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Captain Admiral R

And I'm new.

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Hiya! I'm Captain Admiral R, the new guy here. I've been a lurker on the main site for a while, just decided to join the forums on a whim.


Anyways, what to say? I'm a pretty big fan of Kingdom Hearts. KH2 is currently my favorite in the franchise, and I am STOKED that I'll finally be able to play the Final Mix version come this December. I was so bitter when I learned of Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix's existence, since I believed it would never be released here, but now it's coming, and I am happy.


Of course I play other games as well. Bit of a Nintendork here! I love Nintendo and its franchises. Been playing Hyrule Warriors and Smash Bros. 3DS like mad. I'm waiting for the Wii U version of Smash Bros as well. You won't see me playing super-violent shooter-type, gory, or horror games, they have never and will not really appeal to me, though I hold nothing against people who play those types of games. (I must admit, however, that I do play some Team Fortress 2 every once in a while.) Final Fantasy is one of my favorites too. I've enjoyed all the games I've played so far, even the much-hated unlucky Final Fantasy XIII. (I'm actually double-dipping for the PC version of that game because I'm an insane person.) I've actually been working on starting a video game stream, but I need to buy a wi-fi card for my PC to do so. This USB wi-fi adapter I have doesn't cut it for streaming.


So, what else? Oh, not much really. Just a geeky guy with a low-end job who lives with his parents (huehue basement dweller *doesn't have a basement*).  I watch anime, but not a lot. My favorites are Gurren Lagann (duh, if you recognised my avatar), the Dragonball series, Fullmetal Alchemist, Inuyasha, and the original Tenchi Muyo OVA's (the first two, not the third and its spinoffs).


Well, I think I've said all I can say about myself. There's not much really. Just another dude!

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Dude, you and me sound like we are going to get along just nicely. I love Nintendo, hate most horror games (except I love Resident Evil), and KH2 is my favorite in the series, and I felt the same way you did about the final mix. If you ever need anything or anyone to talk serious to, I'm usually available, just you have to send me a PM cause my phone hardly let's me use the chatroom. I hope to see you around, and I hope we can become friends soon enough! :)

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Hiya! I'm Captain Admiral R, the new guy here. I've been a lurker on the main site for a while, just decided to join the forums on a whim.


Anyways, what to say? I'm a pretty big fan of Kingdom Hearts. KH2 is currently my favorite in the franchise, and I am STOKED that I'll finally be able to play the Final Mix version come this December. I was so bitter when I learned of Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix's existence, since I believed it would never be released here, but now it's coming, and I am happy.


Of course I play other games as well. Bit of a Nintendork here! I love Nintendo and its franchises. Been playing Hyrule Warriors and Smash Bros. 3DS like mad. I'm waiting for the Wii U version of Smash Bros as well. You won't see me playing super-violent shooter-type, gory, or horror games, they have never and will not really appeal to me, though I hold nothing against people who play those types of games. (I must admit, however, that I do play some Team Fortress 2 every once in a while.) Final Fantasy is one of my favorites too. I've enjoyed all the games I've played so far, even the much-hated unlucky Final Fantasy XIII. (I'm actually double-dipping for the PC version of that game because I'm an insane person.) I've actually been working on starting a video game stream, but I need to buy a wi-fi card for my PC to do so. This USB wi-fi adapter I have doesn't cut it for streaming.


So, what else? Oh, not much really. Just a geeky guy with a low-end job who lives with his parents (huehue basement dweller *doesn't have a basement*).  I watch anime, but not a lot. My favorites are Gurren Lagann (duh, if you recognised my avatar), the Dragonball series, Fullmetal Alchemist, Inuyasha, and the original Tenchi Muyo OVA's (the first two, not the third and its spinoffs).


Well, I think I've said all I can say about myself. There's not much really. Just another dude!



Dude, you and me sound like we are going to get along just nicely. I love Nintendo, hate most horror games (except I love Resident Evil), and KH2 is my favorite in the series, and I felt the same way you did about the final mix. If you ever need anything or anyone to talk serious to, I'm usually available, just you have to send me a PM cause my phone hardly let's me use the chatroom. I hope to see you around, and I hope we can become friends soon enough! :)

Then I guess we three are not so different at all!

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Welcome to the forums!

Don't hurt Kairi and we'll get along just fine xD


Can I poke her with a pitchfork?


Welcome to the site, captain!!!! *Salutes* I do hope you find everything to be to your liking!!! :D

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welcome to the "lurking-for-a-while club"  ......and in KH13 too xP

just go random and you'll be fine for me xD feel free to chat with me when you want ;)

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