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Lady Aleister


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We all know the original four...


Red like roses...fills my dreams and brings me to the place you rest. 

White is cold and always yearning...burden by...a royal test.

Black the beast descends from shadows...

Yellow beauty burns....gold.


Their time isn't now...but in the future.


Beacon Academy has just been established, and more grim are appearing in unusual places. 

The White Fang is starting to become more...noticed. 


Will faunus and humans live together in peace? 

Or will the Grim and the White Fang tear them apart?






 Posted Image










Character Sheets:




Appearance(DESCRIPTIONS ONLY!! References are allowed and drawings made by you are allowed)- 

Human or Faunus?-

If Faunus, what kind of Faunus and what part of you is a Faunus?-


Biography (OPTIONAL)-


Symbol and Symbol location (SAME AS APPEARANCE RULES)-

Main Color-

Anything else-






Character Sheets:

Name- Kuro Siavash

Age- 16

Gender- Female

Appearance(DESCRIPTIONS ONLY!! References are allowed and drawings made by you are allowed)- Kuro is a rather innocent looking girl with pale skin, amber eyes, and black messy waist-length hair. She has two black cat ears with a white center atop her head and a black bobbed tail with a white spot at the top. She wears a white tanktop under a black oversized long-sleeved shirt, and a white skirt. Kuro also wears white socks that are slightly passed her knees and black boots. 

Human or Faunus?- Faunus

If Faunus, what kind of Faunus and what part of you is a Faunus?- Japanese bobtail, cat ears and a bobbed tail. 

Weapon (SAME AS APPEARANCE RULES)- Night Dancer, a huge sword which is lift mainly by Kuro's gravity control. She can shoot fire magic only from it. She sword can also be shift into a large bow and arrow. 

Biography (OPTIONAL)-

Semblance- Gravity control around a 5 meter area

Symbol and Symbol location (SAME AS APPEARANCE RULES)- A bobtail-like symbol that is a blue color. It is located on the heel of her boots and at the tip of Night Dancer. It resembles a flame. 

Main Color- Black

Anything else- 
Kuro loves sweets
She hates people mocking her tail
She adores her sword
She practices her archery in her free time. 
Kuro prefers large clothes
She hates the color orange
Her second favorite color is a dark, gentle blue. 
My song is "From Shadows". 
Edited by Neko-chan

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Link MONTY'S RULES is broken. will edit this.
Name- Altia Bellu Kanashii

Age- 16

Gender- Male

Appearance Wears a longsleeved white turtleneck with a black bow in the chest and has long white feminine hair, worn in two pigtails, giving an androgynous appearance. Wears dark blue Victorian era shorts with black stockings and blue lace-less dress shoes.

Human or Faunus?- Faunus

If Faunus, what kind of Faunus and what part of you is a Faunus?- Snake. Eyes are dark blue with black slits. Tongue can be extended by 8 inches. Right side of face and hand/arm have light blue, almost white, scales.

Weapon (SAME AS APPEARANCE RULES)- True weapon is semblance A dark gold visor he can lower to his eyes. It has aiming function, which helps since point-blank spitting is worse than hip-firing. On the left and right on his ears are mini antlers (2 inches long) connected to the visor with blue jades on the center.

Biography (OPTIONAL)- Parents killed during a peaceful protest by Vale police at the age of 12, giving him an anarchist attitude. Lived by himself ever since, steaing money and food to support himself. Occasionally ate rats whole during that time.

Semblance- This is unique. He can turn his own spit into sharp crystals with his thoughts. He cannot manually control/home them mid-air, so he needs to spit them at a person first to properly 'shoot' them. He CAN crystallize them mid air though. Spit patterns can cause interesting snowflake-like bullets.

Symbol and Symbol location (SAME AS APPEARANCE RULES)- Two black snakes facing each other, in a heart shape. Over his own heart.

Main Color- Lakeview blue.

Anything else-

Likes to hiss.

S pronounced Sssss

Calls girls cute.

Has soft voice, but is just a facade.

