to the overall story. The tone of the story went all over the place in this game. Sometimes you see the main three characters in the game happy, sad, or even confused depending on what part of the game you were in.The gameplay got really repetitive in this game. Even though every keyblade had a different combo set, it still got repetitive. 


5. kingdom hearts Dream Drop Distance: I like the use of flow motion in this game. The only thing I want this game to contribute to is the new version of flow motion called attraction flow which has been teased in previous kingdom hearts 3 trailers. The gameplay has a lot of Birth by sleep elements to it with its own gameplay mechanics. I like DDD's story because it tells us a little bit more about organization 13 and how kingdom hearts 3 will be a direct sequel to the game. The stories in each world was awesome, but I think they could have done a little better. 


4. kingdom hearts re chain of memories: I used to hate the gameplay in this game due to the fact that you have to use cards in order to beat the game. The gameplay in this game is very different from other kingdom hearts titles and this game also seems to be very story driven which I really like in a game. To tell the truth, I don't think the card battle system was that bad because it tried to be its own game instead of copying the "mash the x button to win" concept in the other kingdom hearts titles.


3. kingdom hearts 1: This is the second kingdom hearts game I played. I really like the game's story and how each world has a diversity of problems for Sora to deal with. I like the gameplay, but I like kingdom hearts 2's gameplay better. I give this game some credit because it is the first kingdom hearts game to come out and it has a good spot in my heart that made me put it in the top 3. 


2. kingdom hearts 2: It is a very good sequel to kingdom hearts 1. The gameplay in this game is basically the upgraded version of the gameplay in kingdom hearts 1. I like kingdom hearts 2's gameplay more than any other kingdom hearts titles. What I like about each world's story in this game is that you get to visit them to at least two times which I find really fun and cool. I also like the new worlds that were introduced in the game and I hope that at least some of them make it back in kingdom hearts 3. I also think that the game has the best selection of Disney worlds more than any other kingdom hearts title and I enjoyed all of them. It's good that this game is a sequel to the first kingdom hearts game, but it didn't really get to the number one place. I grew up kingdom hears 2 so I find that every time I play the game it feels nostalgic and it also reminds me of the first kingdom hearts game. 


1. kingdom hearts Birth By Sleep: I think that Birth by Sleep has the most emotional story in the kingdom hearts franchise. I also found this story 3 times more emotional then the stories of both kingdom hearts 358/2 days and kingdom hearts 2 combined.All three characters in the game suffered terrible fates. This game has a really good hole in me because of the story. Every time I placed up the game and watched a cutscene or two I seen the relationship between the three friends dissipate throughout the game. Sure that they they all fought on the same world at the end, but each character that I had to play as in the game had their own personality. They had their own reasons to be who they are. Sadly they are all lost due to Master Xehanort. I won't be surprised if this game is going to have a stronger connection with kingdom hearts 3 more then any kingdom hearts title because at the end Sora will have to save them all which has been hinted in several kingdom hearts games. I like the gameplay in this game because the commands that you equipped made the gameplay more interesting.This is why I think Birth By Sleep deserves the number 1 spot on my list. 

Edited by Zeldablade7

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7. Kingdom Hearts Re: Coded:
- Fun Game but hate the story and the Data mission


6. Kingdom Hearts Re: Chain of Memories.
Great story, but the battle is so annoying and fight with heartless is so stupid.


5. Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep
- I dont Know why but.. I wanted more of it.


4. Kingdom Hearts 358/2 days

-Great story love it in 1.5


3. Kingdom Hearts 3D Dream Drop Distance

- Great gameplay Good Story. Loved that Jump everywhere you want


2. Kingdom Hearts

- Those good old child memories.. see how it all started and how muched it changed


1. Kingdom Hearts 2.

Great long story great gameplay. Play as Riku and Mickey love it;

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Too keep it short and simple:


7. KH Re:COM - Cards, do i need to say more?

6. KH1 - I just really hate how slow this game makes me feel.

5. KH Re:Coded - Great gameplay but almost no real story, I'm more of a story person.

4. KH 358/2 Days - My favorite character is in this game (Roxas) of course I'm being biased.

3. KH:Dream Drop Distance - Really amazing flow, but a pain to get those trophies.

2. KH:Birth By Sleep - Amazing story + Gameplay.

1. KH2 - Best of everything, until KH3 comes out that is.

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7. Re coded- Just not a good game. It's DS though so maybe forgivable. 3/10

