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Lady Aleister


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most of PTCH is still a go, but I seem to recall our "C" being MIA. Didn't Scottish bow out of RPing for a bit?

Star made a new C, named Champ. The sheet is up on the other site I think

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Star made a new C, named Champ. The sheet is up on the other site I think

Oh, yes. I do remember that coming up now. Cool. Concern retracted.


I thought I'd go ahead and put Olivia's sheet here.


Character Sheets:

Name- Olivia Murasaki

Age- 16

Gender- Female

Appearance(DESCRIPTIONS ONLY!! References are allowed and drawings made by you are allowed)- Shorter then average with a slim frame, but has a wiry strength. Pale skin with a number of scars on her limbs, body and a few on her face. Has a tattoo of a crescent moon around her left eye. Long black hair that is usually left free. Dark brown eyes that almost look black. Wears a white dress shirt with a grey sweater vest, a light purple skirt that extends to her knees, black leggings, and white tennis shoes. Over all this she wears a dark purple long coat with three coat tails. Currently has some bandages on her face and her left hand.


Posted Image

Note: The top point of the stand in Star tattoo is where Olivia/Erin's moon tattoo starts, and ends directly above that point just above her eye brow.


Also, her coat should be a bit darker.

Human or Faunus?- human

If Faunus, what kind of Faunus and what part of you is a Faunus?-

Weapon (SAME AS APPEARANCE RULES)- Lunatic Blast: Looks like the Revenant Shotgun from DMC, except it has a pearl handle and a lever action. It's barrel is reinforced to be used to block and deflect bladed weapons.

Biography (OPTIONAL)- [see the Purple Trailer: http://theroleplayers.crazy4us.com/t12-rising-shadows-trailers#362 ]

Semblance- Shadow Teleportation and invisibility in shadows.

Symbol and Symbol location (SAME AS APPEARANCE RULES)- A Crescent Moon tattooed around her left eye.

Main Color- Violet.

Anything else-

Looks middle class, though speaks in an accent and speech pattern more common for lower class street dwellers. (Think British Cockney.)

Keeps possessions close to her and portable, like she expects to move soon or run.

Secretly hoards table scraps.

Doesn't seem to trust anyone.

Those who look into her joining the academy will find her attendance was requested by a private contributor to the academy.

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Sorry I'm late, ladies and gentlemen, but I am here and ready to continue this story. I am willing to make an "E" character, if no one else wants to lay claimPosted Image to the spot.

If you could make an E character I would thank you forever. (I would make it but I have three students and two teachers as characters as it is) If you need help with E colors here's a site with some.

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Well...this character should be interesting. Maybe a tad too interesting.


Character Sheets:

Name- Esmerelda Callide Reliquum Ustulo (usually lets people call her Esme)

Age- 15

Gender- Female

Appearance(DESCRIPTIONS ONLY!! References are allowed and drawings made by you are allowed)- Extremely short. Rather stocky in build. Tanned skin with burn scars on her hands and forearms. Cute, in an odd way. Has white hair with two stripes of black hair similar to her Faunus type (see the bigger image below for a general idea). All of it is done into dread locks. Animal ears poke out from inside the black stripes, sharing the same coloring, expect for the tips of her ears, which have white fur. She has a short tail with grey fur on it.

(Badger reference image; http://a.abcnews.com/images/International/gty_badger_germany_ll_130814_16x9_992.jpg )

She normally wears an emerald colored sleeveless shirt, dark brown heavy leather pants, and steel toed boots. She wears over her shirt an armored jacket of a greying-yellowish brown color with a pointed hood. Around her neck is a necklace made of a tungsten carbide ring on a paracord line.

Human or Faunus?- Faunus

If Faunus, what kind of Faunus and what part of you is a Faunus?- Badger. Ears and a short tail.

Weapon (SAME AS APPEARANCE RULES)- Custom made retractable armored gauntlets that allow her to channel her powers into physical strikes, rocks, and a sling shot.

Biography (OPTIONAL)- <Letter from Dr. Basil Heinz of Archwell Sanitarium to Professor Azure of Beacon Academy.

