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You Know What Bugs Me About Final Fantasy XV?

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Why is it that we ONLY have to play as Noctis? Okay, I know he's the main character and all. And that the game revolves around him. But come on Square, why do we ONLY have to play as Noctis? That's like having us only playing as Ludgar Kresnik in Tales of Xillia 2 since that game pretty much talks about the Kresnik family and have them as the main focus. Can't we at least play as the other characters besides Noctis? I was hoping to play as the other charactes too like Ignis, Gladiolus, and Prompto. I really wanted to play as those other characters and give them a try to see which character fits me the most in terms of gameplay. Another thing that also bugs me is that the gameplay, itself, is going to be a simple "press the X/O button to win". I mean i'm glad that we're finally moving away from the terrible ATB system in FF XIII. But can you at least give us more of a reason to think strategically in the game like with the old Final Fantasy games (and I'm talking about Final Fantasy 1-10)? Man, when Square said that FF XV was going to be similiar to KH they weren't kidding. I hope that this "simple" gameplay won't make fighting super repetitive (though from the recent gameplay that we've seen from TGS it might just get a little repetitive from time to time).

Edited by Tails

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I think they said more recently that you can play as the other characters as well....Forget where I saw it though. 

Nah, I remember reading them saying that Noctis will only be playable. Which is kind of a turn off for me becuase I want to play as the other characters too besides the MC.

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Nah, I remember reading them saying that Noctis will only be playable. Which is kind of a turn off for me becuase I want to play as the other characters too besides the MC.

Yeah I know. But it was after that, that they said you could. 

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FFXV started out as a spin-off so I still consider it one in that I don't mind if it doesn't have traditional FF staples like multiple playable characters and sticks to the KH-like system it was originally envisioned as. KH isn't boring or repetitive to play as long as you make the most of the battle system, so I imagine FFXV will be the same and, as long as you take the time to learn what Noctis can do, the gameplay won't be uninteresting at all.

Edited by J. Severe

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I think they said more recently that you can play as the other characters as well....Forget where I saw it though. 


I remember that you can switch between characters. It showed it in a trailer I think. 

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Only one playable character is a problem now? How many games have you played that has only one playable character? And was it disappointing? No. No need to complain about such minor things.

At the end of this trailer it briefly shows the player controlling Gladiolus and Promptu.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=60nWEuj2wAI

That was 2013. More recently, they have said that only Noctis will be playable.

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Saving my judgement for when the game comes out. Then again, it's hard to disappoint me, because I go into every new game I play with an open mind. I'll get hyped up for a game series I like, yes, but once that game disc is in my console, I throw all my expectations out the window.


People on sites like neoGAF are already saying the game is going to be crap based on one or two things the developers have said.


I have my own saying for things like this. People are allowed to believe what they want or think what they want of whatever they want because, hey, it's a free internet, but this is my philosophy:


"If you believe that you'll get crap, then that's exactly what you'll receive."


In other words, if you're already believe that you won't enjoy the game based on what you believe will detract from the game, well... then you probably won't enjoy the game, because that's all you'll be looking at.


I know my logic borders on Insane Troll Logic, because I'm not particularly intelligent (college dropout lol), but hey, I just like to play games. I'm not good at much else, that's the truth.

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Well, this game has had a fairly long development cycle, and it's gone through a lot of revisions in terms of gameplay.  Whatever the case, I'm hoping that the game packs one hell of a good story, and that it has unforgettable moments.  Otherwise, all the wait will have been for nothing.  Final Fantasy XV has become quite a gamble for Square Enix now, since so many people have high expectations for it.  And for the fact of only Noctis being playable, I don't mind, but it would be cool to use the others, just like you can use any party member in the Tales games.  Oh well, let's see what happens. :3

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You have a good point, I would like to play with the other characters, at least for a short period in the game, and I really am hoping the gameplay become more strategic like the old ones, I'm sure it's not that dificult to do :sleep:

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At the end of this trailer it briefly shows the player controlling Gladiolus and Promptu.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=60nWEuj2wAI


Problem with that video is that it wasn't running the same engine.

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Problem with that video is that it wasn't running the same engine.

I hope they show a trailer with the actual engine in it soon. The fact that the trailer didn't run on a real engine was just really disappointing.

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I hope they show a trailer with the actual engine in it soon. The fact that the trailer didn't run on a real engine was just really disappointing.


They already have. The TGS trailer and all footage since was on the actual engine.

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Sh, don't say anything negative regarding FFXV. Even if it's constructive criticism, you'll attract fanboys by the thousands.


I haven't really been following FFXV too much, but I agree it's stupid that you can only play as Noctis. I really don't care for any of the characters, but I'd at least like to see how they play so I can find my favorite playstyle.

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