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Lady Aleister


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Nope, no pretzels left. Oh wait here's one. *eats pretzel*


Viridem v2:

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Prince Nikolai:

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Why Yuffie? Why must you make me hungry.

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I... just had ramen. What a weird coincidence. And I have a bag of pretzels. *Evil laugh* *Lightning flashes behind me*

*Pushes you up against a wall* I WILL EAT YOUR CHILDREN IF YOU DONT GIVE ME SOME.

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*Pushes you up against a wall* I WILL EAT YOUR CHILDREN IF YOU DONT GIVE ME SOME.

*Gives you a bag* Here you go! Ignore the ticking. I... like to keep clocks in them, ok?


You lead a charmed life, Sho

I'm sho of that!

Edited by Sho Minamimoto

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*Gives you a bag* Here you go! Ignore the ticking. I... like to keep clocks in them, ok?


I'm sho of that!

*Swallows le bag hole*

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With who?

Em, if you can make your new character's name start with "P", then you, me, Scottish and Firo can make PTCH (short for "Pitch", like "Pitch Black" or the tar substance).

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