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Timothy Ling Jit Houng

Which Final Fantasy character that appeared in Kingdom Hearts do you like?

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I guess Vivi or Yuffie, since I don't care for the others. I just want them to include a character from one of the first six (And not screw them up like they did with Setzer, he freaking sucked in KHII.)

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I guess Vivi or Yuffie, since I don't care for the others. I just want them to include a character from one of the first six (And not screw them up like they did with Setzer, he freaking sucked in KHII.)

Well lucky for us Nomura is an asshole who has to be pestered to include FF characters that he didn't design. So it's probably just going to be VII onwards again. Maybe Vivi is going to be in KHIII since he was in the Twilight town gang, but I think that would be it.



Mine would have to be Cloud/Sephiroth, I love clouds design in KHI and Sephiroth is just a great boss battle.

Edited by Cucco

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That chick with the pink hair and the big boobs and has singing Skillz and has a gigantic sword and acts emo and is a ninja and got stabbed and can warp around and can use snow powers and has a afro and has one wing oh her back and... And.. Oh wait...




I guess Auron, Zack and Leon. Heck even the Gullwings. I also kind of liked Cid sense he was cool in the manga



Edited by Gamerazor247

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Out of all Final Fantasy characters in KH Auron felt the most accurate of them all as he behaves and feels exactly like the awesome Auron from FFX


Second favorite would be Leon(A.K.A Squall) because that's exactly what FFVIII's should've been

Hard to pick. Leon is how I'd imagine canon Squall would act post-character development. Vivi is also adorable, but he has a minor role. Zack is a close second, but he's a part of Hercules's world so, by nature of being a canonical outsider, he wouldn't be as effectual to the plot like he could have been if he was in an original world.


Oh wait, I know the true answer: Auron.

Amen man ^_^

Edited by Annoying D Waluigi

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Oh wait, I know the true answer: Auron.

^^^This... So much win when SOra got to fight alongside Auron 8D


That chick with the pink hair and the big boobs and has singing Skillz and has a gigantic sword and acts emo and is a ninja and got stabbed and can warp around and can use snow powers and has a afro and has one wing oh her back and... And.. Oh wait...

I have seriously no idea who you are referencing...

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Hard to pick. Leon is how I'd imagine canon Squall would act post-character development. Vivi is also adorable, but he has a minor role. Zack is a close second, but he's a part of Hercules's world so, by nature of being a canonical outsider, he wouldn't be as effectual to the plot like he could have been if he was in an original world.


Oh wait, I know the true answer: Auron.

Oh crap, I forgot all about Zack. Changing my answer.

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Doesn't anybody like Tifa?


i love tifa!! :wub:


i liked all the character from FF it could be cool fight again selphie,wakka and tidus but for real not a simple challenge for a tutorial of the games xP


but tifa remain the number 1 :3



Tifa.  Anyone who can kick a wall open is cool in my book.


so i'm not the only tifa's fan here xD  i really like her moves too... and fighting together with her in hollow bastion was cool xP

Edited by Aros

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i love tifa!! :wub:


i liked all the character from FF it could be cool fight again selphie,wakka and tidus but for real not a simple challenge for a tutorial of the games xP


but tifa remain the number 1 :3




so i'm not the only tifa's fan here xD  i really like her moves too... and fighting together with her in hollow bastion was cool xP

So random...

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