David Jacobs 4 Posted October 10, 2014 The Kingdom Hearts Series Memorial Ultimania released alongside Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 ReMIX in Japan on October 2 and we now have translations of some of the information inside the book. The information translated covers Keyblades, becoming a Keyblade wielder, Light World and Dark World Keyblades, the Keyblade War and more. You can read it all below thanks to CharismaticCreator. Thanks go to KH13 member David Jacobs for the tip. Spoiler Keys A Keyblade is a mysterious weapon and key for all things which appears in the hands of the chosen ones. Using this weapon, which is proof of strength of the heart, Sora and his friends open new paths and stand up against dark forces. Keyblades Key shaped weapons which can bring about various phenomenon. They can destroy the existence of darkness and liberate the hearts from the dark creatures the Heartless. Also, as the name would imply they can also be used as “keys” which can unlock not only the “hearts of worlds” but also work on any type of keyhole and even will lead the wielder to the source of its great power: Kingdom Hearts. Initially the Keyblades were forged as weapons during the battles over those who wished to obtain Kingdom Hearts and brought about the “Keyblade War.” Reflecting on such events, the wielders of Keyblades today hold principles to use their power as guardians of the Light World and are often referred to as “Heroes of Light.” Fundamentally a Keyblade wielder only has one Keyblade, but switching the keychain can give the Keyblade a different form and abilities. The Keyblades Tera, Aqua and Ventus use can transform into transportation vessels which allow them to travel through the corridors between worlds. Becoming a Keyblade wielder After completing the Keyblade Inheritance Ceremony, one must also be chosen by the Keyblade itself. The Keyblade Inheritance Ceremony involves simply coming in contact with a Keyblade owned by a Keyblade Master, and the new Keyblade wielder will then receive a new Keyblade different from the one of the Master. The Keyblade choosing a wielder is based upon the strength of the heart of a person with no concern regarding good or evil. The Keyblade is a symbol of the strength of one’s heart and the amount of Keyblades one has is the same as the amount of hearts a person has. In Sora’s case he has two hearts. There are rare cases where double wielding is possible. Also, in Sora’s extremely rare case he did not go through the Keyblade Inheritance Ceremony but was still able to wield a Keyblade. The Keyblade Inheritance Ceremony was performed on Riku by Tera, and Kairi accidentally touched Aqua’s Keyblade which still meets the requirements to be considered an Inheritance Ceremony. Light World Keyblades and Dark World Keyblades There are Keyblades existing in both the Light World and the Dark World. Which is which is determined simply by whether they serve a function as an inside key or an outside key to the door to “Kingdom Hearts,” and just because a Keyblade may be from the Dark World does not mean it would contain any sort of dark powers. During the course of the story, most of the Keyblades have been ones from the Light World. King Mickey used a Keyblade from the Light World in BbS, but after KH1 began using a Keyblade from the Dark World. Keyblade of People’s heart A special Keyblade created from the hearts of the Seven Princesses. Aside from having the power to reveal the keyhole to “Kingdom Hearts, the heart of worlds,” it also has the power to open and remove a person’s heart and the power to send a person into darkness. Keyblade Master Among Keyblade wielders, they are the very best. Generally, those seen as “guardians of light” who are accepted by their own masters will become a Master. Only Keyblade Masters (and those who have abilities on the same level) are able to do the Keyblade Inheritance Ceremony, also they can remove their own hearts and transfer them to different bodies. King Mickey at the end of BbS, Aqua at the beginning of BbS, Riku at the end of KH3D all became Keyblade Masters. (Master Eraqus and Master Xehanort are also Masters). Master Eraqus held a special place among Keyblade Masters, being chosen as the orthodox successor to protect the Land of Departure. Keyblade War A war long, long ago brought about by Keyblade wielders fighting over “Kingdom Hearts.” As a result, the Light World was engulfed in darkness and vanished from existence. However, thanks to the light remaining in the hearts of children it was eventually restored as several smaller Worlds. Due to this, the truth surrounding the Light and Dark is told from generation to generation as a fairy-tale. Interested in an ideal balance of Light and Dark, Master Xehanort believes there is too much Light in the world and thus intends on bringing about another Keyblade War. χ Blade The key to finding the true “Kingdom Hearts.” It is read the same as “Keyblade,” but all of the other Keyblades