Likes to stick out tongue.

Apathetic, aloof, and quiet.

This will be the day.

Edited by Soul Eater Evans

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(I'll post pretty soon, but you messed up the Monty's link. And... anyone know the song from the end of episode 3? Volume 1.)

Character Sheets:

Name- Buru Slepkava. (+1 Internet to you if you know what this word means. If you know where I first heard it... you're probably me from the future.)

Age- 18

Gender- Male

Appearance(DESCRIPTIONS ONLY!! References are allowed and drawings made by you are allowed)- (Gah, if only I could draw) Tall, blue eyes, Black hair, blue pants, normally wears a blue shirt with a pocket on it, is thin, wears glasses, and is normally unkempt.

Human or Faunus?- Human

If Faunus, what kind of Faunus and what part of you is a Faunus?-

Weapon (SAME AS APPEARANCE RULES)- A pure blue bow. It fires arrows made out of shadows, connected to his semblance.

Biography (OPTIONAL)-

Semblance- His own shadow almost has it's own life. He can transform it into arrows. It will interact with the environment, if it feels like it.

Symbol and Symbol location (SAME AS APPEARANCE RULES)- A small black wave, appearing at both the top of his bow, and can also be found on his shirt pocket

Main Color- Blue

Anything else- If people mock him for using a bow, he will hit them with it. He feels pretty sensitive about it.

He can use regular arrows in his bow, but doesn't like to.

He needs his glasses, and is almost blind without them.

His shadow likes to mess with people, but Buru can get it to stop.


Favorite song: Gold. (The one from the end of Episode 3 of Volume 1)

Edited by Sho Minamimoto

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Have you seen Disney's Princess and the Frog?The voodoo-man's shadow powers is what I think of when it comes to shadows.

What a fallacious statement. "''I've got friends... on the other side." (His name was Dr. Facilier. Which sounds like...)


And I shall edit it.


Edited! Just took the inspiration from him.

Edited by Sho Minamimoto

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You know I read anything. The only reason I don't post one is because I'm on mobile.


Name- Sandrew Toret

Age- 15

Gender- male

Appearanc:(if Daniel Black ever dose his appearance, is it possible that I could use that?) A shorter, light-brown haired and eyed boy, his smaller stature and slightly bushy, messy hair. His clothes are incredibly light and provide free movement.

Human or Faunus?- human

If Faunus, what kind of Faunus and what part of you is a Faunus?-

Weapon (SAME AS APPEARANCE RULES)- has a set of multiple weapons. The base weapon is a larger buster sword with nothing special about it. It will convert then to a firiy lonaw or with a heated edge, then a watery broadsword that sprays liquid. Then a claymore that provides chunks of earth to use as projectiles, next to a fencing foil that sends our blustering winds. Next, a set of Kunai, knives, the sort that can explode into ash and clog the air. A Rapier with an icy crystal form, which also releases icy crystals, and that's it

Biography (OPTIONAL)- after loosing his family to draft of the army and illness, he was sent to train as the only one who was left in his family. He is frightfully weak, though.

Semblance- elemental controls: he can control the elements to a degree, only for as long as he has the phisical energy to preform the action, however.

Symbol and Symbol location (SAME AS APPEARANCE RULES)- he has a brown and black crystal that is on both of his shoulders, as well as on the back of his left glove

Main Color- brown

Anything else- nothing I can think of at this time.


Personally, it's a tie between Ruby Rose, Red Like roses Part 2, Wings, and the I Burn Remix.

