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Timothy Ling Jit Houng

Something that killed my feelings for Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep...

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Heck make it Teen rated and allow it to become darker. That scene is so awesome!


In fact, the original Disney animations such as Snow White and Peter Pan do have their dark moments.

The scene where the Evil Queen transforms into an old hag was even censored in some countries for being "too scary".


Kingdom Hearts could follow that line u.u

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To be honest, I think it should be in there as well. Not only does it add suspense to this moment and helps add feeling, but it is a very easy way to show the audience who is in control of terranort. Yes it's a series that's rated E, but for a game series that has fighting as its base mechanic, there is not a whole lot they can do to add suspense. As long as they don't show blood, (I don't even really

Care about this, but for the sake of an E rating) they should be allowed to show a bit of violence.


If it makes you feel better, in this scene he is not gripping her by the neck, he is only grabbing the front of her shirt to hold her up.

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my thought about this was: "hand off on aqua, you moron!" >:(

it doesn't metter if is the shirt or the neck..or other part! well, in the end he got was he deserved for what he did to aqua xP

anymay yup, me too i don't see problem in this cutscene (well i was already half old at that time, 16-17 years old xD)

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This is what I'm talking about.


She asks for her stepdaugher to be killed AND for her heart.

She becomes an old hag in a very scary scene.

She dies like the image.


I was scared as a kid when I watched these. Why must Kingdom Hearts be so light rated if Disney itself wasn't? (nowadays they really are sissies).


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Eh, to be honest, it's not even that clear how he's holding her. It could be by her neck, by her shirt, anything. I'd say it's by the neck of her shirt, it makes the most sense. I mean if this is how you determine how the game got an E10+ rating, then I guess you never noticed the "bouncy bounce" moment in the Keyblade Graveyard or Hades' "wandering" eyes in one scene with Aqua.  >.>

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This still isn't even as bad as DDD though. I mean, Xemnas semi-chokeslammed MICKEY MOUSE into a wall/really really tall chair!I'm surprised Disney let that happen, and yet I have a feeling there was a bit more violence before Nomura had to change the scene.

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What's so wrong with it? Terra just took advantage of the fact that he could grab Aqua's boob and blame it on xehanort c:Besides, i wouldn't consider this dark. If anything Kingdom Hearts, at times, tries too hard to make itself "safe for kids". Even Disney movies have a few dark and violent moments. You'd think a game made by both Square and Disney would have some really dark moments of it own

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I'd hardly call this scary.


Yes. It was surprising. But NOT because it was inappropriate or violent or anything. It was just shocking to suddenly see Terra start strangling Aqua.

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