Dear Sir, this is a letter to request the enrollment for a former patient, Esmerelda Callide Reliquum Ustulo. She has been with us two years, after being rescued from servitude to a bandit group as a chemist. I ask for her enrollment in your academy as I fear Archwell can do little else for her, and an engrained need to be useful has been causing her troubles here. With proper supervision, she will no doubt excel in your program, due to her inquiring nature and brilliant mind. A nurse will be installed at your facility to ensure Esmeralda continues to progress well. Enclosed is a list of notes and cautions about her behavior you and your staff will find useful. Sincerely yours, Dr. Basil Heinz.>

Semblance- Can charge objects with kinetic energy, causing them to explode (see Gambit's powers).

Symbol and Symbol location (SAME AS APPEARANCE RULES)- A "danger: explosives" symbol painted in yellow on the hard leather shoulder pads of her jacket.

Main Color- Ecru

Anything else-

<Dr Heinz's notes:

1) Very particular about her name. If you say more then "Esme", she will expect you to say the whole thing. She will correct you and get you to say it right. Note: the first middle and last names seem to be a descriptor of sorts, like they are to tell people what she does. Example, Callide means "skillfully, cleverly" and Ustulo means "to burn, scorch, singe." A indication of what she was made to do by the bandits? Additional note: second middle name, Reliquum, which means "remaining", was added on recently by the patient.

2) Is highly intelligent when it comes to chemical and alchemical science. Has an easy time memorizing facts and data.

3) Patient suffers from Attention Deficit Disorder. Advice keeping her entertained when instructing her.

4) Patient suffers from pyromania. She should only be allowed things like matches under close supervision.

5) Patient suffers from an explosion fixation. A hard trait to work out considering her abilities. Perhaps it's best to give her a constructive outlet for this fixation.

6) Patient will try to mix anything together. Give her limited quantities of cleaning supplies, Dust, and food condiments, unless you want her to make something.

7) Patient is surprisingly strong for her size, once requiring three of our stoutest orderlies to get her out of the ambulance when she first arrived. Note: she generally has better behavior now.

End of notes.>

Naive on some subjects.

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THANK THE WATERMELON LORD alright here we go! RP starts NOW! All characters accepted btw


TEAMS: (Team leaders are bolded)
COFE = Cho, Olivia, Fuchsia, and Elm (Led by Cho/Soul)

BASK = Buru, Altia, Sienna, Kuro (Led by Buru/Nearamoto)

PTCH = Prince Nikolai, Troy, Champ, Hakai (Led by Prince Nikolai/Yuffie)

SLVR = Shion, Lucifer, Viridem, Razzmatazz (Led by Shion/Naegi)
LYME = Liath, Yeul, Magneta, Esmeralda (Led by Liath/Arrows)




“…hey Misae I’m sorry to be a douche but it’s totally your turn to do this whole introduction thing.” Akane said with a burst of laughter. “YOU DIDN’T TELL ME BEFORE oh my gosh Akane I swear to-“ Miase hissed, only to have the spotlight suddenly shinning onto him, his face appearing on the screen above. Akane held in her laughter. “Good luck~” She chuckled. Misae cleared his throat, walking across to the stage as he could hear the claps of the crowed. “(Well then, it appears I have to improvise.)” Misae thought as he looked up at the crowed. So many students. “…Welcome, everyone, and congratulations on being accepted the one and only Beacon Academy! From today on your life as students at this school will begin. However, not all of the students who enroll will make it to the end of the year. Some of you won’t be able to keep up with the grades and classes, some of you might not be able to keep up with the fighting regiment…some of you might die.” Misae said rather bluntly. He chuckled a bit. “But this is all in order to prepare you for what is ahead. The moment you begin with us, you have become Hunters and Huntresses in the upmost of training. For the moment you graduate from this academy, you will become the new heroes of the world. Heroes to which the innocent will depend on, in order to defend them against the evil known as Grimm. I see many brilliant faces in the crowed…and I wish, I hope, to see these faces again, walking up this stage to gain your diploma, as full-fleshed heroes.” Misae said, giving a small speech in order to inspire a kid or two. “Now…for the moment you’ve all been waiting for! Today, the last few students were accepted, as they passed the test with flying colors!...or flying Grimm better to say, they were on a train. Bloody mess. Anyhow! These students will now be assigned to teams. Each team will have a team leader to lead them on. Remember that every team created will remain a team until graduation day, and the people in your teams will also be your roommates for the rest of your years here. You better hope you get along now.”Misae said as he looked up at the screen. Four squares appearing.