Edited by Guest

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You know I read anything. The only reason I don't post one is because I'm on mobile.Name- Sandrew ToretAge- 15Gender- maleAppearanc:(if Daniel Black ever dose his appearance, is it possible that I could use that?) A shorter, light-brown haired and eyed boy, his smaller stature and slightly bushy, messy hair. His clothes are incredibly light and provide free movement.Human or Faunus?- humanIf Faunus, what kind of Faunus and what part of you is a Faunus?-Weapon (SAME AS APPEARANCE RULES)- has a set of multiple weapons. The base weapon is a larger buster sword with nothing special about it. It will convert then to a firiy lonaw or with a heated edge, then a watery broadsword that sprays liquid. Then a claymore that provides chunks of earth to use as projectiles, next to a fencing foil that sends our blustering winds. Next, a set of Kunai, knives, the sort that can explode into ash and clog the air. A Rapier with an icy crystal form, which also releases icy crystals, and that's itBiography (OPTIONAL)- after loosing his family to draft of the army and illness, he was sent to train as the only one who was left in his family. He is frightfully weak, though.Semblance- elemental controls: he can control the elements to a degree, only for as long as he has the phisical energy to preform the action, however.Symbol and Symbol location (SAME AS APPEARANCE RULES)- he has a brown and black crystal that is on both of his shoulders, as well as on the back of his left gloveMain Color- brownAnything else- nothing I can think of at this time.

Ohai Sandrew!

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Name: Viridem Mors

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Appearance: (Really, descriptions only? Been a while since I ran across that rule....) Viridem wears black short shorts with green sneaker style- shoes that go all the way up to right below her knee. She wears a black tank top underneath a dark green medium- length sleeved shirt that hangs off her shoulders. Her right wrist is adorned with a brilliant gold bracelet with jade implanted. She has long wavy green hair worn down with no bangs. She has green eyes and long lashes. Viridem rarely smiles, and her expression is often one of disdain.

Human or Faunus?: Human

Weapon: A two foot blade, sleek and pointed, but can lengthen into a glaive. If you flipped the weapon around while in glaive form, you could fire sniper rounds from it. The blade of the weapon is green, but the rest is maroon. The name is Eternal Gale.

Bio: Viridem comes from a poor family, which is difficult to guess from her superior air she carries herself with. She refused to stay where she had been born, and was not about to give up despite the rest of her family and friends seemed resigned to a subpar kind of life. But Viridem refused to stay. She worked herself half to death. Training, working whatever job she could. One day, she was attacked by some stupid thugs in the alleyway. Of course, they chose the wrong pretty face to mess with, clearing them up quickly and relentlessly. Fortunately, a hunter passing by saw her, and offered to take her in as an apprentice. Viridem quickly accepted, her goal of getting out of the slums realized. Under the hunter's guidance she was able to grow in expertise, and even make her own weapon. She worked under the guiding hand of her hunter mentor for a while, before finally, he decided it was time she received some formal education, and sent Viridem to Beacon.

Semblance: Wind manipulation, though she primarily uses this to boost her speed and jump height, it can be used for other purposes.

Symbol and Location: A green oval shaped jewel, on the right leg of her shorts.

Main Color: Green

Anything Else?

She's mean. Deal with it.

Her name is pronounced: Weeredem from the Latin it originated from. She is touchy when you mispronounce it.

Her low status birth is the bane of Viridem's existence, and mentioning it will likely get you stabbed.


I like From Shadows a lot, but Mirror, Mirror is super pretty.


I may or may not make another character if that's allowed.

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Might as well as just do it now


Name- Rosa

Age- 18

Gender- Female

Appearance(DESCRIPTIONS ONLY!! References are allowed and drawings made by you are allowed)- A fairly thin girl, with long black hair, and a red bandana that rests on her chest. She wears a blue coat, with a red belt and crimson boots. Stockings cover her legs, leading up to a red skirt. Her eyes are sharp, portraying the tough intelligence she has. She wears a headband that looks similar to cat ears, but she is not a faunus. It is merely decoration.

Human or Faunus?- Human

Weapon (SAME AS APPEARANCE RULES)- A powerful, high-velocity Gatling gun that can become a bastard sword.

Biography (OPTIONAL)- Rosa comes from a small town, where little happens. At least, of course, until a horde of demons known as Grimm. Her family, and even her entire town was wiped out just quickly as the demons had come. Scarlet survived, miraculously,, hoping to prove herself as strong as her own foster mother.

Semblance- Her semblance gives Rosa the appearance of actually being a faunus, and strengthens her speed. Translucent red claws appears on her fingers as well.

Symbol and Symbol location (SAME AS APPEARANCE RULES)- A paw-print that rests on her upper left back.

Main Color- Crimson

I burn

Edited by Silver Kuroi

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Ohai Sandrew!

 Sandrew: ohai! 

Might as well as just do it now


Name- Scarlet

Age- 18

Gender- Female

Appearance(DESCRIPTIONS ONLY!! References are allowed and drawings made by you are allowed)- A fairly thin girl, with long black hair, and a red bandana that rests on her chest. She wears a blue coat, with a red belt and crimson boots. Stockings cover her legs, leading up to a red skirt. Her eyes are sharp, portraying the tough intelligence she has. She wears a headband that looks similar to cat ears, but she is not a faunus. It is merely decoration.

Human or Faunus?- Human

Weapon (SAME AS APPEARANCE RULES)- A powerful, high-velocity Gatling gun that can become a large bastard sword.

Biography (OPTIONAL)- Scarlet comes from a small town, where little happens. At least, of course, until a horde of demons known as Grimm. Her family, and even her entire town was wiped out just quickly as the demons had come. Scarlet survived, miraculously, and was found alone by a older female faunus, a cat-eared one, who raised Scarlet as her own. Years passed, and Scarlet grew up. Now, she hopes to become a student at beacon; the same as her foster mother once was.

Semblance- Her semblance gives Scarlet the appearance of actually being a faunus, and strengthens her speed. Translucent red claws appears on her fingers as well.

Symbol and Symbol location (SAME AS APPEARANCE RULES)- A paw-print that rests on her upper left back.

Main Color- Crimson

I burn

 A long... longsword...? 

Name: Viridem Mors

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Appearance: (Really, descriptions only? Been a while since I ran across that rule....) Viridem wears black short shorts with green sneaker style- shoes that go all the way up to right below her knee. She wears a black tank top underneath a dark green medium- length sleeved shirt that hangs off her shoulders. Her right wrist is adorned with a brilliant gold bracelet with jade implanted. She has long wavy green hair worn down with no bangs. She has green eyes and long lashes. Viridem rarely smiles, and her expression is often one of disdain.

Human or Faunus?: Human

Weapon: A two foot blade, sleek and pointed, but can lengthen into a glaive. If you flipped the weapon around while in glaive form, you could fire sniper rounds from it. The blade of the weapon is green, but the rest is maroon. The name is Eternal Gale.

Bio: Viridem comes from a poor family, which is difficult to guess from her superior air she carries herself with. She refused to stay where she had been born, and was not about to give up despite the rest of her family and friends seemed resigned to a subpar kind of life. But Viridem refused to stay. She worked herself half to death. Training, working whatever job she could. One day, she was attacked by some stupid thugs in the alleyway. Of course, they chose the wrong pretty face to mess with, clearing them up quickly and relentlessly. Fortunately, a hunter passing by saw her, and offered to take her in as an apprentice. Viridem quickly accepted, her goal of getting out of the slums realized. Under the hunter's guidance she was able to grow in expertise, and even make her own weapon. She worked under the guiding hand of her hunter mentor for a while, before finally, he decided it was time she received some formal education, and sent Viridem to Beacon.

Semblance: Wind manipulation, though she primarily uses this to boost her speed and jump height, it can be used for other purposes.

Symbol and Location: A green oval shaped jewel, on the right leg of her shorts.

Main Color: Green

Anything Else?

She's mean. Deal with it.

Her name is pronounced: Weeredem from the Latin it originated from. She is touchy when you mispronounce it.

Her low status birth is the bane of Viridem's existence, and mentioning it will likely get you stabbed.

I like From Shadows a lot, but Mirror, Mirror is super pretty.

I may or may not make another character if that's allowed.

Meanie seem to be the personality you go with a lot as of late. Any particular reason why?

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Edited to fix redundancy.

Hold on, my logic processor is still in the middle of becoming potato because of that.

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