are mere counterfeits and much like the true “Kingdom Hearts” has existed since the beginning of the world, becoming the archetype for all other Keyblades. During the Keyblade War it was broken into 7 pieces of Light and 13 of Darkness, and thus does no longer exist, but with the proper balance of power from pure Light hearts and pure Dark hearts, it can be expected to be reborn. Master Xehanort has been engaged in trying to complete the χ Blade for over 10 years. By KH3D he and his other selves are putting the plan into action and have gathered as the 13 Dark in order to clash with the 7 Light to restore the χ Blade. When the Light heart of Ventus and the dark Heart of Vanitas forged together, the χ Blade that was created was an X-like shape of two Keyblades. When the 13 Darks and 7 Lights clash, the χ Blade will be created. Master Xehanort is moving along his plan to do this. Update: CharismaticCreator has translated some more pages from the Kingdom Hearts Series Memorial Ultimania. These pages cover "Hearts" and "Worlds". You can read it all in the spoiler tags below. Spoiler Hearts In the world of Kingdom Hearts, not restricted to just people and animals, but every existence contains a heart. The collection of all kinds of hearts would become the great heart – Kingdom Hearts. Heart of Worlds and Key Holes The worlds contained in the Realm of Light all consist of a Heart of the World. A Heart of the World is essentially the collection of hearts that make up everything in that world, and there is always a Key Hole hidden deep within each world. The Key Hole to the Heart of Worlds is also connected to the Realm of Darkness. Generally the Key Holes are closed and on one hand the worlds are protected from darkness, but at the same time there is no path to get outside the world. If the Key Hole is opened, the barrier surrounding the world is destroyed so that entering and leaving the world becomes possible, but this also allows the darkness to seep into the world, so it can be extremely dangerous. In KH1 the Hearts of Worlds are open leaving them volatile, so Sora and his friends go on a quest to lock the Key Holes. The Key Hole to a Hearts of the World is hidden from sight, but when a Keyblade is held up it will appear. Because Riku received the Keyblade Inheritance Ceremony as a child, he was able to see Key Holes others could not. The Key Holes Locked and Unlocked Aside from the Key Hole to the Heart of the World, there are various other Key Holes. In all other adventures aside from KH1, Keyblades were used to open Key Holes on various worlds, including those that were not the Key Holes to the Heart of the Worlds. How the Protagonists Interacted with Key Holes KH1 – Sora – To stop the darkness from entering worlds, he traveled between worlds in the Gummi Ship to close off the Hearts of Worlds. KH2 – Sora – With the intention of helping reclaim worlds, he had to open gates made by the worlds to travel between them. KH coded – Data Sora – In attempts to restore the data in Jiminy’s journal, he traveled through Data Worlds and opened their Key Holes in order to get rid of the bugs. KH BbS – Terra, Aqua, Ventus – They opened the Key Holes leading into the corridors of space which Eraqus readied in order to travel between worlds. KH3D – Sora, Riku – Challenging the Mark of Mastery, they traveled between Sleeping Worlds opening their Key Holes in order to free them from dreams. Aside from KH1 where Sora closed Key Holes, all the other installments involve opening Key Holes. Kingdom Hearts A condensed form of the hearts of this world. Also known as the kingdom of hearts or the center of worlds. It also is the source of great power and a source of endless knowledge. In the past, people viewed Kingdom Hearts as a great heart of light and seeking to gain control of this ended up causing the outbreak of a war that destroyed the world (Refer to P.8). Because of such an incident, Kingdom Hearts is now strictly sealed away and it is not easily approachable. Master Xehanort among other dark forces use all kinds of tactics to obtain Kingdom Hearts, but Sora is always there to fight and stop them. Kingdom Hearts of Worlds (KH1 Kingdom Hearts) The condensed form of the Hearts of Worlds known as Kingdom Hearts. The path to this Kingdom Hearts can only be open using the Keyblade of People’s Hearts created from the Seven Princesses of Heart. In KH1, Maleficent and Ansem used the Heartless to steal the Hearts of Worlds and sought out the Kingdom Hearts of Worlds. Kingdom Hearts of People (KH2, 3D Kingdom Hearts) The condensed form of the hearts of people becoming a Kingdom Hearts. Organization XIII believed that completing this would make them whole again and began collecting hearts from the Heartless in order to create the Kingdom Hearts of People. The leader of Organization XIII had a different plan as he intended on using the Kingdom Hearts of People in order to implant the heart of Xehanort into the members as vessels to create the 