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Lady Aleister


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 (Don't know if sign-ups are still open :/)


Name- Carmesí Valenćia (Pronounced Car-Mes-ee Val-en-chia, don't know if that pronunciation help, helped at all?)


Age- 16


Gender- Male


Appearance(DESCRIPTIONS ONLY!! References are allowed and drawings made by you are allowed)- Carmesí is has an average height for boys around his age of 5'11. He has short-ish, messy brown hair. He wears a black hoodie with Crimson spirals wavering down his arms, with a Crimson wave-like pattern running down his torso. He wears burgundy jeans with dark red trainer-like shoes. He wears a white shirt underneath his hoodie. He has Cornell Red eyes. He has a rather unique scar that forms an X running the length of his left eye.


Human or Faunus?- Human


If Faunus, what kind of Faunus and what part of you is a Faunus?-


Weapon (SAME AS APPEARANCE RULES)- For Carmesí's weapon, he dual wields short gun-swords. Think of these as Ebony and Ivory type weapons, with a short sword attached to them with interchangeable modes of gun and sword or both for flexibility in combat style (Ebony and Ivory are Dante from DmC's Handguns). His gunblades are called Aka and Kuro (Red and Black in Japanese, to contrast with his appearance color scheme. Both handguns have low calibers as to have a purpose of more stunning the enemy while Carmesí get's up close and personal with the blades.


Biography (OPTIONAL)- (I will think of this while I am lurking around the internet.)


Semblance- Dependent on the emotion of Carmesí, he can send his gunblades ablaze with fire. Having regular emotions (Neutral, happy, etc.) His gunblades will be unaffected. However having strong emotions (Anger, sorrow, etc.) His gunblades will be set ablaze with fire, his bullets will have a higher caliber and will have an incendiary-type effect to them. He has two holsters on the right and left of his hips for these weapons.


Symbol and Symbol location (SAME AS APPEARANCE RULES)- His symbol is a Crimson eagle with two Gray gunblades crossed through it to form an X. His symbol is located on his Shirt, with two on the shoulders of his hoodie.


Main Color- Crimson (And black to a certain extent)


Anything else-

  •  Carmesí likes to read books in his spare time.
  •  He is interested in the psychology and personality behind others.
  •  He likes making new friends.



 I'm sorry if you think this is not to the standard, I tried my best >.<

Edited by Scottish Skarmory

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 (Don't know if sign-ups are still open :/)


Name- Rojo Valenći (Pronounced Ro-ho Val-en-chi, don't know if that pronunciation help, helped at all?)


Age- 16


Gender- Male


Appearance(DESCRIPTIONS ONLY!! References are allowed and drawings made by you are allowed)- Rojo is has an average height for boys around his age of 5'11. He has short-ish, messy brown hair. He wears a black hoodie with red spirals wavering down his arms, with a red wave-like pattern running down his torso. He wears burgundy jeans with dark red trainer-like shoes. He wears a white shirt underneath his hoodie. He has Cornell Red eyes. He has a rather unique scar that forms an X running the length of his left eye.


Human or Faunus?- Human


If Faunus, what kind of Faunus and what part of you is a Faunus?-


Weapon (SAME AS APPEARANCE RULES)- For Rojo's weapon, he dual wields short gun-swords. Think of these as Ebony and Ivory type weapons, with a short sword attached to them with interchangeable modes of gun and sword or both for flexibility in combat style (Ebony and Ivory are Dante from DmC's Handguns). His gunblades are called Aka and Kuro (Red and Black in Japanese, to contrast with his appearance color scheme. Both handguns have low calibers as to have a purpose of more stunning the enemy while Rojo get's up close and personal with the blades.


Biography (OPTIONAL)- (I will think of this while I am lurking around the internet.)


Semblance- Dependent on the emotion of Rojo, he can send his gunblades ablaze with fire. Having regular emotions (Neutral, happy, etc.) His gunblades will be unaffected. However having strong emotions (Anger, sorrow, etc.) His gunblades will be set ablaze with fire, his bullets will have a higher caliber and will have an incendiary-type effect to them. He has two holsters on the right and left of his hips for these weapons.


Symbol and Symbol location (SAME AS APPEARANCE RULES)- His symbol is an eagle with two gunblades crossed through it to form an X. His symbol is located on his Shirt, with two on the shoulders of his hoodie.


Main Color- Red (And black to a certain extent)


Anything else-


[*] Rojo likes to read books in his spare time.

[*] He is interested in the psychology and personality behind others.

[*] He likes making new friends.



I'm sorry if you think this is not to the standard, I tried my best >.<

Oh, Silver is gonna be called Rojo? I'll change mine.

no idea. I was just spouting ideas. There might be a color conflict, though.

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Edited. He is now called Carmesí Valenćia. Crimson in Spanish.

*Puts hand over mouth* I went into GM mode, didn't I? Sorry about that. I am not in charge. I was just trying to offer suggestions based on what I've seen Neko do before on this topic. On another note, I like the name. Edited by rikunobodyxiii

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I'll change it to an R if that helps. Let me find something.

The color is a shade of red...Firia? Fire being the base word then adding an -ia to it to give it a feminine twist? Fire is often associated with the color red.

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Aren't we trying to get it to start with an R? Like... Rosa!

...Pardon me whilst I slam my face into a wall.

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You're accepted Scottish.


I am starting to get sick guys...so when I feel better sometime tonight I will approve teams


I have something made Soul, it is on my other computer

Edited by Neko-chan

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You're accepted Scottish.I am starting to get sick guys...so when I feel better sometime tonight I will approve teams



Hope you get better soon Neko!

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