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No word on an Android version of FF Tactics

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After years of waiting and plenty of demand there is still no word on an Android version of Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions being released outside of Japan. I even asked Square Enix Europe's Japanese game Community Manager and this was his response.



As an Android user myself I wish there was some news on FF Tactics on Android but sadly there isn't :(


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Not unusual for Square Enix. TWEWY: Solo Remix came out years after it was released on iOS, and I don't think there is an English version of Live Remix. They seem more focused on iOS than they are on Android. I would really like to know why...

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Not unusual for Square Enix. TWEWY: Solo Remix came out years after it was released on iOS, and I don't think there is an English version of Live Remix. They seem more focused on iOS than they are on Android. I would really like to know why...


Live Remix is just some social crap they shut down.


They aren't more focused on iOS now. They used to be, but heck the Android version of FFVI came out like two weeks before the iOS version.

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