13 of Dark (Reference P.9). The incomplete Kingdom Hearts of People floated above Organization XIII’s castle. True Kingdom Hearts (BbS, 3D Kingdom Hearts) Different from the two man-made Kingdom Hearts above, this Kingdom Hearts has existed since the beginning of the world. It was engulfed in darkness long, long ago during the Keyblade War, but using its counterpart: the χ-Blade, it is thought that the True Kingdom Hearts will once again be revealed. Master Xehanort’s goal is to acquire the χ-Blade and open the True Kingdom Hearts to bring about a new Keyblade War. The Door of Darkness and the Door of Light The door leading to Kingdom Hearts is also the Door of Darkness connected to the Realm of Darkness. Only those shrouded in darkness may pass through the Door of Darkness, and to seal this door, a Keyblade from the Realm of Light and a Keyblade from the Realm of Darkness are both necessary. One must be in the Dark Realm and the other in the Light Realm in order to combine their powers and lock the door from both sides. The counterpart for the Door of Darkness is the Door of Light. This door is how someone belonging in the Realm of Light who is lost in the Realm of Darkness may return to the Realm of Light and it will appear as if it were inside a person’s heart. King Mickey uses the Keyblade he obtained in the Realm of Darkness to work with Sora in the Realm of Light to seal the Door of Darkness. When Sora and Riku were lost in the Realm of Darkness, they found hope in a letter they received from Kairi and were then able to find the Door of Light. Seven Princesses 7 women who all hold a pure heart of light without darkness and their very existences are the foundations for light. They are sought out by dark forces as their hearts can reveal the path to Kingdom Hearts. The Seven Princesses are Bell, Snow White, Aurora, Alice, Jasmine, Cinderella and Kairi. Despite all the princesses living in different worlds, the Villains (Refer to P.9) were able to kidnap all of them and use their pure hearts to create the Keyblade of People’s Hearts. Spoiler Worlds The story of Kingdom Hearts surrounds the hearts of people connecting in the Realms of Light and Dark. In Kingdom Hearts the main areas for worlds are the Light Realm, Dark Realm and the Between Realm. There are many, many worlds in the Light Realm, and each of those worlds make up the stars in the sky. Realm of Light The world where people live which is overflowing with light. There was a time long ago when the world was one, but it was destroyed and separated into countless small worlds. Each world is covered in a barrier which cannot be seen by the naked eye, and without particular forms of travel it is normally not possible to travel between worlds. On top of that, traveling between worlds without concern for each individual world could possibly cause disorder and thus it is fundamentally not allowed. Each world contains a “Heart of the World” and through that a door can be opened which will break the wall of dark power, turning pieces of the wall into shooting stars which come hurling down and can be used as material for “Gummi Ships.” In attempts to prevent disorder in other worlds, Donald and Goofy change out of their Disney Castle royal clothing and hide their origins during their journey. Data World A virtual space world constructed from data. Aside from the world King Mickey reconstructs from the data from the first Jiminy journal in KH coded, the world DiZ created for Roxas’s fake summer vacation of Twilight Town in KH2 and others also exist. The Twilight Town in which Roxas spent his time was inside a data world in the computer connected to the pod in which Sora slept. Sleeping World In KH1, once Sora defeated Ansem, many of the worlds swallowed by darkness were revived, but a few of them remained dormant and sleeping. These became the basis for KH3D, the worlds trapped in slumber. Seeking out the Sleeping Keyhole and using the Keyblade on it will awaken each world and bring it back on the path to being reclaimed. Travel between worlds Each world in the Realm of Light floats in the place called the Sea of Stars or the Dimensional Sea. Sora and friends use the Gummi Ships to open up special corridors and travel between worlds. Gummi Ships A ship used to cross the sea of stars, developed at Disney Castle. It is made up of pieces of the walls of worlds (Gummi) and runs on energy from smiles. From the outside the Gummi Ship may look like a toy, but it has the ability to cross the sea of stars and fight evenly with ships the Heartless use. Star Shards Broken pieces of worlds’ walls which become shooting stars. King Mickey in KH BbS took a star shard from the Mysterious Tower in order to travel between worlds. Between Corridor / Corridor of Darkness One way to travel between worlds is using the Between Corridor, which a Keyblade wielder can open and utilize using the Keyblade’s power. Not only that, but those shrouded in darkness can also use dark powers to open