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Did I say something wrong?

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idk maybe I'm just super extremely paranoid but for some reason I'm getting this vibe that some people here think I'm annoying or something?


Like for instance in my intro topic I see some people post in everyone elses but mine? Or some people completely ignoring a question I ask them, then see them talking and replying to other people instead of me, what did I do wrong, how do I fix this : (

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Oh crap. I usually try to respond to every intro thread I can find, but I must not have noticed yours! How are you doing, friend? Do you need a warm blanket? A glass of water? Cookies? We've got cookies here. 

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Sorry, who are you again?



Oh crap. I usually try to respond to every intro thread I can find, but I must not have noticed yours! How are you doing, friend? Do you need a warm blanket? A glass of water? Cookies? We've got cookies here.

You're such a liar. There are no cookies here. Edited by Zola

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You're fine. I myself have actually had this feeling before, and to be honest, its all in your head. Not everybody is going to jump onto your intro thread the moment you post it, and that can apply to whatever else you do on the forums. Besides, you already said you're new, so you haven't done anything wrong at all. At least, not to my knowledge. So yeah, don't worry about it.


Oh yeah, and allow me to introduce myself: Sensei. Firaga Sensei. I am the fire king of KH13. ;)

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I see nothing wrong with you at all. We just, can't always keep up with peoples Intros and such. Most of the time, yes but, on this one occasion, no...and it makes me feel bad.


Nothing wrong with you at all, you're not causing any unnecessary drama, arguments over nothing or being mean so, you're good in my eyes. :)

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nah is just someone is lazy around (like me) and other is lazy to reply *cough* *cough* nevermind xP

don't worry man, just say what you want to say! Nobody eat you, so carefull... i mean "nobody" no "Nobody" :D

nobody hate you...... for now :O joking is like the first day of school, you enter and thing "i don't have idea why i'm here or what to do" then you start to know people with same interests of your and little by little you adapt on the place around you xD

even if you say something wrong we can discuss about that without creating a mess, so go easy and random ;)

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I never post in the introduction threads because I'm lazy and they're mostly the same old "Hey hope you like it here!" song and dance. If a newcomer is having fun they'll integrate themselves into the community organically, so there's no need to force it. Really, don't sweat it. Not every post you make will be a winner, especially when no one really knows you yet.

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