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Lady Aleister


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Frogemyre knows what's up!

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Meanie seem to be the personality you go with a lot as of late. Any particular reason why?

I don't think so... Probably just my subconscious deciding it wants to be a brat all the time.

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Character Sheets: 

Name- Gelbe Gänseblümchen

Age- 16

Gender- Female

Appearance(DESCRIPTIONS ONLY!! References are allowed and drawings made by you are allowed)- I'm going to post a picture later.

Human or Faunus?- Human

If Faunus, what kind of Faunus and what part of you is a Faunus?-

Weapon (SAME AS APPEARANCE RULES)- (Also will post a picture later) It is a type of Gunblade. It starts as a normal hand held pistol that can extend into a shot gun type with a pump then the pump spins around into a scoop for a sniper. If the gun is in pistol form in can flip into a handle and a blade extends forming a sword. (Better explanations will be in the picture.)

Biography (OPTIONAL)-

Semblance- Can jump super high like a leopard. 

Symbol and Symbol location (SAME AS APPEARANCE RULES)- Looks like a single cheetah spot that is located on her left ankle.

Main Color- Yellow

Anything else- NA

(Also I believe that the players should keep the character sheets up to date for people to look back to just in case anything changes in the RP)

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Character Sheets: (She's based off from the Cheshire Cat) 

Name- Shion Jin

Age- 16

Gender- Female

Appearance(DESCRIPTIONS ONLY!! References are allowed and drawings made by you are allowed)- Shion's hair: http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/736x/35/59/e1/3559e17e6182ae7c1b3c7d754bef062c.jpg

Furry purple ears, yellow cat-like eyes, and a purple striped tail. She wears a dark purple cat hoodie with short jeans, and white and purple socks reaching a little pass her ankles along with small, black sneakers. 

Human or Faunus?- Faunus

If Faunus, what kind of Faunus and what part of you is a Faunus?- Cat with furry purple ears, striped purple tail, and yellow cat-like eyes-sharp, but gentle at the same time.

Weapon (SAME AS APPEARANCE RULES)- Shion's weapon are purple gauntlets which can shoot explosive rounds. She calls her weapon, Murasaki Bara.

Biography (OPTIONAL)- (I'll probably fill this in later)

Semblance- Invisibility: Shion can make any or all of her appearance out of sight without a trace. She'll be visible either if she wants to, or if she's hit by something or someone.

Symbol and Symbol location (SAME AS APPEARANCE RULES)- A bright purple cat face shape with only a smile, located in front of her hoodie.

Main Color- Purple

Anything else- Mainly uses her semblance to hide from people, quite shy, and she's extremely flexible.

Favorite RWBY song hmmm...I really like Red like Roses Part II

Edited by The Basic Nerd

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What is up with the obsession on cats on this website?


Riki- Listen to my rules son.

Emerald- Accepted. Deal with my description rules.

Silver- Why do we like longswords? Accepted.

Sukai- I agree with your up-to-date, however go back and read my requered rules please.

Nerd- Does KH13 just love cats or something? Accepted.

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O_OSo....many....characters....What is up with the obsession on cats on this website?Riki- Listen to my rules son.Emerald- Accepted. Deal with my description rules.Silver- Why do we like longswords? Accepted.Sukai- I agree with your up-to-date, however go back and read my requered rules please.Nerd- Does KH13 just love cats or something? Accepted.

I'm certain the only thing I hadn't done was the music, but I had figured you wanted an actual soundtrack, not a name. If that's all, it will be in in a moment.

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I don't think so... Probably just my subconscious deciding it wants to be a brat all the time.

So subconscious teenage angst?

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Character Sheets:

Name- Troy Lavan

Age- 18

Gender- Male

Appearance(DESCRIPTIONS ONLY!! References are allowed and drawings made by you are allowed)- Tall with a lean, muscular build. Pale skin with violet eyes. White hair cut at almost shoulder length with some it in a small pony tail to keep it out of his face. Is working on a beard, which is promising to be rather thick. Wears a grey sleeveless hoodie and a white long sleeve shirt with rolled up sleeves to just below the elbows. On his legs he has black cargo pants and classic black & white Converses. A pair of ornate silver bracers cover his forearms, with black fingerless gloves on his hands. Usually has a pair of circular sunglasses for when he needs them.

Human or Faunus?- Faunus

If Faunus, what kind of Faunus and what part of you is a Faunus?- Timber Wolf: lengthened canine teeth and formerly a tail.

Weapon (SAME AS APPEARANCE RULES)- Duel short swords that can transform into hand crossbows. Sometimes uses ice projectiles instead of bolts. Names: Frostbite & Fenris.

Frostbite is all silver and white, white some pale blue highlights. Has an ice and snowflake motif and a double edged blade. Crossbow form sports two bows in an "X" pattern.

Fenris looks old with plenty of nicks in its one edged blade. Blade is a tarnished grey with black wrappings for a handle. Crossbow form also looks battered, but still highly functional and otherwise unremarkable.

Biography (OPTIONAL)-

Semblance- Ice and cold manipulation.

Symbol and Symbol location (SAME AS APPEARANCE RULES)- An ice Phoenix that looks to made of ice crystals done in white on the back of Troy's hoodie. Crystalline birds wings are featured prominently on both his bracers.

Main Color- White

Anything else-

Lavan is white in Hebrew.

Dislikes bright sunlight. Sometimes refers to the sun as his mortal enemy.

Dislikes heat.

Lost his tail at a young age when it was cut off by a group of humans looking to hurt Faunuses.

Not many know he is a Faunus.

Considered by most to be a nice guy, but a bit of a bear if you anger him.


Time To Say Goodbye


EDIT: changed attire and symbol slightly.

Edited by rikunobodyxiii

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Name- Liath Smith

Age- 16

Gender- Male

Appearance- Tall with short brown hair, blue eyes, light skin, and a long, thin nose. Wears a grey trench coat with a white button up shirt and black bow tie. Also wears thin, wire-frame glasses, a grey flat cap, grey pants, and black shoes.

Human or Faunus?- Human

If Faunus, what kind of Faunus and what part of you is a Faunus?-

Weapon (SAME AS APPEARANCE RULES)- A large silver halberd that morphs into a sniper rifle named Inquisitor.

Biography (OPTIONAL)- You'll just have to wait and see.

Semblance- The ability to sense oncoming danger moments before it happens. Basically the same as Spiderman's spider sense.

Symbol and Symbol location (SAME AS APPEARANCE RULES)- A silver question mark pinned to his trench coat.

Main Color- Grey

Anything else-

A bit of an eccentric.

Has insatiable curiosity.

Usually level headed.

Often makes wisecracks.


Mirror Mirror

Edited by Captain Arrowguns

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Name- Azure (Last name not known)


Age- 23


Gender- Female


Appearance- Azure is physically fit and has chin-length silky black hair. She's of average height, with pale skin and calm, black eyes. Clothing-wise she almost always wears a white dress shirt and plain dress pants with suspenders underneath her jacket.


Human or Faunus?- Human


If Faunus, what kind of Faunus and what part of you is a Faunus?-


Weapon- She carries two basic swords with handles that have been lengthened so she may bear them with either one or both of her hands. Despite always carrying two she has never been seen dual-wielding, rather the second sword is merely a spare in case the initial one breaks. If either of them can transform into guns no one who's met her and lived has ever seen them do so.


Biography- Very little is known of her personal life. She keeps her allies at arms' length and her secrets close. As a Freelancer she's accomplished numerous feats, becoming known throughout Remnant by humans and faunus alike. Her taking a position at Beacon shocked those who knew of her to say the least, as she's always traveled from place to place. The idea of her settling down and teaching seems unlikely, but she still takes on assignments as a Huntress despite her new position.


Semblance- No one who has met her and survived can claim to say they know her Semblance. Some speculate it's what gives her the raw power she exhibits on and off the battlefield, but it's argued she's just naturally strong. If she has a Semblance it most certainly hasn't materialized in front of anyone, nor has she ever mentioned it.


Symbol and Symbol location- Her symbol consists of a basic O with a T inside. Both of them are the color of charcoal, with the spaces in-between transparent. It can be found as a patch on the left shoulder of every jacket she owns.


Main Color- Charcoal


Anything else- It's rumored she's only working at Beacon due to owing the Headmaster a favor. This would explain her lack of emotion while teaching and why she rarely hesitates to leave the academy on assignments as a Huntress. It should be noted this is just a rumor, however, as is basically any and all information regarding her. Almost everything about Azure (if that's even her name) comes from speculation, as she never talks about herself or her past. One thing that can be confidently reported is that her career as a Freelancer has earned her the title "The Tacit Hero" by the people and "The Hushed Claw" amongst faunus.


"From Shadows"


(Let me know if we can only make students, I figured a Professor was probably needed to watch over all the characters created so far)

Edited by アクア

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Name- Fuchsia Blossom (Pink Blossom)


Age- 18


Gender- Female


Appearance- Fuchsia is five feet tall exactly (152 cm) and five feet with 3 inches (160 cm) when wearing her heel boots. Natural tan skin. She has long pink hair that when free reaches just above her knee area. However she always wears her hair in two long pig tails that have a curly wave appearance as they reach down to her shoulders, these being held by two white bows. Delicate yet charming sharp eyes that are a dark shade pf pink. She wears two simple golden earrings with pink star rubies that glimmer with a star when exposed to light. To match a delicate golden necklace with star rubies decorating its front. Also three golden hoop bracelets on her left wrist. She usually wears a delicate white,short hoopskirt dress that reaches a few inches above the knee,having a heartshaped neckline with thin pink straps to hold it up,and multiple designs,fabric and rushes colored different shades of pink that contrast against the white. White heel boots that reach below the knee.


Human or Faunus?- Human


If Faunus, what kind of Faunus and what part of you is a Faunus?


Weapon- Sakura Dancer. A pink and green scythe (much like Marluxia's) with a gun mechanism on the pole,so she can switch from slashing and dicing to aiming and shooting.


Biography- Daughter of the owner of a clothing designer company. Though not as high status as the prestigious Schnee family,Fuchsia was raised with every comfort in life. She has never known hunger,nor desperation,nor need. If there was any downside in her life it would be the fact of her illness,as she was born with Congestive Heart Failure,and due to this has always been a rather fragile child,preventing her from doing many things most children could do in the fear that her heart would stop. She did expressed her desire to become a student at beacon at such early age,much to her parent's dismay. But with determination and many private lessons,she was trained and taught how to fight and use her abilities,showing she is a very stubborn person as she will refuse to back down because of her illness,even if it affects her greatly. She considers Fannus as lower beings just like her parents do.


Semblance- Her Semblance takes shape in the form of pink aura that shows itself as multiple cherry blossom petals huddled together as if lead by the wind. With this she can control it and use it as a matter of offense or defense,as in battle it goes along with her fighting style.


Symbol and Symbol location- Her symbol is a cherry-blossom within a circle,colored in different shades of pink. It's location is on the heel of her boots,and the front of her dress.


Main Color- Fuchsia (Pink)


Anything else-



-She is rather spoiled,stubborn and has a difficult personality to handle at first meeting.

-Her illness can prove deadly if she's not careful,which is one of the reasons Sien is tagging along with her.

-She hates bugs.

-She is noted to have a very loud laugh.

-Her theme would be:





Name- Sienna Apricot (Goes by Sien)


Age- 15


Gender- Male


Appearance- He is five feet and 5 inches tall (165 cm). Light skin. He has short,spicky brownish-orange hair. He has big,sort of floppy kangaroo ears. Orange eyes that almost gleam like fire when exposed to light. He wears a dark orange hoodie,dark brown pants and some sneakers. He wears what seems to be aviator goggles and can be found wearing bandages due to little accidents here and there.


Human or Faunus?- Fannus


If Faunus, what kind of Faunus and what part of you is a Faunus?- Kangaroo. He has Kangaroo ears,rather big and floppy too.


Weapon- Dual pistols that have blades at the end of them. They work close range and long range. (Haseo's dual pistols for reference)


Biography- Not much is known of Sien's past or family. Even when asked he will find a way to quickly change the topic to something else,hinting something bad may have happened that he refuses to speak about. All that it is known is that he met Fuchsia through her instructor as he helped with Fuchsia's private lessons. The two have been getting along ever since,and are considered friends.


Semblance- His semblance has him have super-strength,especially in his legs. Because of this he can easily jump up and around at very high altitudes,and deliver devastating kicks.


Symbol and Symbol location- His symbol is a particular unusual symbol of a mix of a circle,arrow,a curl among others. Displayed in white it can be found on the back of his hoodie. He doesn't mention what it means.


Main Color- Orange


Anything else-



-He is a rather playful persona and even in dire situations he is found smiling

-Fuchsia notes she has never seen him cry. Even in situations where most people would cry,he wouldn't.

-He is very stubborn about talking of his past. He will either ignore the question or divert to another topic.

-It's a rarity to see him mad

-He suffers from Arsonphobia/Pyrophobia (irrational fear of fire)

-His themesong would be:







She hates the color orange





"Mirror Mirror"

Edited by Stardustblade358

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