corridors, differentiated being known as Corridors of Darkness. Going through one of these corridors, the heart and body of a person are eaten away at by the darkness, so it is even dangerous for those shrouded in darkness to use. Terra, Aqua and Ventus were able to open the corridor gates which Eraqus provided and travel through them on their transformed Keyblades. The black coats of Organization XIII, DiZ’s red cape and the armor which Terra, Aqua and Ventus wore all help protect them as they travel through the corridors. Realm of Darkness A different realm which is on the opposite side of the Realm of Light. Generally people do not live here, but it is filled with Heartless and creatures of darkness. The doors which connect the Realm of Light and the Realm of Darkness are the Door of Darkness and the Door of Light. Only those from the Realm of Light may pass through the Door of Light, and only those from the Realm of Darkness may pass through the Door of Darkness. When Ansem took over the body of Riku, his heart was sent into the Realm of Darkness and even after regaining his body, he was stuck there. Between Realm The realm which exists between that of Light and Dark. There are fewer worlds than those which exist in the Realm of Light. Also, the space there is unstable and entrances to the dark corridors may suddenly open. Where worlds are placed: Realm of Light – Radiant Garden (Hollow Bastion), Destiny Islands, Disney Castle Between (Close to Light) – Mysterious Tower Between (Mid Close to Light) – Twilight Town Between (Mid Close to Dark) – Castle Oblivion Between (Close to Dark) – The World that Never Was Realm of Darkness – Dark Margin Update 2: CharismaticCreator has posted more translations this time covering the Forces of Darkness. You can read it all below. Spoiler Forces of Darkness Those who stand in Sora’s way include the Heartless and Nobodies as well as those who control them including Organization XIII and the Villains. Sora and the others must fight with these forces of darkness in order to bring peace to the Realm of Light. Heartless One without a heart is darkness born from the recurring darkness. The embodiment of the darkness in one’s heart which appears when a person’s heart is lost to darkness. They have no knowledge or will, they simply run on dark instinct and go after the Hearts of Worlds as well as try to steal hearts from those with them in order to become greater in numbers. There are various kinds of Heartless, but they are generally categorized in two main types; those who appear naturally are known as “Pure Blood”, and approximately 10 years before KH1, during an experiment Xehanort (Seeker of Darkness Ansem) birthed the “Emblem” Heartless. Heartless began appearing in greater numbers in the Realm of Light due to Ansem’s interference, and when he was defeated in KH1 it helped keep the numbers down, however as long as darkness exists within people’s hearts, there will always be Heartless. Many of the dark forces which Sora comes up against who use Heartless end up themselves falling to the darkness and becoming possessed by the Heartless. Pure Blood These Heartless come into existence naturally. If they are defeated with a Keyblade, the heart will be liberated. Many of the Heartless in the world are these. Example: Shadow The Realm of Darkness is overrunning with Pure Bloods. Emblem Xehanort and the other apprentices of Ansem created these Heartless through experiments of causing darkness within hearts. As proof of their dissension from Xehanort, they all include the “X” shape forged into their emblems. Examples: Soldier, Sea Neon. Nobody Counterpart of the Heartless they are essentially not anyone and are dark monsters given an appropriate name. They come into existence when a person with a strong heart becomes a Heartless. Most of them are white bodied creatures, but a special few with especially strong hearts are able to retain their human forms when they become Nobodies. Countering the existence of a Heartless being the darkness from a heart, Nobodies are the body and soul detached from the heart. Despite having no emotions, Nobodies have memories and intellect and are able to work in groups, and because their existence is precarious, if they are left alone, eventually they will melt into the darkness. If a heart is liberated from the Heartless and a Nobody is destroyed, the human form will be restored. Examples: Dusk. Organization XIII members are able to give orders to lesser Nobodies. Unversed Born from feelings of anger and hatred, these dark monsters receive their names from not being well versed in their own existences. In KH BbS they appeared in the Realm of Light, frightening all the people around. They were materialized from the collected negative emotions from Vanitas, and when Vanitas was defeated by Ventus they vanished. Example: Flood. Dream Eater They are creatures who nest in the worlds trapped in sleep and feed on dreams. They are separated into those who cause