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Lady Aleister


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Ah ha! Team idea.


PTCH for "Pitch", a word commonly put in front of the word "black".


Members: TBD, myself, Scottish, Firo.


And if you squint or just have poor penmanship, a "F" could be confused for a "P".

Edited by rikunobodyxiii

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Aren't we trying to get it to start with an R? Like... Rosa!



The color is a shade of red...Firia? Fire being the base word then adding an -ia to it to give it a feminine twist? Fire is often associated with the color red.


Rosa will work. I'll edit the post shortly, and Ill post a reference for her soon enough.

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I'll probably do one in like 20 minutes or so.

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I'm using Imgur.

Odd. Normally the image works for everyone. On my end, it was fine.

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For a character creator, pretty decent. His clothes are wrong, however, and he should have a more child-like appearance. Eyes are nearly spot on, hair color should be a more sandy/dusty brown, though, same for his eye color. I liked the crown, though, so i put it on. not actually a part of his appearance, I just liked it.

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