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Shera Wizard

This just happened and I wanted ya'll to know

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Well what I'm going to tell all of you is no way related to my return xD It's my semester break and well, I just popped in. ((I know I'm being a little Wizzard piece of shit "popping in" and leaving after a day but im sorreh ;~;))


Although something really...scary(?) happened a few days back and I'm still recovering good. This isnt to get attention or sympathy, or heck, maybe it is, but my big mouth is really itching in its finest sense to tell all of you who may be viewing this thread/post.


For minor reasons, I'm just naming my town 'Town A' and my hometown 'Town B'.

So here goes.


On  29th of September (Monday last week) my family and I left for Town B on a 3-day vacation. Our house in Town A (where I left from) was all secured and taken care of security-wise stuff like, all of the switched cables and sockets were uh, secured, again. 


We reached Town B by 11 PM that same day, we retired for the night, happy and safe.

So what the heck, next morning my dad gets this call from one of neighbors asking for our spare house keys back at Town A. Upon inquiry, he says that he saw smoke coming out of our window and that the curtains were one fire. Now let me tell you, this was our first very own house, and its no more than 2 years old to be one fire ;w;

Anyhoos, by the time the Fire service arrived, the damage had been done, our living room was ravaged, the dining room was ravaged and so was the kitchen.


For further information if you're really curious as to how it happened:





The fire started by a short circuit of a small zero-watt bulb which was hung directly above our couch. So this bulb, it bursts and falls right onto our couch, and starts flaming like a turned on pyromaniac.


Danger was, a similar bulb in the dining area also caught on fire although by the time, all the power lines were tripped. So yeah, since the house was closed, all windows and openings shut, the smoke drifted upward, towards the first-floor lounge. This "smoke" was pitch-black thanks to the material of the couch which was on fire. And viola! All of the white walls of our house turned a beautiful black 8D




On one side, I'm really happy that there was no damage or harm done to anyone's lives. And I'm ever so grateful for our neighbors.


But the thing is, i kind of maybe

saw it coming?





We'd cancelled our tickets for Town B a few days earlier due to political tensions in our country. But we managed to rebook them the day before we left (28th Sept. Sunday). Normally, I'd be really happy, but that night, 


I had this shaking feeling that I was going to die on our way there. NOW I KNOW IT SOUNDS CRAZY AND STUPID BUT IM A PARANOID PERSON OKAY ;~;


I tried to brush that feeling off, but it just WOULDN'T. The next day (29th) right before we left, my family and I were all gathered in the living room...sitting on the couch and THIS IS ALSO SOUNDS CRAZY BUT IT JUST HAPPENED- my mind kept telling me that this was the last time I'm seeing my house like this. I felt really disturbed after that, but the journey went smooth, I didnt die. So when we reached Town B I was all to myself, punching my brain for scaring me like a bitch, but tHAT FEELING DID NOT LEAVE. That whole night, all that was in my mind was "Something's gonna happen. Something devastating" And the next morning. It firetrucking did.







tl;dr : My house caught on fire and I may have "predicted" it and I feel guilty. Yay or nay? Thoughts?



also sorry for the long-ass post :3

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well, there's nothing to be guilty about, there was nobody inside.... maybe you could have try and say to control better the things before leave (is not an accusation,eh)

sometime happen to predict something, me too have some "premonition" about a person (al least 4 times i got it right...paranormal? lucky?) but in the end things go the way that have to go. i do sometimes told myself "told you it's gonna happen" but the truth is just you can't do nothing, maybe even if you go and said "hey, this gonna happen!" what kind of aswer you think you got in return? most probably a "DAFUQ?!"

so is just something a temporally trauma or something.... or i hope so! :D (if i don't read wrong)

hope i help somehow xD

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well, there's nothing to be guilty about, there was nobody inside.... maybe you could have try and say to control better the things before leave (is not an accusation,eh)

sometime happen to predict something, me too have some "premonition" about a person (al least 4 times i got it right...paranormal? lucky?) but in the end things go the way that have to go. i do sometimes told myself "told you it's gonna happen" but the truth is just you can't do nothing, maybe even if you go and said "hey, this gonna happen!" what kind of aswer you think you got in return? most probably a "DAFUQ?!"

so is just something a temporally trauma or something.... or i hope so! :D (if i don't read wrong)

hope i help somehow xD


Ah thanks xD And you have a point too, this is the first time this has ever happened to me so yeah, people be DAFUQ xD That's true. Thanks for your reply :D 

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Ah thanks xD And you have a point too, this is the first time this has ever happened to me so yeah, people be DAFUQ xD That's true. Thanks for your reply :D


you're welcome! and in my case (one of them) was about a girl (tell the truth was all them about her :/ ) and how can i pop out of nowhere and say "hey *****, you have to break up with your boyfriend, he's an asshole... is gonna hurt you!" and say this when: 1) i'm shy  2) i like her (that time) so my shyness is x2 (at minimum)

pretty awkward, huh? xP other the DAFUQ a slap (and a "heart ache") is a minimum i think xD

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Don't feel bad Shera! I'm just happy that you are ok. It's probably better that you weren't home. Maybe you could have done something, but you and your family could have been hurt by all the nasty smoke to top it off, so just be happy that the house was saved and no one was physically worse for it.

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wow dude that's insane. I'm so sorry that happened to you! : (


The lucky part about it is nothing of significant value got destroyed such as a laptop, gaming systems, etc.


And that intuition is frightening...I mean I've had some weird intuitions too, but whoa.


I hope you all recover from this fairly easily



Ah thanks xD And you have a point too, this is the first time this has ever happened to me so yeah, people be DAFUQ xD That's true. Thanks for your reply :D

Sorry if I offended you, sometimes I tend to ramble and say something off-base, I hope you don't hold it against me Edited by Zola

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Not long ago my mom was giving the dog a bath, and the lightbulb directly above them exploded for no reason. No one got hurt but a shard could have easily landed in the water, on the dog, or my mom's head -- and they couldn't have prevented it because exploding lightbulbs aren't exactly things you anticipate. The short answer is don't kick yourself over it. But praise be to good neighbors.

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Oh damn D:


I'm glad to hear that you didn't get hurt Shera, but damn all of that just from a lightbulb :/


And now the walls of your house turned into metal fans /shot





Not long ago my mom was giving the dog a bath, and the lightbulb directly above them exploded for no reason. No one got hurt but a shard could have easily landed in the water, on the dog, or my mom's head -- and they couldn't have prevented it because exploding lightbulbs aren't exactly things you anticipate. The short answer is don't kick yourself over it. But praise be to good neighbors.

 Oh dayum :O 


Thank goodness no one was hurt in your case also ;~; And yep, what's done is long gone and over I guess.

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There's nothing to feel guilty about. Yes you had a feeling that something was going to happen, but did you really know for sure or have even the slightest hint that something was going to cause this? No. Lots of people get a sort of "hunch" that something is going to happen, but they can't really act on it since they have no idea  where to look, when to look and what to do.Just be happy that no one got hurt and I hope the fire didn't do any serious financial damage.

Edited by Col.Random

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Just gonna put this out there.


A car exploded two doors away from me once and set the house neighboring mine on fire as well as another car which could have also exploded.


Welcome to Scotland.

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