“First team will be, Buru, Altia , Sienna, and Kuro. With the team leader being Buru, they are team BASK! Next team, Cho, Olivia, Fuchsia, and Elm, led by Cho, they are team COFE! Next team, Prince Nikolai, Troy, Champ, Hakai, led by Prince Nokolai, they are team PTCH! Next team, Shion, Lucifer, Viridem, and Razzmatazz, led by Shion, will be team SLVR! Last but not least, Liath, Yeul, Magneta, Esmeralda, led by Liath, they are team LYME!" Misae smiled, hearing the cheer of the crowed and students Sienna was cheering as he threw his hands over Altia/Buru. "we're in the same team, how cool is that?!" Sienna said with a smile. Fuchsia frowned, disappointed that she wasn't team leader. “I welcome you all, to Beacon Academy! For today you may retreat to your rooms with your new team and roommates. Tomorrow your new life as a Beacon student begins.” Misae said as gave a small bow and walked off the stage, everyone walking off to different directions. He quickly walked over to the teams. "Alright everyone, come around. I have the keys to your assigned rooms. Team BASK is room 358, team PTCH is room 357, team SLVR is room 359, so your rooms are next to each other. Team COFE is room 458, team LYME is room 457. Which means you guys will be just across team PTCH and team BASK's room as neighbors." Misae explained as he gave everyone copies of their respected room keys.

Edited by Stardustblade358

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(I'm getting Bellu a weapon. Just tossing it out.


KH13 is lagging, will edit soon.)



Bellu flashed a lopsided smile at Sienna, glad that another faunus was paired up with him. Buru, on the other hand..... he hadn't even seen him fight. He was about to approach him until Kuro called Bellu to find their rooms. "Heh. Alright. Come on guys, let's move."



"Oh by Schnee, how could this even happen!?" Cho moaned, exhausted. "Misae, dear, can we have a recount? Even olive head over there can be leader. Yes? Yes? No? Darn it..."






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 "L-l-l-ed by me?!" Shion felt her face turning bright red as her knees began to wobble. Oh god she felt really dizzy all of a sudden. 'This has to be some sort of mistake, I can't lead a team, someone like Viridem who's way more capable should lead.' Shion opened her mouth to protest but no sound came out. 'Ugh I can't get my head straight.' While all of this was happening, Shion was invisible but her nervous presence was really noticeable. 

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Fuchsia quickly went right behind Cho. "What this guy said! Obviously I would make a much better leader than any of the rest." Fuchsia hissed. She wasn't exactly happy that she wouldn't be the leader. She really wanted to be the leader to prove her point. "I want to be able to show my skills and I am sure that I will be able to show as such by being the leader of this team." Fuchsia insisted. Misae waved his finger. "Nope. The decision has already been made. Cho will be the leader of team COFE. Unless Cho leaves the school, which I doubt will happen so easily, he is the leader of your team. No buts." Misae said as he rubbed Cho's head slightly. "Congratulations, Cho." Misae said as he was then jumped on by Akane. "WHOO! We're going to be TEACHERS!" Akane laughed. "A little bit too early, Akane." Misae insisted. He looked around. He was missing a key. "Shion, where are you? You need your key?" Miase asked. Akane pointed at one spot. Misae walked over and moved his hand, hoping he could land it on the shoulder or head. "Shion? Don't feel so nervous. You were chosen as a leader due to feeling that you are capable of handling a team." Misae said, trying to cheer the student up while Akane cheered in the background and tackling other teachers. Champ yawned before calmly realizing he was in a team. "...we're going to be in teams?"Champ muttered. Not that he minded. Just still wondering how well that would work out.

Edited by Stardustblade358

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Hakai looked at his teammates and thought:

'Who did i get? The prince guy, the ice person and the last one ... It could be worse.'

"Congratulations on your position as group leader." He said and continued slightly scanning everyone around them. Finally the intense feeling of danger passed and what could be better than some rest ... Assuming some would come along anyway.

"I guess we should get to our rooms then." he said and walked out towards the dormitories.

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Lucifer shrugged, trying to hide his disappointment. I guess we're not on the same team after all, he mouthed silently to Yeul. The girl simply smiled as she walked over to her team. "Hello, my name is Yeul. Please take good care of me~" she greeted in a mocking voice. Lucifer decided to simply leave to their room, playing with his key chain.