nightmares: “Nightmare” and those who eat nightmares: “Spirit,” and the Spirits will lend their powers to Sora and Riku. Examples: Meow Wow (Nightmare), Meow Wow (Spirit). Organization XIII A group of powerful Nobodies who retain their appearances from when they were human. The organization is made up of 13 members and all of their names have been rearranged from their human names into anagrams including the mark of dissension, the letter “X.” These Nobodies realize that they are incomplete existences and believe that if they complete the Kingdom Hearts of People’s Hearts they can become whole again, but they were destroyed by Sora and his friends. However, the secret goal of the organization was to supplement the 13 Darknesses, and when near completion would begin again as True Organization XIII. Members: Xemnas, Xigbar, Xaldin, Vexen, Lexaeus, Zexion, Saïx, Axel, Demyx, Luxord, Marluxia, Larxene, Roxas and Xion. No. 1 ~ 6 were the apprentices of Ansem the Wise, and the final member Xion was not considered an official number thus she was given the number “i” as an imaginary number. True Organization XIII Xehanort and his other forms make up the 13 Seekers of Darkness. They make up the 13 Darknesses and intend to clash with the 7 Lights in order to forge the χ-Blade. In KH 3D there are 12 members ready in the organization and of those 12 the current 6 known to Sora and his friends are Master Xehanort, Ansem, Xemnas, Xigbar, Saïx, and Young Xehanort. Villains Maleficent and Pete among others who appear as the antagonists in Disney films make up this group. Using the Heartless and dark powers they try to stop Sora from succeeding in his journeys. In KH1, Maleficent and the other Villains conspire to obtain Kingdom Hearts. Click here to view the article 4 Terra VII-XIII, Sora96, daxvzukss and 1 other reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hero of Light XIV 2,381 Posted October 10, 2014 Ah, nothing like reestablishing some mythology for the series. Can't wait to see the rest of the book translated. 2 daxvzukss and DarylTrect reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kaweebo 3,617 Posted October 10, 2014 "The Keyblade Inheritance Ceremony involves simply coming in contact with a Keyblade owned by a Keyblade Master, and the new Keyblade wielder will then receive a new Keyblade different from the one of the Master." Even though I know that Sora wasn't a Master during KHII, I still hold out hope that Captain Jack will one day be able to wield his own Key. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sora96 17,256 Posted October 10, 2014 The Kingdom Hearts Series Memorial Ultimania released alongside Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 ReMIX in Japan on October 2 and we now have translations of some of the information inside the book. The information translated covers Keyblades, becoming a Keyblade wielder, Light World and Dark World Keyblades, the Keyblade War and more. You can read it all below thanks to CharismaticCreator. Keys A Keyblade is a mysterious weapon and key for all things which appears in the hands of the chosen ones. Using this weapon, which is proof of strength of the heart, Sora and his friends open new paths and stand up against dark forces. Keyblades Key shaped weapons which can bring about various phenomenon. They can destroy the existence of darkness and liberate the hearts from the dark creatures the Heartless. Also, as the name would imply they can also be used as “keys” which can unlock not only the “hearts of worlds” but also work on any type of keyhole and even will lead the wielder to the source of its great power: Kingdom Hearts. Initially the Keyblades were forged as weapons during the battles over those who wished to obtain Kingdom Hearts and brought about the “Keyblade War.” Reflecting on such events, the wielders of Keyblades today hold principles to use their power as guardians of the Light World and are often referred to as “Heroes of Light.” Fundamentally a Keyblade wielder only has one Keyblade, but switching the keychain can give the Keyblade a different form and abilities. The Keyblades Tera, Aqua and Ventus use can transform into transportation vessels which allow them to travel through the corridors between worlds. Becoming a Keyblade wielder After completing the Keyblade Inheritance Ceremony, one must also be chosen by the Keyblade itself. The Keyblade Inheritance Ceremony involves simply coming in contact with a Keyblade owned by a Keyblade Master, and the new Keyblade wielder will then receive a new Keyblade different from the one of the Master. The Keyblade choosing a wielder is based upon the strength of the heart of a person with no concern regarding good or evil. The Keyblade is a symbol of the strength of one’s heart and the amount of Keyblades one has is the same as the amount of hearts a person has. In Sora’s case he had two hearts. There are rare cases where double wielding is possible. Also, in Sora’s extremely rare case he did