6. 358/2 days- I do like the story in this game. I like the characters in this game. The gameplay is lacking though and game is repetitive. I feel as if this game was limited by the capacities of the DS, and if this game got a full remake, I would put it at #2. 7/10

5. Dream drop distance- This game had more potential, but it was as if it was made for newer audiences. It was a rushed game, with most of the focus on the gameplay. So therefore the story lacks and is stupid, and the game is short. It is only #5 because it is on a better system then the OG DS and made for better gameplay.7.1/10

4 Birth by sleep- Wow I don't know what to say. I do like this game. The gameplay is solid (though could have differentianted the types for the 3 characters better.) The story is good in parts. When you add it together maybe even the best.The problem I have with the game is I don't like the characters of Aqua and Terra. They just threw in even more characters, and tried to make each like Sora Riku and Kairi. I do like Master Xehanort as a villan. I also enjoy a good part of the game. It's just not complete too me.8/10

3. Kingdom Hearts 2- This game has some of the best parts of the series. The moments in this game are awesome. Yet it's the fact that's it's only moments that you have a sprint, then you hit a wall for a large chunk of the game. The Disney worlds are that wall, and block a huge part of the game. It becomes stagnant, and you're just going through the motions till you get to an actual excting part of the game. The gameplay in this game is good, and fluid. I do think it is the best in the series (though I don't like the way they did magic, as opposed to Kh1) The final battle/world is also epic, and I really do like this game. 9/10

2- Kingdom hearts RECOM- I actually really enjoy this game. It is the most unique game in the series by far. Unfortunately the series tends to not use this game in further references, therefore lowering the importance. Many people don't like the cards, but I like the change of pace. Using sleights, and the customization in the game is the best in the series. The story progresses very nicely, and keeps you on your toes unlike the previous 5 games. You feel a sense of hope, and a reason to keep going. Also the villans are given great backround, yet leaving you with a sense of mystery, easily the best done evil side of the series. The disney part does kill some of the buzz, but they did enough on the floor level to cancel that out so the disney worlds are more like training sessions. Then the Riku part of the story could have not been done any better. I'm not a huge Riku fan, but the road to redemption, and the character development is uncanny. He has a few moments of doubt, but oveercomes them and becomes a BA (He is still emo in KH2 and DDD, and that's why I am not a big fan). Overall a solid game 9.5/10.

1. Kingdom Hearts 1- I can not say enough about this game. It is perfect. It is the only game that has you on the toes from start to begining. It is simple, yet clean. The development throughout is amazing. All the characters are done so well. There so much exploration, and really feels like you're in control not just going through the motions. This is the only game that does Disney right, and gives you information every time you progress through a world(like recom.) There is an actual purpose in your journey, and it gives you more satisfaction when you beat an enemy. Also Kairi gives you a purpose in this game, and the scenes with her and sora is priceless. (Also the only game where Sora doesn't annoy the fuq out of me.) The Hollow Bastion world was increasingly intense, and is my favorite sequences of the story. The Gameplay may be lacking, but it's enough for the game with a great story/characters. I didn't sell the game as much as I wanted, but it is easily my favorite. 10/10

Edited by Jermaine

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7: Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days--- The gameplay sucked and the story was hit or miss. I liked the interactions amongst the Org13 members but Xion annoyed me to no end. The game was visually a good looking DS game but the clunky controls made it an unpleasant playthrough.


6: Kingdom Hearts Re:coded--- Really fun gameplay and slightly more visually appealing than Days (not by much tho). The gameplay saves this one from being a mess imo. The story is bare and really unnecessary. The game wasn't a major let down but it did feel pointless 90% of the time. Loved the matrix system however, I loved tinkering with the gameplay.


5: Kingdom Hearts Final Mix--- An unpopular opinion but KH1 isn't my favourite game in the series. The gameplay is clunky, the story is only ok and the wonky low camera make boss fighta and the like aggravating as hell. It's a good game don't get me wrong and the HD remaster made me appreciate the game more but overall it's the first game in the series so I'll let the issues regarding gameplay slide as it was fixed in later games.