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Buru Slepkava awoke with a splitting headache. "Oh gods... what happened?" he muttered, lying face first on the floor of the train. His shadow helped him up, as he leaned against a nearby seat. "Last I remember, the Grim were attacking... then I was about to kill some more... and then... Oh. So that's what happened," he said, as he realized that a Grim must of knocked him unconscious. He was slowly making his way to the entrance of the train, when suddenly its whistle blared, and he felt the train start to move. "Oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no," he repeated as he picked up speed, running through the train and barely dodging seats. "How long was I out?!" he yelled, as he finally made it to the exit. Just before the doors closed, he took a running jump, and landed safely out of the train. If your definition of safely is, 'Landing face first into concrete,' anyway. He pulled himself up once more, and walked slowly into the auditorium. He arrived just in time to hear the formation of Team Bask, and that he was their leader. "Huzzah!" he shouted.


Before promptly fainting. 


(I hope this is alright.)

Edited by Lelouchanort Vi Nearamoto

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Buru Slepkava awoke with a splitting headache. "Oh gods... what happened?" he muttered, lying face first on the floor of the train. His shadow helped him up, as he leaned against a nearby seat. "Last I remember, the Grim were attacking... then I was about to kill some more... and then... Oh. So that's what happened," he said, as he realized that a Grim must of knocked him unconscious. He was slowly making his way to the entrance of the train, when suddenly its whistle blared, and he felt the train start to move. "Oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no," he repeated as he picked up speed, running through the train and barely dodging seats. "How long was I out?!" he yelled, as he finally made it to the exit. Just before the doors closed, he took a running jump, and landed safely out of the train. If your definition of safely is, 'Landing face first into concrete,' anyway. He pulled himself up once more, and walked slowly into the auditorium. He arrived just in time to hear the formation of Team Bask, and that he was their leader. "Huzzah!" he shouted.


Before promptly fainting. 


(I hope this is alright.)

Sienna was about to follow Bellu and Kuro down to the dorms when he heard a loud thump. He turned around to see their just announced leader fainted on the floor. "Ah...well crap." Sienna muttered. This wasn't exactly a good way to start the semester now was it? Their leader fainting. It was hilarious however. But he didn't laugh. Instead he raised his hand. "Teacher! Our dedicated leader just fainted on the floor!" Sienna called. "WHA?! Already a dead one?!" Misae asked, freaking out. "Ah he's just tired! I'll go check up on him." Akane said as she walked over to the fainted Buru. "Poor kid, he must've gotten all excited. Hey kid, help me take him to your dorm. I'll do a check up on him but I can't do it on the floor." Akane said. "Alright. I can carry him, mam." Sienna insisted. He was much stronger than the rest due to his semblance. Easily Sienna picked up Buru and threw him over his shoulder, carrying him easily. "Good boy! I don't have to do that much work after all. To the dorm!~" Akane cheered as she pointed to a random direction. "To the dorm!" Sienna cheered equally as he followed Kuro and Bellu, catching up with them as they reached the dorms. "Guys wait up! Our leader has fainted!"


Hakai looked at his teammates and thought:


'Who did i get? The prince guy, the ice person and the last one ... It could be worse.'


"Congratulations on your position as group leader." He said and continued slightly scanning everyone around them. Finally the intense feeling of danger passed and what could be better than some rest ... Assuming some would come along anyway.


"I guess we should get to our rooms then." he said and walked out towards the dormitories.

Champ, just as quietly as he had done before, walked right behind Hakai. His pace light enough to be able to walk across a field of fallen fall leaves and not make a sound. He didn't even made a sound as he got his head right next to Hakai's, just over his shoulder. "It appears we are going to be team mates, I hope we get along. I'm Champagne. My friends call me Champ." Champ said with a low tone. Whether he scared a person or two didn't seem to mind him as much.




(Wait who is the difference between Beru and Bellu. Does Bulu have another name)

Bellu is Altia Bellu (he goes by Bellu instead of Altia but Altia is his first name. I know. We were all shocked as well.) (controlled by Soul) and Buru is just Buru. (Controlled by Nort)


(If its still fine I'd like to resubmit my character. (the teacher on page 17))

If Neko is up for it I don't see why not.

Edited by Stardustblade358

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"Oh hello there. You're the fourth person to our merry party if im using the right words." He said not really showing any sign of surprise. The thing that was perhaps the most noticeable was the face that looked somewhat female.

"It appears you are something of a native." He continued mildly trying to  ignore some slightly unpleasant mental images. There were four now and remembering and pronouncing names will be a pain.

"Anyone want to see the room we got?" He asked hoping to somewhat erase whatever in gods green earth was going through is head.

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