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KH1 You haven't "Played" KH until you've set the difficulty to KHFM Proud

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Just thought I'd post my revelation of something most of you probably already know. Just want to hear you're opinion on it.


So I just started playing 1.5 for the first time even though I pre-ordered it (Yes I know, i'm late. I waited on purpose so as to play 1.5 and 2.5 in a row) The last time I played numero uno was back in 2010 when I first got into kingdom hearts, and back then I was a wimp and played on easy and used the strategy guide for everything. Since then, I've grown a little and have played the newest titles on proud ever since BBS came out.


Well, I always remembered KH1 being relatively simple gameplay-wise. So this time, I of course clicked KHFM Proud as my difficulty. It's been 4 years, so the whole game is more like a foggy far off memory. Well, guess how surprised I was when I got raped by darkside thinking it was still the same old button-mashing KH1 I remembered?


Playing this game now at a diffuculty that doesn't let you get away with not paying attention has really made me appreciate all the fighting mechanics and actually use something other than attack and cure (along with the occasional limit). I'm learning how to parry, dodge, play defensively, analyze patterns, actually needing to return to traverse town to stock up, use magic and summons all the time, having common enemies actually threaten your life, etc.


Basically, I feel like back when I was 13 I watched KH1. Now, I feel like i'm watching AND playing KH1.


So, what are your thoughts on the matter? Have you played KHFM1.5 on proud?

Edited by Ninkoro

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Some people prefer the easier difficulties because they don't have to get wrapped up in the minutae of grinding and repeating difficult battles. Especially coming from the original KH, where you couldn't skip cutscenes, I kinda get it. Proud (or Critical, depending on the game) is the ultimate test of your abilities for the game (level 1 runs notwithstanding), but some people just aren't into the aspects that come with it.


Personally, I love the challenge of tough difficulties, so I tend to pick those. But it's not worth it to everybody, especially with a story-intensive plot that Kingdom Hearts games have.

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Some people prefer the easier difficulties because they don't have to get wrapped up in the minutae of grinding and repeating difficult battles. Especially coming from the original KH, where you couldn't skip cutscenes, I kinda get it. Proud (or Critical, depending on the game) is the ultimate test of your abilities for the game (level 1 runs notwithstanding), but some people just aren't into the aspects that come with it.


Personally, I love the challenge of tough difficulties, so I tend to pick those. But it's not worth it to everybody, especially with a story-intensive plot that Kingdom Hearts games have.



You can play on any difficulty. Play on the difficulty you have the most fun on. That is what video games are for. Early KH1 on Proud would make me break the disc so I don't play it.


Maybe I didn't define this well enough, but by "Playing " I mean isolating just the gameplay. Proud is making me actually move sora more effectively rather than sezuiring him around with the X smashed 50 billion times in a row. Personally I prefer stories over gameplay so I understand where you are coming from completely, but my revelation has to do with the gameplay exclusively.

I played it on proud with only the kingdom key 



I disagree. Proud was only difficult when I traded my usual sword for the staff and dropped the shield.


I don't think you are getting the point of my post. Perhaps I wasn't clear enough. This isn't about making it more challenging, this is about the difficulty forcing me to actually learn how to move sora rather than button mashing attack or using spells for fun and not to survive.

I disagree completely.



Edited by Ninkoro

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I don't think you are getting the point of my post. Perhaps I wasn't clear enough. This isn't about making it more challenging, this is about the difficulty forcing me to actually learn how to move sora rather than button mashing attack or using spells for fun and not to survive.

You could beat KH2 blind with just pressing triangle 

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I usually play the games the first time around on normal difficulty just so I can watch the storyline unfold.

Afterwards, I play it on proud to really hammer down the memories since the second time, it was hard earned. :3

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Well, by separating story and gameplay to focus on one over the other, I feel like you're doing a disservice to the game as a whole. I enjoy playing on higher difficulties because it makes the gameplay fun, and it doesn't interfere with my enjoyment of the story. Some people don't like playing on these difficulties for the aforementioned reasons. Playing on Proud can induce learning of enemy AI patterns, or that's something that can develop naturally. Whatever serves your enjoyment of the game.

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You could beat KH2 blind with just pressing triangle 


Ok honey that's wonderful, but look at the header this is the 1.5 fourm section.


I usually play the games the first time around on normal difficulty just so I can watch the storyline unfold.

Afterwards, I play it on proud to really hammer down the memories since the second time, it was hard earned. :3


That's probably what i'll do for KH3, since seeing the whole story as less fragmented is usally better.


Well, by separating story and gameplay to focus on one over the other, I feel like you're doing a disservice to the game as a whole. I enjoy playing on higher difficulties because it makes the gameplay fun, and it doesn't interfere with my enjoyment of the story. Some people don't like playing on these difficulties for the aforementioned reasons. Playing on Proud can induce learning of enemy AI patterns, or that's something that can develop naturally. Whatever serves your enjoyment of the game.