4: Kingdom Hearts 3D: [Dream Drop Distance]--- Ok so story aside, the gameplay was great. Battle wise now not exploration wise. The empty worlds and huge map sizes did the game no favours. Flowmotion was great and it was cool bouncing all over the place. Also, it still remains one of the finest looking 3DS games on the market despite being released early in the consoles life. The story is extremely hit or miss for me. I really enjoyed it after I beat the game the first time around but the more I watched back on cutscenes and dwelled on the story the more I realised the plot was all over the place. Time travel rarely works well so adding it to KH was frustrating to say the least.


3: Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories--- So first off, I don't like the PS2 remake. The gameplay is too awkward in 3D. The game for me is great in its original format on the GBA. The card system is definitely up there with my favourite combat systems in the series. The plot for CoM I thought was good too, we see a side of Sora that we don't really get to see anywhere else in the series. Riku's side was good too but I disliked not being able to edit his decks. Visually it's top on GBA, the sprites and FMVs are great and the card combat works really well in 2D.


2: Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep--- I dislike a number of things in BbS, mainly Terra, playing through the game 3 tims and long load times. However it has many positives, great story, great visuals, good voice acting (bar Terra), great gameplay, Aqua and it had an experience that I hold closely to that of what 2 gave me. The ending to game literally had me in tears despite I could see it coming. Again the game was visually great on PSP and really I think it was the only KH game that came out after 2 to have a very strong case to be on a home console rather than a handheld but oh well prequels were a success for SE on the PSP so nevermind. Looking forward to playing 2.5 that's for sure.


1: Kingdom Hearts II--- A rather popular opinion but oh wells. It's my favourite game. Easy or not I enjoyed the gameplay, I enjoyed the story, I enjoyed the improvements it made on the first game and overall I think it was a fantastic sequel. Apparently the Final Mix version is even better so I look forward to playing it.



I don't believe there is a bad canon KH game but there certainly is titles with flaws.

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I miss these topics


7- 358/2 Days

Really a quite bad game, very boring, repetitive and grindy, Xion was a dumb addition, and we learnt nothing new about the Organization


6- Dream Drop Distance

In addition to lighter content than usual, the combat is heavily butchered, and it features by far the worst enemies in a KH game


5- Kingdom Hearts

This one is the classic, and has the best, most complete story, but it's also the first, and its age has shown


4- Chain of Memories

If I were to be objective, this is probably the best KH game. Great self contained story, great characters, fantastic gameplay, amazing customization


3- Re:Coded

Fun gameplay, fun writing, what else do you need?


2- Birth by Sleep

Story is mediocre at best, but oh man dat gameplay, dem bosses


1- Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix

This is the best KH game. The final mix content is immense. There's just so much to this game. It's also the only time I'll specifically mention a Final Mix, snce it's the only one to add anything noteworthy enough to mention, as far as I'm concerned

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7.DDD-Feels as if it's pet simulator because of Dream Eaters, Worst story and bosses in KH. 


6.Days- Long and boring, repetive, bad bosses and there is no really focus around the org.13, which was disappointing. Gave up on the story from this game.


5.Re:coded- The glitch red world thing was really nice, but these blocks make it annoying.


4.Kingdom Hearts- Gameplay is good, had the best story. Although there isn't much to do after finishing the story.


3.BBS- Meh story, but unlike DDDDays it also has a good gameplay- The command system is fun to use and the game had the best bosses.


2.Re:COM- Card system was really good, as it sometimes require you to think of your deck according to the boss. Though it can be hard for new players


1.KH2-  Drive forms is a great idea, the gummy ships are also really fun, too.

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7. Kingdom Hearts : Chain of Memories (it's the black sheep of the series with a huge obsession on cards)


6. Kingdom Hearts RE:Coded (I only really liked it because of some cutscenes)


5. Kingdom Hearts :358/2 Days (I only liked the Finale where we

need to defeat Xion, awesome music btw, and Riku, awesome boss battle



4. Kingdom Hearts (for a first game in the series, it was great, but it's not as polished as some other games)


3. Kingdom Hearts 3D : Dream Drop Distance (I really liked Flow Motion, the story and using the 3DS as a KH player)


2. Kingdom Hearts : Birth By Sleep (all of the main protagonists are great and the game offers extra value by getting to see new cutscenes for each character, it all began here and it's interesting to see it, Keyblade Armor for the win and the ending + extra episodes was amazing)


1. Kingdom Hearts II (best worlds, best gameplay, best design, best music, best villains..etc.)

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