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Timothy Ling Jit Houng

Can't Xemnas wield a Keyblade?

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I think I've died by the both Unknown's hands enough times to be convinced that lightsabers ARE badass enough to defeat Keyblade warriors, so yeah, he's not useless.  >.>


Also, Nomura suggested that Xemnas could have been able to wield a Keyblade, he just never chose to use it for some reason.

Edited by Hero of Light XIV

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That is completely the reason he is useless. He just slacks around, waiting for others to do their stuff. He might be worst than Demyx. (Sorry again to all Xemnas's fans)

Unlike Demyx, who's just lazy for laziness' sake, Xemnas actually has a purpose to his apparent 'laziness', even if he is just 'waiting for others to do stuff'. According to Dream Drop Distance, however, he was actively conspiring with his other selves to forward that plan in case the one he's messing with in KHII and 358 didn't pan out. 


Not to mention the fact that he totally would have won if not for the combined efforts of Sora and Riku. If either one of them had tried to take him alone, they would've gotten creamed.

Edited by Kaweebo

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That is completely the reason he is useless. He just slacks around, waiting for others to do their stuff. He might be worst than Demyx. (Sorry again to all Xemnas's fans)

I think it's often implied that Xemnas is constantly doing something secretly, so it just looks like he's doing nothing at all.Also Xemnas doesn't really need to use a keyblade when he can just slice things in half with light sabers, teleport instantly, fly and shoot laser beams at you with way more accuracy than all the stormtroopers ever born

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That is completely the reason he is useless. He just slacks around, waiting for others to do their stuff. He might be worst than Demyx. (Sorry again to all Xemnas's fans)


but he's doing his job: the boss have to lazy around and let the other work.. and their even no payed and have only ONE day of vacation.... is a miracle nobody (LOL) left the organization for this (probably is because if they do, they're dead xD )

most probably can't use the keyblade because nomura never thought about it before the game was released :ph34r:

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This is the way I always saw it:In order to wield a keyblade, you need to have both the ability and heart. Roxas was using the keyblade because he inherited the ability from Sora and he had Ven's heart. Xemnas had both as well, but that would have revealed he had a heart. Remember, with the exception of Xigbar and possibly Saix, Xemnas told the Organization they could only get hearts by following his orders, and lied to them about not having hearts.Nobody thought much of Roxas, because they just assumed he could wield the keyblade because of his original form (Sora). None of the Organization, again with the exception of Xigbar, knew that Xemnas originally came from 2 keyblade wielders. If Xemnas started running around with a keyblade, then they would have thought something was going on. Vexen and Zexion definitely would have figured out Xemnas' lie then.That's what I think anyway.

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