not go through the Keyblade Inheritance Ceremony but was still able to wield a Keyblade. The Keyblade Inheritance Ceremony was performed on Riku by Tera, and Kairi accidentally touched Aqua’s Keyblade which still meets the requirements to be considered an Inheritance Ceremony. Light World Keyblades and Dark World Keyblades There are Keyblades existing in both the Light World and the Dark World. Which is which is determined simply by whether they serve a function as an inside key or an outside key to the door to “Kingdom Hearts,” and just because a Keyblade may be from the Dark World does not mean it would contain any sort of dark powers. During the course of the story, most of the Keyblades have been ones from the Light World. King Mickey used a Keyblade from the Light World in BbS, but after KH1 began using a Keyblade from the Dark World. Keyblade of People’s heart A special Keyblade created from the hearts of the Seven Princesses. Aside from having the power to reveal the keyhole to “Kingdom Hearts, the heart of worlds,” it also has the power to open and remove a person’s heart and the power to send a person into darkness. Keyblade Master Among Keyblade wielders, they are the very best. Generally, those seen as “guardians of light” who are accepted by their own masters will become a Master. Only Keyblade Masters (and those who have abilities on the same level) are able to do the Keyblade Inheritance Ceremony, also they can remove their own hearts and transfer them to different bodies. King Mickey at the end of BbS, Aqua at the beginning of BbS, Riku at the end of KH3D all became Keyblade Masters. (Master Eraqus and Master Xeanort are also Masters). Master Eraqus held a special place among Keyblade Masters, being chosen as the orthodox successor to protect the Land of Departure. Keyblade War A war long, long ago brought about by Keyblade wielders fighting over “Kingdom Hearts.” As a result, the Light World was engulfed in darkness and vanished from existence. However, thanks to the light remaining in the hearts of children it was eventually restored as several smaller Worlds. Due to this, the truth surrounding the Light and Dark is told from generation to generation as a fairy-tale. Interested in an ideal balance of Light and Dark, Master Xeanort believes there is too much Light in the world and thus intends on bringing about another Keyblade War. χ Blade The key to finding the true “Kingdom Hearts.” It is read the same as “Keyblade,” but all of the other Keyblades are mere counterfeits and much like the true “Kingdom Hearts” has existed since the beginning of the world, becoming the archetype for all other Keyblades. During the Keyblade War it was broken into 7 pieces of Light and 13 of Darkness, and thus does no longer exist, but with the proper balance of power from pure Light hearts and pure Dark hearts, it can be expected to be reborn. Master Xeanort has been engaged in trying to complete the χ Blade for over 10 years. By KH3D he and his other selves are putting the plan into action and have gathered as the 13 Dark in order to clash with the 7 Light to restore the χ Blade. When the Light heart of Ventus and the dark Heart of Vanitas forged together, the χ Blade that was created was an X-like shape of two Keyblades. When the 13 Darks and 7 Lights clash, the χ Blade will be created. Master Xeanort is moving along his plan to do this. Click here to view the article 2 WakelessDream and Terra VII-XIII reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Javelin434 3,164 Posted October 10, 2014 (edited) Finally, solid proof that Kairi actually inherited her keyblade from Aqua, rather than saying that Riku forged her keyblade... Wait... So explain Ventus' wingblades? o.O he had like 6 of those things Edited October 10, 2014 by Flaming Lea 1 Kittenz reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ultima Spark 753 Posted October 10, 2014 (edited) Wait... So explain Ventus' wingblades? o.O he had like 6 of those things I never saw them as keyblades, more like solidified holy energy. Something funny I found on the blog: In attempts to prevent disorder in other worlds, Donald and Goofy change out of their Disney Castle royal clothing and hide their origins during their journey. Yeah, but doesn't change the fact that they're... you know, talking animals! Can't exactly hide that. Edited October 10, 2014 by Ultima Spark 2 Kittenz and HarLea Quinn reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MysticVriska 70 Posted October 10, 2014 "The Keyblade Inheritance Ceremony involves simply coming in contact with a Keyblade owned by a Keyblade Master, and the new Keyblade wielder will then receive a new Keyblade different from the one of the Master." Even though I know that Sora wasn't a Master during KHII, I still hold out hope that Captain Jack will one day be able to wield his own Key. If Sora became a Master post-KH3D's ending, it's certainly plausible for certain if they were to the PotC world again in KHIII, since I could see jack touching his Keyblade again. Like imagine if they bring back the 2 story thing again, and when you return for the 2nd story, Jack fights with a Keyblade instead of a sword now? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