No i'm not saying that either lol, I'm saying this is helping me specifically learn the gameplay, not anything detrimental to the story. If anything I'm paying attention even more so to the story because I feel more involved.

Edited by Ninkoro

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I've always felt that harder difficulties lead to more stressful/intense battles, but also leave you with an incredible sense of accomplishment when you finally finish them. As a kid, I remember playing Super Smash Bros. Melee on very easy every time I went through classic or adventure mode, and I was content doing this because it was basically a guarantee that i'd play through undefeated.


The same logic applies to Kingdom Hearts; I always used to play the game on normal mode until one day when I challenged myself to try expert. When I imported the final mix version of the game, I remember doing a proud play-through and struggling against the cave of wonders and Ansem/Riku boss battles, but feeling so awesome when I developed a winning strategy for each boss.


When you finish the proud run I suggest you move on to a level 1 run. Now THAT is an awesome run to conquer  :biggrin:

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This is why I love KHI's gameplay. It feels a lot more strategic and challenging to me than that of the other games (Aside from CoM I guess, but I prefer KHI's since it was still relatively simple). It really makes me have to think about everything when I play, and just mindlessly mashing X won't get me anywhere. I just didn't get that with KHII. Either way, KHII felt like it traded the strategy for more of a flashy action type of combat. I prefer the strategy of KHI.

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 I don't think you are getting the point of my post. Perhaps I wasn't clear enough. This isn't about making it more challenging, this is about the difficulty forcing me to actually learn how to move sora rather than button mashing attack or using spells for fun and not to survive.

oh ok

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I agree with you, It made me play Kingdom hearts in a much more strategic way and it was a lot of fun. Although I get pissed off at some points I had fun with the difficulty. For example the dreaded Riku/Ansem battle i got his first phased down to a dance with me blocking and countering then dodge rolling out of the way, then blocking again, and I didn't get hit, nor did i spam the attack button, because I new the second that I did, I'd miss and Riku/Ansem would wail on me. For a point of reference I never used blocking in any game ever because i could never get the timing down, but since proud mode, I've learned it's value and how cool it looks when i block at just the right time, so I'm doing it all the time now. 

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This is why I love KHI's gameplay. It feels a lot more strategic and challenging to me than that of the other games (Aside from CoM I guess, but I prefer KHI's since it was still relatively simple). It really makes me have to think about everything when I play, and just mindlessly mashing X won't get me anywhere. I just didn't get that with KHII. Either way, KHII felt like it traded the strategy for more of a flashy action type of combat. I prefer the strategy of KHI.



I agree with you, It made me play Kingdom hearts in a much more strategic way and it was a lot of fun. Although I get pissed off at some points I had fun with the difficulty. For example the dreaded Riku/Ansem battle i got his first phased down to a dance with me blocking and countering then dodge rolling out of the way, then blocking again, and I didn't get hit, nor did i spam the attack button, because I new the second that I did, I'd miss and Riku/Ansem would wail on me. For a point of reference I never used blocking in any game ever because i could never get the timing down, but since proud mode, I've learned it's value and how cool it looks when i block at just the right time, so I'm doing it all the time now. 


I was starting to think I was alone lol glad there are others who have had the same experience I'm going through. I definitely understand now more than ever the amount of strategy KH1 has over the newer flashier games. Learning how to control clunky sora at the beginning takes a lot of dexterity. I'll be playing 2.5 on critical and probably make a self rule of "not using triangle unless necessary to advance" rule and hope that makes me pay as much attention to combat as KH1 is.

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There are some games where I prefer to play on Easy Mode, but Kingdom Hearts games ain't the case xD


First, I do an Easy Mode run to see how the game runs and all of that jazz.


Then... When I know what's ahead of me, I change into Proud Mode (Critical if possible), to really test my skills, if I got everything right, if there's room for improvement in x or situation.


Proud Mode isn't something you should start with right away in my opinion, it can kill the fun sometimes :/

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I was starting to think I was alone lol glad there are others who have had the same experience I'm going through. I definitely understand now more than ever the amount of strategy KH1 has over the newer flashier games. Learning how to control clunky sora at the beginning takes a lot of dexterity. I'll be playing 2.5 on critical and probably make a self rule of "not using triangle unless necessary to advance" rule and hope that makes me pay as much attention to combat as KH1 is.

I should try that rule for 2.5, too. It will make the game a lot more fun. :D

There are some games where I prefer to play on Easy Mode, but Kingdom Hearts games ain't the case xD


First, I do an Easy Mode run to see how the game runs and all of that jazz.


Then... When I know what's ahead of me, I change into Proud Mode (Critical if possible), to really test my skills, if I got everything right, if there's room for improvement in x or situation.


Proud Mode isn't something you should start with right away in my opinion, it can kill the fun sometimes :/

Personally, I don't have as much fun when I play on a lower difficulty. It just doesn't feel right to me. I understand why you think its's not the best idea, though. xD

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