atheist123 583 Posted October 10, 2014 This Xeanort character seems interesting. Maybe he will be the villain for the next series? Nah, probably just a direct translation of Xehanort's Japanese name instead of using his English name. 1 HarLea Quinn reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Aru Akise 2,540 Posted October 10, 2014 ちょっと失礼。 Finally, solid proof that Kairi actually inherited her keyblade from Aqua, rather than saying that Riku forged her keyblade... This proof is old news, though... This Xeanort character seems interesting. Maybe he will be the villain for the next series? Nah, probably just a direct translation of Xehanort's Japanese name instead of using his English name. Too bad I wasn't the one who trasnlated it u.u "Sora had two hearts." This past tense worries me. I know Ventus' Heart still lies within Sora, but this past tense may imply no more Dual Wielding. Which saddens me greatly. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CharismaticCreator 6 Posted October 10, 2014 Hey, CharismaticCreator here. Thanks for taking an interest into my new blog. I'm trying to translate a page or two every few days (generally busy with 12 hour work days, side projects and the thing they call life, in general). First, I want to say sorry for any confusion any typos and past/present tense issues or whatnot may have caused. athiest123: Yeah, "Xeanort" was just a typo on my part, should have been Xehanort. SkyKeybladeHero: The book is released and you can translate it if you'd like. Or it would be helpful for me or anyone who reads what I put up if you or anyone else could comment on the blog informing me of any mistakes or oddities. And "Sora had two hearts" is actually "Sora has two hearts" so don't look into it too much into the tense there. I'll try to be more careful in the future. Anyway, just to note, each page in the book is like 4 pages of of text so I try to adjust my working speed to what allotted time I have. So, I usually just give each sentence one read and then write out whatever English words appear in my head. So once in a while there are probably going to be tense problems, terminology issues and even careless typos, etc. If anyone notices those sorts of things in future posts feel free to leave a comment on my blog telling me to get my act together (but hopefully in a nicer tone ). -Also, just in case, there are other posts on the blog as well about Hearts and Worlds already, and probably something else coming this weekend. Probably some typos there too 6 Kaweebo, Alicia Maddox, Terra VII-XIII and 3 others reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HarLea Quinn 26,501 Posted October 10, 2014 (edited) Finally, solid proof that Kairi actually inherited her keyblade from Aqua, rather than saying that Riku forged her keyblade... Wait... So explain Ventus' wingblades? o.O he had like 6 of those things It's always been said Kairi touching Aqua's keyblade gave her the ceremony by accident .We just don't know why Riku handed her a keyblade If Sora became a Master post-KH3D's ending, it's certainly plausible for certain if they were to the PotC world again in KHIII, since I could see jack touching his Keyblade again. Like imagine if they bring back the 2 story thing again, and when you return for the 2nd story, Jack fights with a Keyblade instead of a sword now? The keyblade had to choose you worthy which it obviously didn't the first time captain Jack touched it This Xeanort character seems interesting. Maybe he will be the villain for the next series? Nah, probably just a direct translation of Xehanort's Japanese name instead of using his English name. Ha ! I was thinking the same thing the entire time reading this ! . Edited October 10, 2014 by Flaming Lea 2 Demyx. and Kittenz reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MysticVriska 70 Posted October 10, 2014 Sky, I don't think we'll miss dual-wielding too much with Keyblade transformations. FlamingLea, that's essentially what I mean. Assuming the world returns, the 1st time you visit, Jack does something that proves himself to the Keybaldes, and when you return later in the game for the 2nd story, he'll have his own Keyblade ready to use in battle fully. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wateraptor 37 Posted October 10, 2014 Oh come on... I want this book but I can't read it ç_çWait, have we ever seen the Kingdom of Hearts (the one created by collecting worlds' hearts)?If the door to the darkness leads to the Kingdom Hearts AND the Realm of Darkness... is KH in the RoD? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RikuFangirl2008 1,368 Posted October 11, 2014 Finally, solid proof that Kairi actually inherited her keyblade from Aqua, rather than saying that Riku forged her keyblade... Wait... So explain Ventus' wingblades? o.O he had like 6 of those things I would probably make a hypothesis (an educated guess). I would probably guess Kairi's Keyblade might have forged out from that bright light, and Riku picked her up, and gave her the Keyblade. I might be wrong.... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Transcendent Key 12,109 Posted October 11, 2014 I really liked the detailed descriptions on each of the topics! It's the Kingdom Hearts encyclopedia of knowledge! And an automatic hyping device for giving us more reason to get hyped for 2.5 and Kingdom Hearts III. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hero of Light XIV 2,381 Posted October 11, 2014 I never saw them as keyblades, more like solidified holy energy. Something funny I found on the blog: In attempts to prevent disorder in other worlds, Donald and Goofy change out of their Disney Castle royal clothing and hide their origins during their journey. Yeah, but doesn't change the fact that they're... you know, talking animals! Can't exactly hide that. What do you mean? People see talking animals all the time, nothing strange about that. ちょっと失礼。 This proof is old news, though... Too bad I wasn't the one who trasnlated it u.u "Sora had two hearts." This past tense worries me. I know Ventus' Heart still lies within Sora, but this past tense may imply no more Dual Wielding. Which saddens me greatly. It's just referring to the last game that the ability was used in, I'm sure he can still use them if Roxas still can. It's always been said Kairi touching Aqua's keyblade gave her the ceremony by accident .We just don't know why Riku handed her a keyblade The keyblade had to choose you worthy which it obviously didn't the first time captain Jack touched it Ha ! I was thinking the same thing the entire time reading this ! . Huh, that's a good point (about the Riku handing her the Keyblade that she already inherited...). Why would he hand her that if she could already wield it anyway? I mean, that was before they established that she inherited a Keyblade obviously, but they should still have a reason as to how that works now that we know she inherited it. *Sorry to any mods about the back to back posts, I'm trying to post fast enough for them to automatically combine but I'm failing, and most of them involve quoting people, so it usually means having to chose between one thing or the other. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ultima Spark 753 Posted October 11, 2014 What do you mean? People see talking animals all the time, nothing strange about that. You know what I meant... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kittenz 4,281 Posted October 11, 2014 ちょっと失礼。 This proof is old news, though... Too bad I wasn't the one who trasnlated it u.u "Sora had two hearts." This past tense worries me. I know Ventus' Heart still lies within Sora, but this past tense may imply no more Dual Wielding. Which saddens me greatly. he did. his own and kairi's Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hero of Light XIV 2,381 Posted October 11, 2014 he did. his own and kairi's Um, you've played Birth by Sleep, right...? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kittenz 4,281 Posted October 11, 2014 Um, you've played Birth by Sleep, right...? Yes =_= I'm saying it could refer to that because of the term had In DDD he still has ventus's heart so saying had makes no sense Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hero of Light XIV 2,381 Posted October 11, 2014 Yes =_= I'm saying it could refer to that because of the term had In DDD he still has ventus's heart so saying had makes no sense Oh. Well I'm pretty sure the whole "had/has" issue has already been cleared up. 1 daxvzukss reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kittenz 4,281 Posted October 11, 2014 (edited) Oh. Well I'm pretty sure the whole "had/has" issue has already been cleared up. ? Well idk Edited October 11, 2014 by KittensOnFire 1 daxvzukss reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hero of Light XIV 2,381 Posted October 11, 2014 ? Well idk Lol. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Solarclaw 82 Posted October 12, 2014 Aw man. I really want this book even if I can't understand it myself But the translations help, of course! ANYWAYS! I'm so loving this 8DDD Like, you have no idea! Do you know what this means!??! All of this info could help me creating a more canon-like fanfic and stuffs! Like OMG!! Granted, they are fanfics and fan-stuffs so there will still be original stuffs, but all of these facts and clarifications can help in making the fanmade seem more real (for better or for worse). Bookmarked! 8D Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Elast0 147 Posted October 13, 2014 Thanks for translating these! This was really helpful and it answered a lot of questions I had about the games. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites